Normal-appearing white matter on the contralateral hemisphere (cNAWM) of glioblastoma (GBM) has been shown with MRS and DTI to be abnormal which might be due to tumor cell infiltration into these distant normal appearing brain structures. Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST), quantitative magnetization transfer (
Subjects: 13 newly diagnosed GBM patients (8M/5F, Age 54±9years) and 9 healthy controls (7M/2F, Age 48±12years) were recruited (REB approved) and were MRI-scanned. Patients were scanned before chemo-radiation treatment but after surgical resection of the tumor.
MRI: was performed on a 3T Philips Achieva scanner. An axial slice passing through the tumor was imaged with TFE (TR/TE=7.78/4.5ms, Matrix=144×144, FOV=20×20cm,slice=3mm).
CEST imaging covered offsets between -5.9ppm and 5.9ppm with 0.2ppm increments, with 4 references at ~780ppm at the beginning and another 4 references at the end of the spectrum. RF saturation included 4 block pulses of 242.5ms each (970ms total), and B1=0.52µT3,4. CEST imaging was repeated twice for a total of 4.8min.
qMT imaging: six MT spectrums were acquired. MT preparation involved 2 & 4 block pulses of 242.5ms each (total duration=970ms & 485ms), and for each duration three RF powers of 1.5/3/5µT were used. MT spectrum covered 250Hz to 100kHz with 14 offsets (with equal log scale separation).
T2 mapping: was performed using a T2-weighted spin echo sequence with 10 echo times and by fitting a mono-exponential function to the data.
Analysis: All images (CEST/MT/T1/T2 were co-registered to the first acquired CEST image.
qMT modeling: the six MT spectrums were fit to the two-pool MT model proposed by Henkelman5 in transient state, and the four model parameters exchange rate (R), the size of the macromolecular pool (M0b) and [R, T2b,RM0b/Ra,1/(RaT2a)] were calculated. RM0b/Ra, M0b, R represent amount of magnetization transfer, macromolecular pool size, and exchange rate respectively.
CEST analysis: B0 and drift correction was performed3 and then each spectrum was normalized to its reference. MT signal was simulated using the qMT analysis results and was extrapolated into the CEST imaging range. The two normalized CEST spectra were then averaged and the simulated MT curve was subtracted from it to provide the CEST signals. The amplitude of this CEST curve corresponding to Amide (3.5ppm), Amine (2.2ppm), and Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) (-3.5ppm) were then used as the CESTAmide, CESTAmine, and CESTNOE signals respectively. Lorentzian decomposition of the original CEST spectrum into a constant MT (for offsets between ‑5.9ppm to 5.9ppm) and four Lorentzian line-shapes (Amide, NOE, Amine, bulk water) was also performed, and Area under the curve of NOE, Amide, and Amine CEST peaks (AUCNOE, AUCAmide, AUCAmine) were calculated.
NAWM ROI: For each patient two ROIs on the cNAWM were selected (26 ROIs in total). For each control four ROIs on the NAWM (two on each hemisphere) was selected (36 ROIs in total).
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2. Koshy, M. et al. Improved survival time trends for glioblastoma using the SEER 17 population-based registries. J. Neurooncol. 107, 207–212 (2012).
3. Mehrabian, H., Desmond, K. L., Soliman, H., Sahgal, A. & Stanisz, G. J. Differentiation between radiation necrosis and tumor progression using chemical exchange saturation transfer. Clin. Cancer Res. 23, clincanres.2265.2016 (2017).
4. Desmond, K. L. et al. Chemical exchange saturation transfer for predicting response to stereotactic radiosurgery in human brain metastasis. Magn. Reson. Med. 78, 1110–1120 (2017).
5. Henkelman, R. M. et al. Quantitative interpretation of magnetization transfer. Magn. Reson. Med. 29, 759–766 (1993).