The unwrapping of simultaneous multi-slice images without extra reference data is presented. A trained deep neural network disentangles overlapping image content and creates the final magnitude images. The results are compared to established techniques (split slice-GRAPPA), especially where correct reference data are missing.
Simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) imaging 1–3
has emerged as a promising acceleration technique for magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) since multi-coil systems 4 and reconstruction methods like (split) slice-GRAPPA 5,6 paved the way for a variety of
applications. Established reconstruction strategies for SMS utilize spatial
encoding information inherent in multi-coil receiver arrays and require
additional reference data, i.e. auto-calibration signal (ACS), to disentangle
overlapping image content 7.
In general, ACS-acquisition can be time-consuming and a source of
Here, a deep neural network (DNN) was designed to unfold SMS images without the
need of any reference-scans. First, the DNN architecture is introduced. Thereafter,
the predicted images are evaluated and deep learning (DL) reconstructions (DLR)
are compared to split slice-GRAPPA (SSG) 6
where correct ACS is missing.
Training a DNN requires suitable
data. 37 datasets of phantom objects (N=30, fruits and geometric phantoms) and
heads (N=7) were used for training (Ntrain=29) and validation (Nval=8),
while evaluation was done on separate datasets of volunteers’ heads (Ntest=4).
All data were acquired with identical sequence parameters in 3 contrasts (TE=4.9/9.7/14.5ms,
TR=126ms, α=70°, matrix: 128x128x6). Rawdata of 20 receiver-coils were
preprocessed offline, i.e. simulated SMS acquisition and CAIPIRINHA-shifts 8,
and augmented by undersampling (90%,
80%, 75%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%) yielding to Ntrain=2349, Nval=648
datasets for a multiband factor (MB) of MB=2 and Ntrain=870, Nval=240
for MB=3, respectively. Figure 1 shows the DNN’s architecture where folded
(MB=2 or MB=3), uncombined, low-resolution k-space (64x64) and image data
(128x128) were fed into the network while sum-of-square combined single-band (SB)
images serve as target. SB-images were shifted to the according CAIPIRINHA-pattern.
Complex-valued input (Re, Imag) were concatenated along channel
dimension (Nch=40). A user defined loss-function: E = MSE x TV was applied to drive the optimizer.
Mean-squared error (MSE) and total-variation
error (TV) were combined to account
for global errors as well as mismatches on object borders. The DNN was set up
in the Keras library 9
and training (280 epochs in 28 hours) was performed on a Nvidia
GTX1080 graphics card.
images I of one dataset were normalized
$$I_n = \frac{I-I_{min}}{I_{max}- I_{min} } \text{ .}$$
Two metrics were introduced for quantification of the differences between reconstructions. The commonly used normalized root mean-squared error (NRMSE) together with subtraction-maps of SB and recovered SMS-images and the structural similarity index (SSIM) 10. SSIM assesses perceptual image quality by taking advantage of characteristics of the human visual system 10. It is defined as
$$SSIM(x,y) = L(x,y) \cdot C(x,y) \cdot S(x,y) \text{ ,}$$Abstract
where L , C , S are luminance, contrast and structure for each pixel (x,y) 10.
For NRMSE and mean SSIM (MSSIM) a threshold-mask of 1% was applied to
remove noise outside the object.
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