Ian J Tagge1, Valerie C Anderson1, James T Obayashi2, Xin Li1, Joseph F Quinn3, Jeffrey A Kaye3, Dennis N Bourdette3, Rebecca I Spain3, Manoj K Sammi1, and William D Rooney1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, United States, 2Neurological Surgery, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, United States, 3Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, United States
The extent to which changes
in blood-brain-barrier permeability are associated with healthy aging is poorly
understood. Pharmacokinetic modeling of dynamic-contrast-enhanced MRI yields quantitative
estimates of BBB water permeability. DCE-MRI data were collected from 40
healthy controls (aged 34-80 yrs) at 7T. Declines in pharmacokinetic parameters
were significant across the entire age range included in this study. Because changes
in BBB permeability to water and other small molecules are likely to precede
the leakage of CR and larger macromolecules, these estimates represent
particularly important probes of the subtle BBB abnormalities that are likely
to accompany healthy brain aging.
blood-brain barrier (BBB) plays a key role in water homeostasis throughout the
brain. While BBB abnormalities of focal lesions are well-described, the extent
to which BBB permeability changes accompany the more subtle processes
associated with healthy aging remains poorly understood. Pharmacokinetic
modeling of rapidly sampled dynamic-contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) data during
the first pass of a low molecular weight contrast reagent (CR) using a model
that explicitly incorporates exchange effects yields estimates of the
intravascular water volume fraction (vb) and the mean transendothelial
water exchange rate constant (kpo), potentially a quantitative surrogate
of brain metabolism.1,2Methods
DCE-MRI data were acquired from 40
healthy controls between 34 and 80 years of age (see Table 1) on a 7T MRI
instrument (Siemens) with quadrature transmit coil and either an 8- or
24-channel phased-array receive RF coil. A single axial slice inversion
recovery (IR) turboflash sequence (5.5-10 mm slice thickness; TR/TE/FA
285/1.25/6°; 64x64 image matrix; FOV (192 mm)2; or
285/1.15/6°; 128x96 image matrix; FOV 256x192 mm2)
was positioned in the centrum semiovale (CSO). IR image sets (TI 153 – 2035 ms;
2.3 s temporal resolution, 90-100 image sets total) were obtained before,
during, and after injection of 0.4- 0.5 mmol/kg Gadoteridol (ProHance; Bracco
Diagnostics, Cranberry, NJ) into the antecubital vein. R1 (≡1/T1)
values were calculated on a voxel-by-voxel basis for each IR image set. WM
tissue segmentation was achieved via bimodal Gaussian fitting of the pre-contrast
R1 (R10) histogram data for each individual.3 Estimates of vb, kpo,
intrinsic tissue R1 (R1i; the tissue R1
corrected for contributions from blood), and the capillary permeability-surface
area product of water (PwS; ≡ kpo*vb) were calculated for the WM using Shutter-Speed
Paradigm (SSP) model.1,2 Age-associated changes in parameters
were evaluated using robust linear regression models.4 All statistical analyses were
performed using Stata (v 12; Statacorp, College Station, TX). P values were
calculated at the 0.05 significance level in two-tailed tests.Results
Figure 1
illustrates vascular and tissue response curves during bolus passage (a,b). The
nonlinear relationship between R1t (WM tissue R1) and R1b
(R1 in the blood, taken from a single voxel in the sagittal sinus)
is evident (panel c; solid curve is the SSP fit to the data). Pre-contrast R1
map and WM segmentation mask for the subject are shown in panel d. Plots for
each parameter of interest against age are shown in Figure 2. R1i decreases at a rate of 0.04% per decade
among all participants, although the rate of decline is not linearly associated
with age over the entire age range (p= .36), appearing to decline faster among
older (> 60 yrs) individuals (panel a). A similar non-linear relationship
has been reported in humans5 and non-human primates6 and may reflect acceleration of heterogeneous
aging processes in the later decades. In contrast, declines in vb (-0.13
mL 100 g-1 per decade), kpo (-0.45 s-1 per
decade), and PwS (-0.01 mL 100 g-1 s-1 per
decade) were significant over the entire age range. Discussion
In the aging WM where capillary
morphology is relatively intact, the rate of CR leakage is small and the
temporal signature of R1 values can be significantly influenced by
transendothelial 1H2O exchange processes.7,8 Under these conditions,
fitting the changes in 1H2O R1 values to a
two-compartment (intravascular and parenchymal) model that explicitly accounts
for transendothelial water exchange is most reasonable. The resulting
pharmacokinetic parameters (vb, kpo, and PwS)
provide quantitative estimates of BBB water permeability. Since changes in BBB
permeability to water and other small molecules are likely to precede the
leakage of CR and larger macromolecules,9 such estimates represent
particularly important probes of the subtle BBB abnormalities that are likely
to accompany healthy brain aging.
Our results confirm a linear
decline in WM vb with age, consistent with previous PET10,11 and DSC-MRI12 findings, and a pronounced
decrease in kpo. Unlike vb,
which varies with vascular density, kpo depends primarily on vessel
diameter and the activity of systems that drive water transport across the
endothelium. It is possible that the changes in WM kpo that we
observe reflect an age-related disturbance in ion transport processes that are coupled
to water cycling and regulation of brain water homeostasis at the capillary
endothelium. Acknowledgements
Support from
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation; NIH AG 033638, 046626, AG 008017,
OD018224; NMSS FG-16-7-25259References
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