Quantitative proton density (qPD) mapping can be used to measure tissue water content, whose alteration are often linked to pathological conditions. Quantitative MRI methods have been developed in order to make results numerically coherent, but require specific sequences often missing in standard clinical protocols. In this study, an existing approach for the reconstruction of qPD maps from clinical data was corrected to take into account excitation B1 field inhomogeneities, and compared to qPD maps obtained via multi parametric mapping (MPM). The applied correction made clinical-derived qPD maps more similar to the MPM reference than the uncorrected method, without the need of additional specific sequences.
qPD, T2 and T1 maps from clinical (turbo spin-echo (TSE)) data were calculated by solving the associated Bloch equation system:
where Si, with i=PD,T2,T1, represents PD,T2,T1-weighted signal. For the TSE readout, the TE corresponding to the echo signal acquired along the central line of the k-space was considered as representative of the whole image2. Bias field correction was then applied to the qPD maps as described in3, where maps are normalised to the mean qPD value in the ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
Under the hypothesis that the real B1 might not coincide with the nominal one, the expression for magnetisation recovery at time TR would be:
$$\int ^{M_z} _{\beta M_0} \frac{\text{d}M_z}{M_z-M_0}=-\int_0^\text{TR}\frac{\text{d}t}{T_1}$$
where M0 is the longitudinal magnetisation at equilibrium, and β is the fraction of longitudinal magnetisation surviving after the pulse (nominally β=0 for a perfect 90° pulse). By solving the integral, since the signal is proportional to $$$M_z(\text{TR})$$$, the system can be expressed as
Acquired data: All scans were acquired on four healthy controls (1 female, mean age 34±4years), using a 3T Philips Achieva MR system, with a 32-channel head coil and multi-transmit technology. The clinical protocol comprised a PD/T2-weighted TSE(scan-time=4’02”, TE=19/85ms, TR=3.5s, 1x1x3mm) and a T1-weighted inversion recovery-TSE(scan-time=5’43”, TE=10ms, TR=625ms, 1x1x3mm).
The MPM protocol consisted of three (product) multi-echo 3D sagittal (1x1x1mm) SPGR sequences with MT-, PD- or T1-weighting (TR=18ms, flip angle ɑ=23°/4° for T1w/PDw; TR=30ms, ɑ=9°, MT-pulse ɑ=220°, duration=8ms, offset frequency=1kHz for MT-weighted, with six equidistant TE=2.4-14.4ms, SENSE=2.5, partial Fourier=5/8, FOV=256x240x170mm). B1 mapping was performed using actual flip angle imaging (AFI)(ɑ=60°, TR1/TR2/TE=30/150/2.3ms)4.
Data analysis: qPD maps were calculated for different β-values(Fig.1). After bias field correction, average qPD in white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) were calculated for each β. A cost function was defined as the norm of the difference-vector between the obtained mean values and those found in literature (WM:0.69, GM:0.80)5. The best-β for each subject was then used to calculate the final qPD map. A second qPD map was calculated for each subject, using the average best-β across subjects.
Processing was performed using in-house written Matlab code, similarly to1,6, with T1 maps corrected for B1 errors using AFI4. Bias field correction was then applied.All qPD maps were then linearly calibrated so that the average value in WM was 0.69.
Comparison: The MPM-qPD map for each subject was considered as a reference. The root-mean-square difference (RMSD) between the clinical-qPD maps and the reference was then calculated for each of the two methods. RMSD was computed in the whole brain, WM, GM and ventricular CSF, using probabilistic masks thresholded at 99%.
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