DCE-MRI is widely used for cancer detection, and is a part of PIRADS v2 guideline for scoring prostatic lesions. Diagnostic accuracy of DCE-MRI may depend on the rate of temporal sampling. In this study we have investigated the relationship between the rate of temporal sampling of DCE-MRI and the accuracy of detection of prostatic carcinoma. We have acquired and analyzed DCE-MRI data from 15 patients. Our results show that the accuracy of DCE-MRI in detection of prostatic carcinoma is not affected by sampling rates between 3.4 to 13.6 seconds.
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Table 2. Results of multi-parametric ROC analyses.
aPZ: peripheral zone, bTZ: transition zone, cAUC: area under the (ROC) curve. dDSF: down-sample factor. DSF=1: 3.4 s, DSF=2: 6.8s, DSF=3: 10.2s, DSF=4: 13.6 s, and DSF=5: 17s.
*Multi-parametric ROC analyses were performed using logistic regression, while only parameters that contributed significantly to the model, were used in the calculations.
†For DSF=3 Multi-parametric ROC analysis could not be performed in TZ since no parameter was retained in the model.
Figure 1. Graphs of area under the (ROC) curve (AUC) as a function of down-sample factor (DSF) in the peripheral zone.
DSF=1: 3.4 s, DSF=2: 6.8s, DSF=3: 10.2s, DSF=4: 13.6 s, and DSF=5: 17s
Figure 2. Graphs of AUC values as a function of DSF in the transition zone.
Multi-parametric ROC analyses were performed using logistic regression, while only parameters that contributed significantly to the model were used in the calculations. For DSF equal to 3, multi-parametric ROC analysis could not be performed as no parameter was retained in the model; therefore, there are no results report for it in the above figure.
DSF=1: 3.4 s, DSF=2: 6.8s, DSF=3: 10.2s, DSF=4: 13.6 s, and DSF=5: 17s.
Figure 3. Graphs of AUC values as a function of DSF in the entire prostate.
DSF=1: 3.4 s, DSF=2: 6.8s, DSF=3: 10.2s, DSF=4: 13.6 s, and DSF=5: 17s.