We used function Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to obtain the hemodynamic brain responses during perspective modulated naturalistic movie presentations to find the influence of perception to individual’s cognitive and affective reactions. Inter-subject correlation (ISC) was used as the analysis tool and Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) was used as the behavioral measurement tool. The study applied selected group ISC analysis to distinguish neural substrates related to physical, cognitive, and affective perspective-taking using naturalistic perspective modulated movie presentation. The finding helps understanding the neural mechanism of perspective taking and would be a useful for future social cognition studies.
Nineteen subjects (9 females; age between 20 to 30) were recruited to the fMRI experiment. Four separate movie clips were presented to the subjects during the fMRI scan. Movies clips consisted of two themes and were taken from two perspectives. Movie themes were “junk food consumption” (F) and “pet abandonment” (P). Two themes with the same story line were separately filmed with the first-person perspective (F1, P1) and third-person perspective (F3, P3). IRI written questionnaires were completed by the subjects right after the fMRI experiment.
The fMRI data were preprocessed by SPM and preprocessing including motion correction, slice timing correction, spatial smoothing, and normalization were performed separately for each subject and each session. The voxel-wise contrast of ISC between first (F1-P1) and third (F3-P3) person perspective was computed by a two-sample t-test on the pairwise correlation values of sessions. Contrast of ISC was also done to the selected groups of high versus low PT, EC, PD and FS scales with the same analysis.
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