A 2D-GRE-EPI based sequence combined with the PICORE magnetization preparation technique was used to acquire functional Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) perfusion data at high field (7T). BOLD and Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) changes along with phase and susceptibility maps (QSM) are obtained and assessed from this scan. Using a pre-determined general linear model (GLM), a strong correlation between the change in these parameters in the activated region (visual cortex) has been found showing that this multi-parametric acquisition may help in resolving the multi-factorial BOLD signal for functional brain studies.
Functional ASL data from four healthy volunteers were acquired on a 7T head-only Siemens system equipped with multi-transmit capabilities, using a 2D EPI-based Pulsed ASL (PASL) sequence combined with the PICORE Q2TIPS scheme for the blood labeling4. The acquisition parameters were (TE/TR=9.5ms/3500ms, TI1/TI2=700/1800ms, flip-angle=60o, 10 slices with voxel size=2.5x2.5x2.5mm3, 20% inter-slice distance, and 70 repetitions during a 35-second block design of visual stimuli with a concentric checkerboard (flickering at 8Hz), presented on a grey background. The imaging slab was oblique-axially oriented at -26o±4o to achieve good coverage of the visual cortex region. Both magnitude and phase images were collected from the raw data. Phase images from each coil were combined using the coil receive sensitivity (B1-) profiles5.
Perfusion images were generated from the tag-control difference data by averaging all the resting and active time points (TPs)6. Similarly, the pre-processing of magnitude data (including individual tag and control data) was carried out in FMRI Expert Analysis Tool (FEAT) of FSL, by using the BOLD effect and activation perfusion signal regressors7,8. The original phase images were unwrapped9, demeaned, then the centre of k-space zeroed to adjust for any constant phase drift introduced between time points (TPs). Motion correction parameters from the magnitude data were then applied to the demeaned phase. The ‘resting’ (excluding the undershoot TPs) and ‘active’ TPs were identified (avoiding the transitional TPs) and then averaged in phase, respectively. ‘Active’ and ‘resting’ phase difference (φdiff) was utilised to measure Δχ values in draining veins10. The draining vein contours were manually drawn to measure the mean of Δχ (or Δχv).
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