Using contrast agent in fMRI has the benefits of providing additional information of regional cerebral blood volume (CBV) and of enhancing sensitivity. Response comparisons of BOLD and MION enhanced CBV fMRI to the noxious stimulus in non-human primate showed signal increase for MION fMRI in the regions that are important in pain-processing network. Activities of some brain areas, including putamen, were captured with MION fMRI, not with BOLD. Capsaicin treatment augmented the responses of fMRI to the noxious stimulation for BOLD and MION fMRI. New insight can be obtained for the pain network through the comparison between BOLD and CBV fMRI.
Animals and experimental procedure Male rhesus macaques (5 yrs, 4-9 kg, n=3) were used in accordance with IACUC guidelines. During imaging, medetomidine (0.015mg/kg/hr) was injected continuously through the saphenous vein and 0.3% of isoflurane was ventilated (Datex-Ohmeda, GE Healthcare, WI), which cocktail drugs were used to prevent the cerebrovascular dilation by high dose of isoflurane. Physiologies were controlled and maintained within a normal range throughout the experiments. Capsaicin was prepared by dissolving 1 mg/mL capsaicin in 70% ethanol and 0.1ml solution was applied to the skin underneath the electrode. In some sessions, MION (10 mg/kg) was injected after obtaining BOLD fMRI.
Stimulation Tactile electrical stimulation was applied to the back skin of the lower arm through the attached hydrogel patch electrode (2x2 cm2) without and with topical application of capsaicin. To investigate the intensity dependent fMRI signal, four different strength of electrical stimulation (5Hz, 5sec, 7, 8, 9 and 10mA) was applied in the semi-random inter-trial intervals (29±6.7s). The same stimulation paradigm, including stimulation strength, duration and inter-trial interval, was used for each experimental condition.
Imaging BOLD and MION enhanced CBV fMRI data were collected by a gradient-echo echoplanar whole-brain pulse sequence (EPI; TR=1.2s, TE=22ms, slice thickness = 1.29mm, and 42 slices) using 3T Siemens Prisma. Brain anatomical images (T1; TR=2.3s, TE=3.47ms, slice thickness=0.5mm) of each animal was acquired to co-register with a standard monkey brain atlas for further analyses.
Data analysis Data were analyzed using SPM8 and MATLAB programs. After correcting for head motion, the functional volumes were registered with the anatomical volumes of the animal. Each stimulus epoch was convolved with a canonical hemodynamic response function. Activity maps for each condition were estimated using the GLM. Nuisance covariates were also included to capture noise, including spike and movement-related covariates. Group comparison was conducted using t-test.
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