Flexor-hypertonia being the most common symptom of stroke, overcoming it by attaining wrist-extension can be judged as key function of recovery of stroke. We compared activation pattern of dominant versus non-dominant hand movements of wrist-extension of 6 healthy-subjects with 6 dominant and 6 non-dominant stroke using fMRI. Results in healthy-subjects show differences in activation-pattern of dominant and non-dominant hand. Stroke patient’s results shows ipsilesional activation-pattern with dominant-hemisphere stroke with activation in motor, sensory area and cerebellum as compared to no ipsilesional activation-pattern in non-dominant hemisphere stroke. These results might have further implication in structuring rehabilitation-protocol for different hemisphere stroke differently.
After the ethics approval, patients with stroke (n=12), with Left Middle Cerebral Artery (LMCA) (n=6; M) and Right Middle Cerebral Artery (RMCA) (n=6; M) stroke with less than 2 years of chronicity and healthy-subjects right-handed (n=6, M:F=4:2,Age=21-30Yrs) were enrolled. Participants were asked to perform self-paced sequential full range of motion of wrist-extension tasks of 6 minutes each using block-design paradigm of 40-seconds active and rest state each by(a) left-hand only (Non-Dominant Hand, NDH), (b) right-hand only (Dominant Hand, DH) and (c) both hand simultaneously (BL), in supine position with palms facing downwards. To assess the robustness the data was acquired twice on same 6 healthy-subjects with a gap of 8-14 weeks.
Data was acquired using 3T MR scanner (Achieva, Philips Healthcare) with 31 transverse slices, TR=2000ms, TE=30ms, voxel-size:3.6x3.6x5mm. Slice time correction, realignment, normalization using mean-image and smoothing with 8x8x8mm FWHM filter was performed. General Linear Model (GLM) was employed on preprocessed and smoothed images. Constructed contrast maps were used for group-analysis. One sample t-test was performed for each task with voxel-level threshold p-value<0.01 (FDR-corrected) for healthy and p <0.001 (uncorrected) for patients. We have specifically focused on cerebellum and motor-regions.
Human Motor Area Template (HMAT) was used for Region of Interest (ROI) analysis. For each region in ROI analysis, mean of BOLD-signal was calculated for each participant and one sample t-test was performed (p<0.01, uncorrected). To evaluate lateralization and voxel-wise activation in each ROI, second level analysis was performed using masked regions (small-volume analysis) with p<0.01 (FWE-corrected) and cluster-threshold of 10 voxels. Lateralization-index (LI) was calculated using: LI=(Left ROI – Right ROI)/(Left ROI + Right ROI).
Healthy-subjects: Repeat scan of healthy subjects was used for BOLD and ROI analysis as it was less noisy as compared to scans acquired earlier.
ROI analysis: NDH evoked larger clusters in motor-areas as compared to DH (tables 1,2 and figure1)
Lateralization: Laterality index using number of activated-voxels (LIN) for NDH revealed activation in contralateral M1, S1, PMd and ipsi- and contra-lateral SMA, preSMA, but no activation in PMv. DH task revealed activation in contralateral M1, S1, preSMA and ipsi and contralateral in SMA but no activation in PMd, PMv. BL motor task revealed activation in bilateral M1, S1, SMA, preSMA and right hemispheric PMd, but no activation in PMv (table 1).
Laterality Index using peak t-value (LIt) for DH shows high contralateral t-value in all ROIs (i.e. positive values for LIt) whereas NDH showed variable findings. NDH shows high contralateral t-value (i.e. negative values for LIt) in M1, S1, preSMA, PMd, but shows high ipsilateral t-value (i.e. positive values) in SMA and PMv. BL shows high t-values in right M1, S1, preSMA, PMv and in left SMA, PMv (table 1).
Patients: When compared to healthy-subjects, in both groups of patients irrespective of side of stroke, contralateral SMA was observed to be more activated for dominant-hand movement and less activated for non-dominant hand movement. The LMCA-patient showed larger activation in ipsilesion-hemisphere (M1=244,S1=88) as compared to RMCA-patient (M1=0,S1=0) when unaffected-hand does the movement (table-2).