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An efficient facial de-identification method for structural 3D neuroimages
Ke Gan1 and Weitian Chen1

1Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, The Chinese University of HongKong, SHATIN, Hong Kong


A major challenge to facial de-identification in 3D brain MR images is to find a trade-off between patient privacy protection and retaining the usefulness of the image data. An efficient facial de-identification method is proposed. The method can efficiently conceal identifiable facial details in the 3D brain MR images while maintaining the usefulness of the data. The experimental results indicated the proposed method can achieve the state-of-the-art performance and retain more image data in comparison with the currently available tools.


With increasing spatial resolution of MR imaging techniques, it has become possible to reconstruct patients' facial details for recognition from 3D brain MR images. Currently available methods for patients’ identity concealment usually remove a large amount of image voxels during de-identification [1-4]; therefore, compromise the usefulness of the data. This paper presents a novel method for facial de-identification in brain MR images which efficiently obscures the recognizable facial details in the 3D MR images while preserving as much underlying anatomy as possible.


A four-stage procedure is employed to conceal subject’s identity in a novel 3D brain MR image. (1) The image is registered into the same stereotactic space U with the training images using mutual information based image registration [5][6]. (2) Key-point based deformable models are used to detect subject’s face, as shown (Fig.1). (3) A line searching method is used to extract the superficial surface of the subject’s face (Fig.2). (4) Finally, a surface editing procedure is carried out to obscure subject’s facial details (Fig.3).

To train the key-point based deformable model from t-th training image It. The facial regions Ft in It is delineated by a trained expert (Fig.1a). A group of key points are extracted from the facial region Ft using [7][8](Fig.1b). Here we assume the bounding box that encloses the facial region in It is denoted as Bt. A deformable face detection model Mi={k;L;U}={k1,k2...;L1,L2,...;U1,U2,...} can be trained from It. Here, kj is the spatial position of j-th key-point in It, Lj is the relative displacement between j-th key-point and the lowest point of Bt. Hj is the relative displacement between j-th key-point and the upper most point of Bt(Fig.1b). To use Mi to detect subject’s face in a novel image, we first match the key points in the novel image, and using the relative displacement between each key-point and the facial bounding box as a prior knowledge to determine the possible bounding box position in that image (Fig.1c). Multiple deformable models and the multi-criterion decision making method [9][10] are used to fuse the detection results for facial bounding box in the novel image (Fig.2a).

A line searching method is used to identify the superficial surface of subject's face (Fig.2b). The image volume within B was segmented into facial region F and non-facial region NF. A line searching was performed at each voxel position in F, along the direction l which points from posterior to anterior in the normalized space U. The position of the superficial point Ps on subject's face Fs can be determined by the position of the last intersecting point between the searching line and the regional boundary of F (Fig.2b).

To obscure the facial details on Fs, a surface editing procedure is carried out. Fs was down-sampled by skipping every 3 voxels. The sub-sampled facial surface was denoted as Ds. In the cubic regions around each vertex on Ds (Fig.3d), image voxel values were set to zero to obscure subject’s facial details.


The method was tested on a dataset of 30 T1-w brain MR images selected from IXI database [11]. Firstly, visual inspection was performed by a trained expert and indicated the underlying brain anatomy retained unchanged and all the recognizable facial features were adequately obscured after de-identification. Secondly, the percentage of image voxel loss during facial de-identification was calculated. Experimental results (Fig.4) indicate that the percentage of image voxel loss for our method was 4.39% in average. Comparison has been made between our method and three other methods [1-3]. The average image voxel loss for defacing method was 18.95%. The face culling method was 23.13%, and the skull stripping method was 73.5%. A Mann-Whitney test was used to verify the hypothesis that our method can retain significantly more image voxels than all the other methods (p<0.001).Thirdly, we quantitatively assess whether the proposed method influenced the performance of frequently used brain MR post-processing toolkits. Comparison was made to evaluate how the proposed method may influence the automated performance of the Brain Extraction Toolkit (BET) [1]. A Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was performed to verify the hypothesis that our method dose not appreciably impact the outcome of BET (p=0.061).


To our best knowledge, none of the conventional approaches has be ability to accurate identify the superficial surface of subject’s face, therefore, removal of non-facial voxels is inevitable. The experimental results indicated the proposed data-driven method can be trained applied to de-identify MR images without significant manual intervention. The proposed method should be of interest to the researchers who intends to share the MR data to public domain.


This study is supported by the grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR (Project No. SEG CUHK02).


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Figure 1: Schematic demonstration of how the key point-based deformable face detection model can be applied to detect subject’s face. (a) A training image It, the green area Ft represents the manually-labeled facial region in It. (b) The deformable face detection model trained on an image It. (c) Detected bounding box B that enclose the entire facial region in a novel image. Yellow crosses present the detected key-points in the novel image. Red arrow lines represent the displacements between the key-points and the lowest point of B.

Figure 2: (a) Detected the bounding box B which encloses subject’s entire face in a novel image. Subject’s facial region (green region) is denoted as F. (b) A line searching method is used to identify the superficial surface of subject's facial region F. Ps is a detected point on F. v (represented by the yellow dot) is a point inside the subject’s facial region,l is the searching direction for Ps. Fs represents subject’s facial surface. U represents the normalized space defined by a template image.

Figure 3: (a) 3D rendering of the bounding box that encloses subject’s entire facial region. (b) The extracted facial surface Fs. (c) The sub-sampled facial surface (denoted as Ds). (d) The cubic regions around vertices on Ds. (e) Surface reconstruction of the de-identification results.

Figure 4: Percentages of image voxel loss in 15 T1-w images. “SV” represents our method,“DF” denotes defacing method[2], “FC” represents face culling method[3], and “SS” represents the skull-stripping method[1].

Figure 5: Jaccard similarity coefficient between manually label brain mask and the result of the BET before and after facial de-identification. Before indicates the JSC before facial de-identification, and “After” represents the JSC obtained after facial de-identification.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)