Hsu-Lei Lee1,2, Zengmin Li1, and Kai-Hsiang Chuang1,2
1Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia, 2Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia
of rodent brain functional MRI using parallel imaging techniques is not widely
used due to the limited availability of high-density phased-array coil on
pre-clinical scanners. In this study we demonstrated a POMP-EPI method to enable
simultaneous multi-slice acquisition for fast mouse brain imaging without a
phased array coil. A four-fold multiband acceleration was achieved without
using coil sensitivity information. This method can be used to increase the
spatial or temporal resolution of mouse fMRI acquisition, which will benefit
the study of dynamics of neural activity and connectivity.
In recent
years simultaneous multi-slice EPI (SMS-EPI) has been widely adopted in human
brain imaging to achieve high spatial and temporal resolution for fMRI and DTI acquisitions1,2.
The SMS-EPI technique excites multiple slices simultaneously, and uses parallel
imaging methods to reconstruct individual slice images from the aliased and
mixed data. As parallel imaging reconstruction requires large number of
receiving coils in the accelerated direction to provide necessary spatial information,
it is currently difficult to apply SMS techniques to rodent brain imaging because
of the limited availability of proper receiving coil arrays on preclinical MRI
POMP-EPI3 uses blipped-CAIPI method4 that utilizes blipped gradient
along the slice-select direction to shift multi-slice images to different
phase-encoding positions and removes aliasing. It was demonstrated in human
brain functional imaging and allows acceleration in slice-select direction
without the need for multiple receiving channels3.
In this
study we implemented POMP-EPI sequence for mouse brain imaging at 9.4T. With a multiband factor
of 4, a TR of 300ms was achieved for covering the whole brain with 0.3x0.3x0.6
mm3 spatial resolution.METHODS
Figure 1
shows the POMP-EPI slice acquisition scheme. A RF pulse with 4 bands that are 3mm
apart was used for excitation. Slice select gradient blips were applied between
the readout lines to introduce slice-dependent linear phase shifts that push
the slices FOV/4 apart from each other, so the aliasing can be avoided with
increased FOV (Figure 2).
Mice cadaver were scanned on a 9.4T pre-clinical
scanner (Biospec 9.4/30, AVIII HD, PV6.0.1, Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH, Ettlingen,
Germany) with a Tx/Rx cryoprobe. Conventional gradient-echo EPI contains 20
single-slice excitations per TR, where slice thickness was 0.5mm with 0.1mm
gaps. TR/TE = 1000/10.8 ms, α = 60°, FOV = 19.2x19.2mm2, matrix size
= 64x64 (in-plane resolution = 0.3x0.3 mm2) was acquired for 360
repetitions (6 min). POMP-EPI scans had an extended FOV of 19.2x38.4mm2
while keeping the same spatial resolution. A 4-fold multiband acceleration reduced
the repetition time to 300 ms and α = 30° but increased TE to 17.6 ms for full
k-space acquisition (matrix size = 64x128) which can be reduced to 10.8 ms by partial
Fourier acquisition (PF-POMP-EPI, matrix size = 64x96). Partial Fourier data
were reconstructed by phase-constrained POCS method5.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Figure 3 shows example slices from each imaging
sequence. POMP-EPI has prolonged TE and acquisition window, which led to more
signal decay, susceptibility artifacts and distortion. The artifacts were
partially reduced by the use of PF-POMP-EPI. Correction based on reversed-phase
acquisition and estimated field coefficient could be used to further reduce the
distortion. Figure 4 shows the tSNR of example slices of each sequence over a
6-minute scan. The tSNR of POMP-EPI and PF-POMP-EPI were lower (mean tSNR =
20.5 And 31.4, respectively) compared to conventional EPI (tSNR = 70.3) due to
the much shorter TR and lower flip angle. However the substantially increased
number of time points (3.3x in this study) for the same scan duration could effectively
compensate for the detection power in an fMRI experiment. CONCLUSION
We implemented POMP-EPI sequence on 9.4T scanner
for fast mouse whole-brain imaging without the use of high-density receiving
coil array. A temporal resolution of 300ms could be achieved while maintaining
the same spatial resolution and coverage. The increased speed can be used to attain
higher degrees of freedom for the fMRI time-series or to further increase the through-plane
spatial resolution with more slices. This method could also be extended to
spin-echo EPI for accelerating diffusion tensor imaging.Acknowledgements
The authors thank the Centre for Advanced Imaging at the University of Queensland for imaging support.References
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Multiband multislice GE-EPI at 7 Tesla, with 16-fold acceleration using partial
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Constrained reconstruction methods in MR imaging. Reviews of Magn Reson Med. 1992;