Quantitative MRI made easy with qMRLab
Tanguy DUVAL1, Ilana R Leppert1,2, Jean-François Cabana3, Mathieu Boudreau2, Ian Gagnon1, Gabriel Berestovoy 1, Julien Cohen-Adad1,4, and Nikola Stikov1,5

1NeuroPoly Lab, Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 4Functional Neuroimaging Unit, CRIUGM, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 5Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada


Quantitative MR (qMR) methods exist for most MRI sequences (e.g. diffusion, magnetization transfer, inversion recovery). All these methods have a similar methodology: a biophysical model (i.e. an analytical equation), that relates the MRI contrast to some microstructural and physical features, is used to fit experimental data. Although open-source software packages are available online for certain qMR techniques, there does not exist a single stand-alone platform that can implement and compare a wide range of quantitative MRI methods. With qMRLab, we propose an open-source, MATLAB-based, object-oriented software with separate modules for each technique. We envision qMRLab as a standard platform with a growing list of contributors, where the qMR community can replicate and cross-validate a wide range of qMR methods. qMRLab includes a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI), batch scripts examples, and qMR datasets. The software can be used to fit and check the quality of qMR data, to optimize protocols, compare fitting models, and simulate the effects of various model assumptions.


Quantitative MR (qMR) methods exist for most MRI sequences (e.g. diffusion, magnetization transfer, inversion recovery). All these methods have a similar methodology: a biophysical model (i.e. an analytical equation), that relates the MRI contrast to some microstructural and physical features, is used to fit experimental data. Although open-source software packages are available online for certain qMR techniques, there does not exist a single stand-alone platform that can implement and compare a wide range of quantitative MRI methods. With qMRLab, we propose an open-source, MATLAB-based, object-oriented software with separate modules for each technique. We envision qMRLab as a standard platform with a growing list of contributors, where the qMR community can replicate and cross-validate a wide range of qMR methods. qMRLab includes a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) (Fig. 1), batch scripts examples, and qMR datasets. The software can be used to fit and check the quality of qMR data, to optimize protocols, compare fitting models, and simulate the effects of various model assumptions.


qMRLab architecture. Each qMR method is modularized as a Matlab class that contains: the protocol parameters, the fitting options, and model options. The class also contains the following methods: 1) ‘equation’, to analytically generate qMR data; 2) ‘fit’, to fit the experimental data using an analytical equation (Fig. 2); 3) ‘plotModel’, to plot the fitting curves; 4) ‘plotProt’, to display the protocol (e.g. b-space in diffusion); and 5) ‘Sim_***’, to perform various simulations (see next section). The function ‘qMRusage’ provides usage examples for each method and can help guide users who would like to implement scripts or pipelines. A class object can easily be loaded within the GUI for reproducibility and for sharing across centers.

Simulations. Several simulation modules are included in qMRLab (folder ‘Addons’) (see figure 3): 1) “Single Voxel Curve”, to generate noisy (Rician noise) synthetic MR signals and fit the simulated data, 2) “Sensitivity Analysis”, to estimate the precision of fitted parameters for a particular SNR, and for different value of one parameter (all other parameters fixed), 3) “Multi-voxel Distribution”, to estimate the precision of fitted parameters for a wide range of parameter combinations, 4) “Protocol Optimization”, to produce an optimized protocol using the Cramér-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) as an objective function, and SOMA all-to-one as an optimizer (Zelinka 2004; Alexander 2008). Note that modules 2 and 3 above depend on module 1. An example application of module 2 to test the effects of model assumptions can be found in (Duval et al. 2017, Fig. S2).

Modalities. Currently, qMRLab includes AxCaliber (Assaf et al. 2008; Fieremans et al. 2016; Ning et al. 2016) and NODDI (Zhang et al., 2012) for diffusion MRI; Myelin Water Fraction (MWF) (MacKay et al., 1994) , MTSat (Helms et al., 2008), quantitative Magnetization Transfer (qMT) (Bieri and Scheffler, 2007; Gochberg et al., 1999; Sled and Pike, 2000) for myelin/macromolecular content imaging, Variable Flip Angle (Fram et al., 1987) and Inversion Recovery (Barral et al., 2010) for T1 mapping, B0/B1 field mapping (Insko and Bolinger, 1993; Maier et al., 2015; Schofield and Zhu, 2003).

Continuous integration. qMRLab uses Travis (travis-ci.org) to run automated tests at each update. All models are tested for consistent results across versions and accurate fitting (using the single voxel curve simulation). Automatically generated documentation (based on class definition headers, and batch examples), as well as a video introduction to the basics of qMRLab are available online (http://qmrlab.readthedocs.io/) (fig. 4)


The field of quantitative MRI is in dire need of standardization, and we believe qMRLab is an important step in this direction, providing a unified platform that researchers can use to fit their qMR data, simulate signals, and add customizable modules to fulfill the needs of the community. Currently, most labs use in-house code that is difficult to distribute and qMR studies are difficult to reproduce. By providing an open-source software package, coupled with a simple and easy-to-use graphical interface, we also hope to make these techniques accessible to a wider audience, and to help their translation into the clinic.

qMRLab can be downloaded for free at: https://github.com/neuropoly/qMRLab/


Study funded by MS Society of Canada, Canada Research Chair, CIHR, FRQS, FRQNT, QBIN and NSERC.


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Figure 1: qMRLab interface. 1) Menu panel: select a qMR method, choose to fit experimental data or to open a simulator. 2) Main panel: browse your data, visualize data and fitting results. 3) Options panel: load your protocol, choose the fitting and model options. Note that this panel is automatically populated from the model’s class definition.

Figure 2: Some fitting results obtained from the example datasets provided with qMRLab (all datasets are from in vivo human brain, except the CHARMED and MWF which are cat and dog spinal cords respectively). qMT: quantitative Magnetization Transfer. SPGR: Spoiled Gradient Echo. MTsat Saturated Magnetization Transfer. NODDI: Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging. MWF: Myelin Water fraction. CHARMED: Composite hindered and restricted model of diffusion.

Figure 3: qMRLab features (using inversion recovery T1 mapping for illustration). 1) Single Voxel Curve: use the analytical/Bloch equations to simulate noisy experimental data, that are then used to test the fitting procedure. 2) Sensitivity analysis: analyze the precision of your qMR measurements at different regimes. 3) Multi-voxel distribution: simulate a wide range of parameter combination to test the sensitivity of your qMR method. 4) check and compare the data fitting in different voxels.

Figure 4: Preview of the introductory video that is part of the documentation: http://qmrlab.readthedocs.io/.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)