Optimization of OH-CEST contrast at 3T for clinical application of glucoCEST MRI
Chirayu Gandhi1, Dario Longo2, Annasofia Anemone3, Kai Herz1, Anagha Deshmane1, Tobias Lindig4, Benjamin Bender4, Silvio Aime3, Klaus Scheffler1, and Moritz Zaiss1

1High-Field Magnetic Resonance, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Torino, Italy, 3Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Molecolari e Scienze per la Salute, Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy, 4Diagnostic & Interventional Neuroradiology, University Hospital Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany


A 3D snapshot CEST sequence is optimized for contrast originating from hydroxyl groups of glucose molecules. Multi-B1-multi-pH measurements allow fitting of exchange rates of four glucose hydroxyl groups, which are then used to optimize pre-saturation parameters in simulation. The optimal protocol gave highly reproducible signals in 6 healthy volunteers, and showed no contrast when tested in a brain tumor patient. This protocol provides a robust baseline for glucose injection studies.


Gluco-CEST and –CESL might go clinical soon1–4. To improve glucoCEST protocols we aim to measure glucose QUESP for various pH and temperature to get a valid glucose hydroxyl exchange rate estimation under physiological conditions by (i) simultaneous B1-pH Bloch-McConnell fitting, (ii) using this information for numerical optimization of GlucoCEST/CESL preparation at clinical field strengths, and (iii) applying this method for intrinsic OH-CEST measurement in a reproducibility study at 3T.


Seven tubes of 20 mM glucose solution in 1x PBS with different pH were measured at 2 temperatures for 6 different B1 levels between 0.5 and 3µT for 5s at B0=7T (Bruker). This stack of 7x6=42 Z-spectra (normalized and B0 corrected) was fitted simultaneously by a multi-Bloch-McConnell fit including the pH dependence for the exchange rate of each –OH pool x= b,d,e,f

$$k_x = k_{x1} \cdot10^{pH-7} + k_{x0}$$

The chemical shifts were assumed to be fixed at be δb=0.66 ppm, δd=1.28 ppm, δe=2.08 ppm and δf=2.88 ppm. We further assumed the concentration fraction of the –OH groups reflect their effective proton number of b:1, d:3, e:0.37 and f:(1-0.37) leading to the relative fractions at 20mM: 1.8018e-04, 5.4054e-04, 0.37·1.8018e-04 1.8018e-04, and (1-0.37) ·1.8018e-04, respectively. The R1 values for the water pool for both temperatures were provided to the fit.

In vivo measurement with a presaturated 3D-GRE snapshot sequence5 was performed in 6 healthy volunteers in a Siemens PRISMA 3T scanner after providing written informed consent. Motion and B0 corrected Z-spectra (37 offsets between -3 and 3ppm) were evaluated by MTR asymmetry analysis.

After validation for reproducibility, the OH-CEST MRI was included in the local routine PET/MR protocol. Clinical validation of the protocol was performed in one patient (scanned with Siemens Verio PET/MR) with suspected low-grade glioma.


The Bloch-McConnell (BM) fit for the multi-pH-multi data fitted at 37° yields exchange rates of 1200 Hz, 2997 Hz, 3543 Hz, and 5863 Hz at pH=7.2 T=37° (Figure 1). Using these values in Bloch-McConnell simulations reveals that when taking into account direct water saturation and MT, the optimal pre-saturation for glucoCEST contrast in terms of CNR in grey matter at 3T is two 100ms pulses of B1 = 3µT at 1 ppm after long recovery (data not shown).

This presaturation was applied for intrinsic OH-CEST MRI of 6 healthy volunteers which showed a positive MTR asymmetry at 1.3 ppm with similar results for optimal B1 and number of pulses (Figure 2). MTRasym was highly reproducible with average values of 2.7% in GM and 2.4% in WM, and inter scan fluctuation <0.5% (Figure 3).

After this reproducibility validation, the OH-CEST MRI was applied in a brain tumor patient - still without glucose injection - with similar outcome in contralateral tissue (Figure 4). Interestingly, although the tumor is clearly visible in the Z-value image at 1.3 ppm (Figure 4c) due to high fluid content, the MTRasym looks very homogeneous (Figure 4d).


The optimized OH-CEST protocol yields reliable and flat contrast in the human brain. First application in tumors without injection also revealed that the OH-CEST signal in tumor tissue stays similar to contralateral tissue signals (Figure 4). Thus, the proposed OH-CEST protocol forms a flat baseline for any injection experiments in tumor patients.

The relatively short but strong irradiation is especially selective for intermediate to fast exchanging protons. Thus amides, NOE and semi-solid MT effects are suppressed. This is a CEST protocol in the spin-lock regime and therefore we expect similar dynamic-glucose-enhancement outcomes to the work of Schuenke et al2,3.


Multi-B1-Multi-pH Bloch-McConnell fitting of Z-spectra increased fit stability for determination of glucose hydroxyl exchange rates under physiological conditions. Optimal pre-saturation determined by simulation is short saturation CESL or CEST in the spin-lock regime. Volunteer studies showed that this pre-saturation leads to a reliable contrast in vivo with only small tissue contrast, thus forming a good baseline for planned glucose injection studies at 3T.


The financial support of the Max Planck Society, German Research Foundation (DFG, grant ZA 814/2-1, support to M.Z.), European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 667510, support to M.Z.) is gratefully acknowledged.


  1. Xu, X. et al. Tomogr. J. Imaging Res. 2015; 1:105–114.
  2. Schuenke, P. et al. Mag Reson Med 2017; 78:215-225.
  3. Schuenke, P. et al. Sci Rep 2017; 7:42093.
  4. Paech, D. et al. Radiology in press. DOI: 10.1148/radiol.2017162351
  5. Zaiss, M. et al. NMR in Biomed 2017, under minor revision.


Figure 1. Simultaneous multi-B1-multi-pH fit of 42 Z-spectra of 20mM glucose tubes yields glucose hydroxyl exchange rates as a function of pH and temperature.

Figure 2. Optimization of OH-CEST contrast in vivo at 3T. (a) Z-spectrum in grey and white matter with MTR asymmetry. (b) MTRasym(1.3ppm) as a function of B1. (c) MTRasym(1.3ppm) as a function of number of saturation pulses.

Figure 3. Reproducibility of OH-CEST protocol at 3T with 3 repeated measurements in each of the 6 volunteers. (a) Individual intra-volunteer reproducibility. (b) Inter-volunteer reproducibility. (c) Inter-scan reproducibility of all performed scans.

Figure 4. OH-CEST protocol at 3T in a patient with suspected low-grade glioma. Z-spectrum in tumor and contralateral tissue (a) show big differences, also visible in the Z(1.3 ppm) image (c). However the asymmetry (b,d) is only slightly lower in the tumor compared to contralateral white matter. (e) Clinical MR contrasts and FET-PET for tumor localization reference.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)