5 healthy singleton pregnancies (GA range = 17 weeks - 27 weeks) were scanned for placental perfusion at a 1.5 T Siemens Avanto scanner (Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany). ASL imaging was acquired using the pulsed arterial spin labeling (PASL) sequence with a 2D echo planar image readout and the following parameters: flip angle = 90°, voxel size = 4x4x10 mm with 12.5 mm slice gap, TR = 4000 ms, TI = 2000 ms and TE = 13 ms. 20 pairs of control-label images were collected for each scan. 6 additional volumes of M0 images were acquired at the same location with longer TR = 6000 ms and shorter TE = 12 ms for calibration.
Non-rigid motion in the placental ASL images was corrected using the deformable registration of ANTs [3]. Because motion correction routines can erroneously interpret the systematic intensity difference between control and label images as systematic displacement of placenta position [4], the motion correction was conducted for control and label images separately with the following steps:
Due to the large inter-slice gap of the scans, the deformation across the slices was weighted to be much smaller than the in-plane deformation for these registration steps.
To evaluate the quality of motion correction, we calculated several metrics related to motion-induced errors in ASL images, comparing before and after motion correction:
ANTs motion correction successfully reduced the number of negative ΔM voxel in the placental ROI (Fig. 1) for all 5 subjects. ANTs motion correction reduced the residual power for all the subjects, as illustrated by violin plots (Fig. 2). ANTs Motion correction increased the tSNR of the ASL time series for the voxels in the placental ROI (Fig. 3). The relative power at the respiratory frequency was reduced after motion correction (Fig. 4). Fig.5 shows the perfusion images of an example subject. Compared to the perfusion in the placental region before motion correction (Fig.5 row 2), the motion corrected image (Fig.5 row 3) presented stronger positive perfusion and less negative voxels in the placental region.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
These results suggest that the non-rigid motion correction of placental ASL imaging using ANTs successfully reduced the amount of noise induced by maternal respiration and other motions, and therefore improved perfusion image quality.1. Detre, J.A., et al., Perfusion imaging. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 1992. 23(1): p. 37-45.
2. Malamateniou, C., et al., Motion-compensation techniques in neonatal and fetal MR imaging. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 2013. 34(6): p. 1124-36.
3. Avants, B.B., et al., A reproducible evaluation of ANTs similarity metric performance in brain image registration. NeuroImage, 2011. 54(3): p. 2033-44.
4. Wang, Z., et al., Empirical optimization of ASL data analysis using an ASL data processing toolbox: ASLtbx. Magnetic resonance imaging, 2008. 26(2): p. 261-9.
Fig. 1 Percentage of negative ΔM voxels in the placental ROI
The percentages of voxels in the placental ROI that showed negative ΔM before and after motion correction are plotted using green and red circles, respectively.
Fig. 2 Residual sum of square of the voxels in the placental ROI
Violin plots showing the residual sum of square (RSS) of the regression with control-label pattern over all voxels in the placental ROI. Green and red plots are the RSS of the subjects before and after correction, respectively.
Fig. 3 Temporal signal to noise ratio in the placental ROI
Violin plots showing the temporal signal to noise ratio (tSNR) of the voxels in the placental ROI. Green and red plots are the tSNR of the subjects before and after correction, respectively.
Fig. 4 Relative respiratory power in the placental ROI
Violin plots showing the relative respiratory power (the power of assumed respiratory frequency normalized by the power of DC term) for the voxels in the placental ROI. Green and red plots are the relative respiratory power of the subjects before and after correction, respectively.
Fig. 5 Perfusion map of an example subject
The first row is the M0 image of the example subject, with red color indicating the placental region. The second and third rows are presenting the mean ΔM in the placental region before and after the non-rigid motion correction (MC). The motion corrected image showed stronger positive perfusion and fewer negative voxels in the placental region than the un-corrected image.