A Weighted Square Averaging Method of Combining Primary and Temporal Derivative Parameter Estimates In General Linear Model Analysis of Functional MRI
Kwan-Jin Jung1 and Hae-Min Jung2

1Human Magnetic Resonance Center, Institute of Applied Life Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, United States, 2Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, MA, United States


The temporal derivative has been considered as a mathematical solution for the latency variation of the hemodynamic response function (HRF) in the general linear model (GLM) analysis of the task-based functional MRI (fMRI). A method of combining the primary and derivate estimates was developed by Calhoun and its implementation was introduced. However, serious defects were revealed in the existing methods from a GLM analysis of an event-related fMRI. Here, the method is revised to provide a correct combined estimate using a weighted square average method. The proposed method was confirmed with event-related fMRI studies at various phases of the double Gamma HRF.


The temporal derivative has been considered as a mathematical solution for the latency variation of the hemodynamic response function (HRF) in the general linear model (GLM) analysis of the task-based functional MRI (fMRI). A method of combining the primary and derivate estimates was developed using a weighted square summation (WSS) method1 and its implementation script was provided.2 However, serious defects were revealed in the existing methods from a GLM analysis of an event-related fMRI: (i) The sign of the combined estimate was not reliable; (ii) The magnitude of the combined estimate was not normalized. Here, the Calhoun’s WSS method is revised to provide a correct sign and magnitude of the combined estimate using a weighted square averaging (WSA) method.


The sign of the combined estimate α in Calhoun’s1 and Pernet’s3 papers was only determined by the sign of the primary (non-derivative) estimate β1. However, β1 can be negative when the magnitude of β1 is smaller than the magnitude of the derivative estimate β2. This is corrected by assigning a negative sign to α only when both β1 and β2 are negative (see Equation 3). Regarding the normalization defect, α in the Calhoun's paper1 was essentially a weighted sum with the design matrix values as weights, not a weighted average, and thus the magnitude of Calhoun’s estimate is problematically dependent on both the number of temporal points and the magnitudes of the design matrix (xt) (see Equations 2 and 4).2,3 This paper proposes these respective corrections: (i) The combined estimate’s sign matches the signs of the parameter estimates it is combining; and (ii) the weighted sum of squared parameter estimates is divided by the sum of the weights, creating a weighted average within the same range of the parameter estimates it is based on. The problems in the existing methods as well as the effectiveness of these corrections were confirmed using fMRI data of an event-related design for the bilateral finger button press task. The event was a single button press of randomly chosen hand side followed by a fixation with a random inter-stimuli interval of 3 to 8s (scan time=310s). A blocked design fMRI was also collected for a reference BOLD activation map with a block duration of 18s followed by 18s fixation (scan time=304s). The data was collected at 3T MRI for 2 volunteers with 20-ch head and neck RF coil, TR=1.5 s, slice acceleration=2, TE=30ms, and voxel=3x3x3mm3. The GLM analysis was processed using FSL FEAT with the double Gamma HRF and a routine preprocessing except the slice timing correction. The recorded button response times were used in the GLM model instead of the visual stimuli time to improve the temporal accuracy of button presses. The FSL ‘fsleyes’ program was used in displaying the parameter estimates in both positive and negative polarities simultaneously. The WSA method was programmed in a ‘perl’ script using the FSL’s ‘fslmaths’ library. The script also calculated the contrasted estimates of the WSA- and WSS-combined estimates for a higher level analysis. The existing and proposed methods were tested with a range of HRF’s phases to simulate the latency of BOLD responses.


The BOLD activation maps of the blocked and event-related designs are shown in Fig. 1. In the block fMRI the expected motor regions were activated in the primary estimate while they were negligibly activated in the derivative estimate. However, the BOLD maps of the event-related fMRI showed more activation in the derivative estimate, particularly in the right hand button press, which affected the ‘R>L’ contrast as well. The z-scores of the BOLD activation are summarized in Table 1 for a range of HRF’s phases. The relative contribution of the primary and the derivative estimates were dependent on the phase of HRF, which resulted in unreliable combined estimates. The proposed WSA method indeed restored the BOLD signal, while the existing methods failed (see Fig. 2 and Table 1). The WSA method was confirmed to yield a reliable BOLD map for a range of HRF's phases, which is shown in Fig. 3 and Table 1. Furthermore, the higher level ‘R>L’ contrast was reliably obtained from the WSA-processed R and L estimates for a range of HRF's phases. The same trend was reproduced in another subject.


The proposed WSA method was confirmed to provide a correct sign and magnitude for a range of HRF's phases while the existing WSS methods failed. Furthermore, the proposed method was confirmed to estimate a correct higher level contrast between the WSA estimates. The temporal derivative method in GLM can finally be applied to the fMRI analysis without the effect of the latency problem using the proposed WSA method.


A script provided from Dr. Steffener was helpful in obtaining the weights from the design matrix stored in the FSL Feat directory.


1. Calhoun VD, et al. fMRI analysis with the general linear model: removal of latency-induced amplitude bias by incorporation of hemodynamic derivative terms. Neuroimage 2004;22(1):252-257.

2. Steffener J, et al. Investigating hemodynamic response variability at the group level using basis functions. Neuroimage 2010;49(3):2113-2122.

3. Pernet CR. Misconceptions in the use of the General Linear Model applied to functional MRI: a tutorial for junior neuro-imagers. Front Neurosci 2014;8:1.


Equations. A mathematical description of the proposed weighted square averaging (WSA) method. The data, yt, is expressed as a GLM fit with a new combined estimate α and a new combined design model given in the parenthesis in Eq. (1). The new estimate α is a square root of the weighted average of squared β1 and β2 in Eq. (2) with the sign assigned by Eq. (3). Note that the original equation of the weighted square summation (WSS) in the Calhoun’s paper lacked the denominator in Eq. (2) and the sign was determined from β1.

Fig. 1. Z-score maps of the GLM analysis of the blocked and event-related fMRI before combining the primary and derivative estimates. The green-colored cross is at the cortex region stimulated by the right button press. The derivative estimates (RD and LD) were negligible compared to the primary estimates (R and L) in the blocked fMRI, but they were more significant than the primary estimates in the event-related fMRI particularly for the right button presses. Note the lack of BOLD contrast of ‘R>L’ at the crossed region in the event-related BOLD maps.

Fig. 2. A comparison of the proposed WSA and existing combining methods from the z-score maps of the R estimate of the even-related fMRI. WSA-β1 was obtained using the WSA method but with the sign given by the primary estimate β1. WSS-β1 was obtained using the existing summation method and with the sign given by the primary estimate β1. Note that the inverted polarity at the region pointed by the green crosses in the bottom two rows, compared to the blocked fMRI results shown in Fig. 1. The inverted polarity was caused from the negative primary estimate β1 at those voxels.

Table 1. Z scores at the voxels pointed in the event-related BOLD map figures for various phases of HRF. The primary (L and R) and their derivative estimates (LD and RD) as well as the contrast ‘R>L’ are listed before being combined. In addition, the combined estimates of R, L, and their ‘R>L’ are compared between the proposed WSA and the WSA-β1 that is WSA with the sign of the primary estimate β1. The z scores with a negative polarity are marked in red. Note the incorrect estimates of R and ‘R>L’ in the WSA-β1 results at HRF’s phases = -1s and 0s.

Fig. 3. Z-scores of BOLD maps for the R estimate and the contrast estimate of ‘R>L’ over a range of HRF’s phases after being combined of the primary and derivative estimates using the proposed WSA method. The z scores at the green crosses are listed in Table 1. Note that the sign and the magnitude of the z scores at the green crossed voxels were maintained regardless of the HRF’s phases.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)