2D Real-time cardiac cine imaging is valuable for myocardiac function studies. Compared with Cartesian trajectory, Golden-angle (GA) radial acquisition is promising in patients with impaired breath-hold capacity [1]. The GA radial acquisition is an easy-to-implement and promising technique that features improved spatial-temporal resolution, and overcuts Cartesian sampling trajectories in reducing motion artifacts.
The main goal is to recover real time cardiac cine images \[{\Gamma ^{M \times N}} = [\gamma (x,{t_1}), \cdots ,\gamma (x,{t_N})]\] from its highly under-sampled radial spokes acquired through multiple channels of a phased array coil, as well as post-artificially gated cardiac cine images $$$\gamma (x,n)$$$ , where $$$x$$$ represents spatial location, $$$t$$$ is the time, and $$$n$$$ counts all cardiac phases.
Model: The image reconstruction problem is formulated as $$$\mathop {\min }\limits_{{\Gamma ^{M \times N}}} \sum\nolimits_{\ell = 1}^{Nc} {||{d_\ell } - {F_{\Omega ,\ell }}{\Gamma ^{M \times N}})||_2^2} + {\lambda _1}\sum\nolimits_{t = {t_1}}^{{t_N}} {||\gamma (x,t) - \gamma (x,n(t))||_2^2} + {\lambda _2}||{\rm{vec}}({\Gamma ^{M \times N}}{{\bf{F}}_t})|{|_1}$$$
where the first term is the data consistency term, $$${d_\ell }$$$ represents the acquired spokes from the $$${\ell }$$$-th channel, $$${F_{\Omega ,\ell }}$$$ is an operator which integrates both the Fourier transform with a specified undersampling trajectory in (k,t)-space and the coil sensitivity modulation; the second term regularizes real time cardiac cine images corresponding to the post-artificially gated ones; the L1 norm term enforces the sparseness in spatial and temporal frequency domain, $$${{\bf{F}}_t}$$$ represents the temporal Fourier transform. The k-NN is a non-parametric method used for classification and regression. In this work, k-NN method was used to cluster the spokes. The center point values (all channels) of all radial spokes were used to cluster these spokes into R groups. We assume these center point values present low rankness. As a result, R can be small. For each group, the corresponding post-artificially gated cine images $$$\gamma (x,n)$$$ were reconstructed from MalBEC.
We have proposed an approach to reconstruct real-time cardiac cine from radial samplings without ECG signal. The approach first reconstructed artificially-gated cine images using supervised machine learning and MalBEC. Based on the gated cine images, real-time images were also reconstructed with only 15 spokes per frame, corresponding to an average temporal resolution of 40 ms per frame.
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