Magnetic resonance (MR) relaxometry time distributions are recovered via the inverse Laplace transform (ILT), an ill-posed problem that is generally stabilized using Tikhonov regularization. Recent work has considered other penalties, such as the L1 penalty for locally narrow distributions. Lp penalties, 1<p<2, may be appropriate for distributions consisting of both narrow and broad components; a linear combination of L1 and L2 penalties, the elastic net (EN), may similarly be useful. However, there is little guidance regarding the choice of regularization penalty for the recovery of transverse relaxation distributions. We compare the effectiveness of each penalty for representative relaxation data.
The discrete measured signal takes the form
where $$$y(t_i)$$$ denotes signal amplitude at acquisition times $$$t_i$$$, typically integral multiples of an echo time (TE), $$$T_{2,j}$$$ denotes the decay time constant of the $$$j$$$th component, and $$$F(T_{2,j})$$$ is its associated magnitude. In matrix form:
$$[A]_{i,j}=e^{-t_i/T_{2,j}},1\leq j\leq K$$
is the $$$n\times K$$$ kernal, $$$y$$$ is the length-$$$n$$$ vector representing measurements at time points $$$t_i,1\leq i\leq n$$$, and $$$F$$$ is a length-$$$K$$$ vector of amplitudes corresponding to possible relaxation times. With Tikhonov regularization, recovery of $$$F$$$ is cast as a nonnegatively constrained regularized least squares problem,
$$\min_{F\geq0}\{||AF-y||_2^2+\alpha^2||F ||_2^2\}$$
where $$$\alpha$$$ weights the regularization term relative to the fit residual. Similarly, for the L1 penalty, we have
$$\min_{F\geq0}\{||AF-y||_2^2+\alpha||F ||_1\}$$
while the Lp penalty appears as
$$\min_{F\geq0}\{||AF-y||_2^2+\alpha||F ||_p\}$$
and the EN penalty as
$$\min_{F\geq0}\{||AF-y||_2^2+\alpha_1||F ||_1+\alpha_2||F ||_2\}$$
Figure 1a. (Left) Comparison of methods for recovery of two noiseless, closely-spaced, narrow Gaussian peaks, centered at 25 ms and 27.8 ms, with equal standard deviations of 0.1 ms. Note the superiority of the EN penalty over the L2 but not the L1 penalty, and similar performance of the L1.5 and EN penalties.
Figure 1b. (Right) Comparison of methods for recovery of two noiseless Gaussian peaks, wider than those of Figure 1a, centered at 25 ms and 35.9 ms, with equal standard deviations of 1.6 ms. Note the failure of the L1 penalty, and similar performance of the other penalties.
Figure 2. Average relative error over 20 trials, SNR 700, corresponding to peak width and peak separation for two Gaussian peaks of equal SD. The top leftmost square in the grids represents the relative error for the distribution with the most closely spaced and narrowest peaks. Moving right along the grids corresponds to changing the distance between the peaks, expressed as a ratio of peak centers along the T2 axis.
a. (Left) L2 penalty error. Note the general consistency of the recovery, best for well-separated, non-overlapping peaks.
b. (Right) L1 penalty error. Note the decrease in good recovery as peak
width increases.
Figure 5. Magnetic resonance transverse relaxation time (T2) data for human cartilage explants taken from the tibial plateau.
a. (Left) This sample was obtained from an arthroplasty procedure and represents visually non-degraded tissue. Note the consistency of identified peak centers across all penalty terms.
b. (Right) This sample was obtained from the same arthroplasty procedure as in Fig. 5a, and represents visually degraded tissue. Comparing Fig. 5b with 5a, it is seen that the degraded tissue exhibits a larger average T2 value and a broader distribution as compared to the non-degraded sample. This indicates the extent of tissue breakdown within the osteoarthritic cartilage.