2D Single Plane Big Data Convolutional Neural Network for Skull-Stripping
Oeslle Lucena1, Roberto Souza2, Richard Frayne2, Letícia Rittner1, and Roberto Lotufo1

1University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 2University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada


Convolutional neural networks for MR image segmentation require a large amount of labelled data. Nevertheless, medical image datasets with expert manual segmentation, which is usually the gold standard for that task, are scarce as this step is both time-consuming and labor intensive. We propose a deep-learning-based skull-stripping (SS) method trained using data provided by consensus-based data augmentation through silver standard masks. Silver standard masks are generated using Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation (STAPLE) consensus algorithm. Our results indicate comparable performance to state-of-the-art-methods, but computationally effcient even under CPU-based processing.


Segmenting brain tissue from non-brain tissue is known as skull-stripping (SS) or brain extraction. In magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, brain extraction is a frequently an essential processing step which facilitates subsequent analysis steps.¹ Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become a promising algorithm in medical image processing.² Training a new CNN often requires large amounts of labeled data. Labelling is frequently done manually by experts; a time-consuming and labor intensive task.² A particular solution to generate labeled data for large-scale studies in neuroimage analysis is to use consensus algorithms. These algorithms generate annotated data based on the agreement of automated SS methods.3,4 Moreover, silver standard masks (i.e., masks generated using a consensus algorithms) have been validated in the CNN training stage for SS,⁵ further suggesting a role in data augmentation. Our goal is to show that our single plane 2D CNN, trained with consensus-based augmentation using the silver standard masks, achieve comparable performance metrics but are faster than state-of-the-art SS methods.

Materials and Methods

Our analysis were conducted on three publicly available datasets: Calgary-Campinas-359 (CC-359),6 LONI Probabilistic Brain Atlas (LPBA40),⁷ and the Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS).8 Our method used a modified 2D U-Net⁹ architecture (Figure 1) that was inspired by the RECOD Titans architecture.10 We trained our CNN using the 347 silver standard masks volumes generated by Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation³ (STAPLE) and provided in the CC-359 dataset. We based our analysis on the sagittal view since it often the raters choice to manually segment a brain image volume.

We validated our method against twelve manual segmentations (CC-12 from the CC-359 dataset, which are gold standards masks used for testing) and the manually segmented images from the LPBA40 and OASIS datasets. We used three performance metrics: Dice coefficient, sensitivity, and specificity, and compared our results with four state-of-the-art published methods. Three methods were non-deep learning-based approaches: 1) Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs),11 2) Brain Extraction Based on Nonlocal Segmentation Techniques (BEaST),12 and 3) Marker-based Watershed Scalper (MBWSS).13 As well, we compared against a recently published 4) deep-learning-based method that will refer to as 3D CNN.14 Paired Student’s t-tests were used to assess statistical significance between our method and the others.

Results and Discussion

Representative 3D reconstructions of the manual segmentation from each dataset are shown in Figure 2 and 3D reconstructions comparing our method against the four published state-of-the-art methods are shown in Figures 3-5. Tables 1-3 summarize the comparison of our method against the other four methods related to the metrics and Table 4 presents a time processing comparison.

Our 2D CNN single plane method is comparable to the most robust SS algorithms presented in the literature (Tables 1-3) and faster than ANTs, BEaST, and 3D CNN methods (Table 4). Improvement for some metrics were statistical significant (p<0.05) in particular with the CC-12 subset (Table 1). Generalized performance was optimal with the LPBA40 and OASIS datasets (Tables 2 and 3). Our method is limited to the sagittal view of the 3D image volume and a combined approach with the other two orthogonal views (i.e., coronal and axial views) could improve the results. Our method was also trained using the silver standard masks whereas the 3D CNN model was trained using gold standard manual segmentations. Further, the manual segmentation results can vary between and across expert raters (Figure 2), potentially influencing the performance metric evaluation for different datasets. For instance skull-stripping with ANTs had a higher Dice coefficient for the OASIS dataset, which has a spatially smoother manual segmentation compared to the other datasets.


In this work we have proposed single plane 2D CNN method for SS. Our model was trained using silver standard masks but has comparable performance to other state-of-the-art SS methods. With this work, we demonstrate that silver-standard brain masks may be leveraged for large-scale studies in medical image processing. A combined approach involving other (orthogonal) views may make a more robust method.


Oeslle Lucena thanks FAPESP (2016/18332-8). Roberto Lotufo thanks CNPq (311228/2014-3), Leticia Rittner thanks CNPq (308311/2016-7), Roberto Souza thanks the NSERC CREATE I3T foundation. Richard Frayne is supported by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR, MOP-333931).


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Figure 1. Modified RECOD U-Net architecture. The contracting path is on the left and the expansive path is on the right.

Figure 2. Representative 3D reconstruction of the manual segmentation for one subject of the CC-359, OASIS and LPBA40 datasets.

Figure 3. Representative 3D reconstruction of the different segmentation methods for one subject of the CC-12 subset.

Figure 4. Representative 3D reconstruction of the different segmentation methods for one subject of the LPBA40 dataset.

Figure 5. Representative 3D reconstruction of the different segmentation methods for one subject of the OASIS dataset.

Table 1. Overall summary of performance metrics for the CC-12 dataset. The best result for each metric and statistically significant differences are emboldened. Paired t-tests were used to assess for significance of difference versus our single plane 2D CNN method.

Table 2. Overall summary analysis for the LPBA40 dataset. The best result for each metric and statistically significant differences are emboldened. Paired t-tests were used to assess for significance of difference versus our single plane 2D CNN method.

Table 3. Overall summary analysis for the OASIS dataset. The best result for each metric and statistically significant differences are emboldened. Paired t-tests were used to assess for significance of difference versus our single plane 2D CNN method.

Table 4. Processing times comparison among our and the state-of-the-art methods. Our method includes both CPU and GPU evaluation. The value before the backslash represents the time computed on the CPU / the number after the backslash represents the time computed on the GPU.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)