The blood-brain partition coefficient (BBPC) is a tissue-specific parameter important in quantifying cerebral blood flow (CBF), but regional differences in BBPC are commonly ignored. Using an accelerated calibrated proton density imaging technique we measure BBPC directly, enabling a voxel-wise correction of CBF maps derived from arterial spin labeling acquisitions. We measure an elevated BBPC in the cortex (0.99mL/g) relative to the corpus callosum (0.93mL/g) and the hippocampus (0.95mL/g), and demonstrate that BBPC-correction improves gray-white matter contrast in CBF maps by 15% in the cortex and 7% in the hippocampus.
Imaging Protocol- Male C57Bl/N mice aged 12 months (n=8) were imaged
using a 7T Bruker ClinScan (Bruker Biospin, Ettlingen, Germany) to acquire both
ACPD images and pseudo-continuous ASL images. The ACPD images were acquired with a 39mm
birdcage transmit/receive coil and the pCASL images were acquired with a
four-channel phased-array surface receive coil without disturbing the position
of the mouse by means of a custom bed and nose cone. For the ACPD images a
series of phantoms with 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40% deuterium oxide in distilled
water and doped with gadobutrol (Gadavist, Bayer
Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Whippany NJ, USA, 0.07mM), along with a blood-sample
obtained from the facial vein of the mouse were placed inside the volume coil.
A series of image stacks were acquired with a phase-spoiled, FLASH-GRE sequence
(FOV= 2.8cmx2.8cm, matrix= 256x256, slice thickness= 1mm, number of slices= 10,
flip angle= 90°) with a very short TE (3.2ms) and 6 different TR values (125,
187, 250, 500, 1000, 2000ms). The pCASL images were acquired with FOV= 1.8cmx1.3cm,
matrix= 128x96, slice-thickness= 1mm, number of slices= 6, TE/TR= 20/4000ms,
label duration= 1.6s, post-label delay= 0s, averages= 120.
Image Analysis- The centermost 2 slices containing the hippocampus were selected for analysis. The brain regions of the ACPD and pCASL images were isolated independently using an automated skull-stripping algorithm and then coregistered. The BBPC map was then calculated voxel-wise by fitting the ACPD series to the mono-exponential recovery curve S= M0*[1-e^(TR/T1)] to yield a map of M0, normalizing to the phantom series, and finally using the equation BBPC= M0,brain/(M0,blood *1.04g/mL).2,3 Quantitative CBF maps were calculated from the pCASL images according to the equation1
where PLD is post-label delay, LD is label duration, T1,blood is the longitudinal relaxation of blood (2.2s at 7T), and α is label efficiency (0.85). For standard CBF maps the BBPC was assumed to be a constant 0.9mL/g while the corrected maps used the measured BBPC maps to calculate CBF. Regions of interest encompassing the motor and sensory cortex, corpus callosum, and hippocampus were drawn manually on each analyzed slice. BBPC, uncorrected CBF, and corrected CBF values were averaged for each region of interest. Gray-white contrast was determined for each slice as the difference of average CBF values in gray and white matter regions of interest. All analysis was performed with self-written scripts in Matlab (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA).
ST is supported by the F. Joseph Halcomb III, M.D. Fellowship for Engineering and Medicine
AL is supported by NIH Grant #RO1AG054459
(1) Alsop DC, Detre JA, Golay X, Gunther M, Hendrikse J, Hernandez-Garcia L, Lu H, MacIntosh BJ, Parkes LM, Smits M, van Osch MJ, Wang DJ, Wong EC and Zaharchuk G. Recommended implementation of arterial spin-labeled perfusion MRI for clinical applications: A consensus of the ISMRM perfusion study group and the European consortium for ASL in dementia. Magn Reson Med. 2015;73:102-16.
(2) Leithner C, Muller S, Fuchtemeier M, Lindauer U, Dirnagl U and Royl G. Determination of the brain-blood partition coefficient for water in mice using MRI. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2010;30:1821-4.
(3) Thalman SW, Powell DK, Shen A, Hartz A, and Lin AL. Using Calibrated Proton Density Imaging to Measure Blood-Brain Partition Coefficient in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Mice. Proc. ISMRM 2017;2349