Anesthetic agents affect brain connectivity and/or neurovascular coupling, with confounding effects on BOLD resting-state fMRI. To date, the most widespread anesthesia protocol for fMRI in rats consists in isoflurane induction followed by medetomidine sedation. We report that, using this protocol, connectivity of default-mode sub-networks is affected in a time-dependent and region-dependent manner, with modules such as hippocampus becoming detectable as late as two hours into sedation. These spatio-temporal features have significant implications for the interpretation and comparison of resting-state studies in the rat, and of the default-mode network connectivity in particular.
All experiments were approved by the local Service for Veterinary Affairs and performed on a 14T Varian system using a quadrature surface transceiver. Four adult Sprague-Dawley rats were initially anesthetized with isoflurane (4% induction, 2% maintenance) and set-up in an MRI cradle. After initial adjustments, a bolus of medetomidine (0.1 mg/kg) was injected subcutaneously; isoflurane was discontinued ten minutes later and a continuous infusion of medetomidine (0.1 mg/kg/h) was started 15 minutes after bolus. The total duration of isoflurane delivery was 66 ± 2 min.
For rs-fMRI, two-shot gradient-echo EPI images were acquired as follows: TE=10/12 ms; TR=750 ms; Matrix: 64x64; FOV: 23x23 mm2; 9 slices; slice thickness: 1 mm; 400 repetitions (TA=10’). Multiple runs were acquired on each rat, with time since bolus varying from 33 to 192 min.
Manual brain masking and denoising7 were performed prior to independent component analysis (ICA) in FSL8. Pre-processing steps included removing 10 initial volumes, high-pass filtering (>0.01 Hz), slice timing correction, spatial smoothing (0.7 mm FWHM) and variance normalization of timecourses. Thirty ICs were output, and anatomically relevant ones were selected based on visual inspection.
The percentage of total signal variance (% TV) and Z-score maps for each retained component were analyzed with respect to time since medetomidine bolus.
Long-time between-network connectivity was also estimated by computing the partial correlation matrix of the 30 component timecourses for each run with delay ≥ 150min (4 runs). Partial correlation coefficients (r) were transformed into z-scores, averaged over runs, and transformed back into r.
Eleven anatomically-consistent networks were identified, among which were five constituents of the default-mode network (DMN)9-11: cingulate (Cg1,2), retrosplenial (RSA,RSG), visual (V1,2) and auditory (Au1,AuD,AuV) cortices as well as hippocampus (HPC). Other detected networks were striatum – split into ventral and dorsal parts (CPu V, D), insular (S2,S1J), barrel (S1BF), front/hind limb (S1FL,HL) and motor (M1,2) cortices. The separation between the latter two and their bilateralism was variable.
Among the DMN constituents, the cingulate and retrosplenial
cortices were detected from the earliest timepoints, the visual cortex detection
was highly variable between rats (70 min at the earliest), and the auditory cortex and hippocampus were only detected after 120 min
(Figs. 1-2). The other networks were all
detected within one hour of bolus (Figs. 3-4). Increasing the number of IC's did not reveal the late-appearing networks earlier.
The late-time connectivity matrix revealed significant correlations between cingulate and retrosplenial cortices, and between dorsal and ventral striatum (Fig. 5), as previously reported11.
Our results show that local connectivity strength of DMN constituents is affected by anesthetic and/or sedative drugs in a time-dependent and region-dependent manner. A delay of two hours from isoflurane discontinuation and medetomidine infusion was necessary to detect the hippocampus and auditory cortex.
Whether the differences are governed by isoflurane
clearance from the brain (half-time ≈ 20 min12) or gradual
decrease of sedation under constant infusion of medetomidine13 remains
to be established. We note however that the temporal pattern observed
for the DMN does not correlate with α2 receptor
concentration in the brain regions at stake14.
These spatio-temporal features have significant implications for the interpretation and comparison of resting-state studies in the rat, and of DMN connectivity in particular9,11.
Early, intermediate and late-time global connectivity can be compared using a larger cohort of rats. Future work will also focus on the time-dependent connectivity of late-appearing networks using a seed-based approach.
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