Sensorimotor resting-state functional connectivity at 7T: contrasting Huntington's and Parkinson's disease.
Sirius Boessenkool1, Stefania Evangelisti1, Patrick Pflanz1, Stuart Clare1, Campbell Le Heron2, Johannes Klein1, Richard Armstrong2, Kinan Muhammed2, Andrea Nemeth2, Michele Hu2, and Gwenaelle Douaud1

1FMRIB Centre, WIN, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2NDCN, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom


This preliminary study aims to explore high-resolution functional sensorimotor connectivity using resting-state fMRI in healthy controls (HC), Parkinson's (PD) and Huntington's (HD) disease patients. This 7T study therefore includes subjects showing all three states of the basal ganglia inhibitory function. Group ICA and dual regression analyses identified 2 sensorimotor networks: one in which PD and HD showed the same lower cortical connectivity pattern compared with HC in M1 (face area), but opposite pattern in the subthalamic nucleus; and another in which PD and HD showed opposite pattern in M1 and S1 (hand area). This demonstrates the capacity of 7T rs-fMRI to identify with remarkable detail meaningful differences between these two movement disorders.


Key discoveries in animal studies have recently challenged the established model of the basal ganglia connections and their involvement in Parkinson's and Huntington's disease (PD, HD). However, conventional human MRI studies (1.5T or 3T) lack the resolution and contrast to study all of the basal ganglia structures.

State-of-the-art 7T MRI imaging makes it possible to directly identify and distinguish the smaller subcortical structures, such as the substantia nigra (SN), subthalamic nucleus (STN), globus pallidus internus (GPi) and externus (GPe).

This preliminary 7T study aims to explore sensorimotor connectivity, including in these structures, using resting state functional MRI in healthy controls (HC), PD and HD patients, therefore including in the same MRI study subjects showing all three states of the basal ganglia inhibitory function: normal (HC), increased (PD) and decreased (HD).


* Acquisition:

Scans were acquired on a Siemens Magnetom syngo B17 7T MRI scanner, using a 32-channel head coil.

Structural: T1 (0.9x0.9x0.9 mm) + PD (proton density, 0.9x0.9x0.9 mm).

Diffusion: Two sessions AP and PA/ blip-up and blip-down, 64 directions, 1.2x1.2x1.2 mm, TE=68.2ms, TR=5382ms, flip angle 90°, multiband factor 2.

Resting state functional MRI: rsfMRI, 7 minutes, 14 seconds, 1.2x1.2x1.2 mm, TE=25 ms, TR=1853 ms, flip angle 40°, multiband factor 4.

* Preprocessing in FSL:

Structural: After rigid registration, T1 was divided by PD to enhance CNR, then GM-segmented.

Diffusion: Diffusion data was registered and unwarped using EDDY and TOPUP.

Resting state functional MRI: Resting state data was motion corrected using MCFLIRT, unwarped using fieldmaps calculated from a set of blip-up blip-down b0 images (see above), brain extracted, "denoised" using manually classified single subject ICA based cleaning and smoothed at 3mm FWHM.

* Identification of the basal ganglia structures:

This was done for each participant using MIST, a multi-modal automatic segmentation tool. Each ROI was then manually inspected and corrected if needed (caudate, putamen, ventral striatum, thalamus and globus pallidus). GPe and GPi were further delineated using the T1/PD scan for each individual, as there is a clear distinction between the two structures on these scans (Figure 1). SN and STN were directly identified on the EPI for each subject, as the contrast and resolution made it possible to distinguish the two in these scans.

* Participants:

12 presymptomatic or very early stage HD participants (8 preclinical, 4 stage I), mean age: 40±11

16 very early stage PD patients (2 unmedicated, 14 H&Y 1, 2 H&Y 2 including one unmedicated). Those medicated were asked to withhold medication on the morning of the scan (last medication taken as normal before sleep). Mean age: 59±8

24 HC, matched in age to both HD and PD participants, mean age: 45±17

* Functional connectivity group comparison:

Preprocessed functional images were registered to a study specific template in MNI space using an optimised, unbiased VBM approach (using GM segmentation from T1/PD scans). Group level ICA was run to extract data-driven resting-state networks. Dual regression was then performed to obtain subject specific timeseries and voxelwise spatial maps associated with each network. In addition, we used the hand drawn individual masks of GPe, GPi, SN and STN (co-registered to each standard individual space) to extract the mean connectivity values. Age was regressed out from both voxelwise and ROI analyses.

Results and Conclusions

Unbiased group ICA (d=30) yielded 9 ICs which were clear signal networks. For the purpose of this preliminary study, we focused on the 2 sensorimotor networks identified (Figures 2 and 3). IC1 described the lateral primary motor cortex, from the face area down to more ventral regions. IC2 described regions which encompassed both the primary somatosensory and motor cortex, as well as premotor regions, all more dorsal to IC1(from hand area up to more dorsal and medial regions).

In IC1, the (pre)HD group showed a reduction of functional connectivity clearly following M1 around the face area compared with HC. PD roughly presented the same pattern. Our additional ROI analysis also revealed a trend for lower connectivity values in the STN of PD patients, compared with higher values in the HD participants (p<0.1, Figure 4).

In IC2 however, HD and PD group showed opposite patterns in the primary sensorimotor cortex around the hand area, with HD demonstrating lower connectivity compared with HC, but PD showing higher connectivity. This contrast seemed to be more pronounced on the left hemisphere (not formally tested).

These are very preliminary results, but they illustrate clearly the capacity of 7T rsfMRI to identify with remarkable detail differences in sensorimotor functional connectivity in HD and in PD, but also crucially between these two contrasting movement disorders.


GD acknowledges funding for this work11 from the Medical Research Council UK (MR/K006673/1). We are grateful to Mark Jenkinson, Eelke Visser and Eugene Duff for advice on tissue segmentation, automatic subcortical segmentation and resting-state analysis.



Figure 1: Average 7T T1/PD, GPe/GPi, STN/SN across all 52 participants. It shows exquisite contrast in the basal ganglia, especially in distinguishing GPe from GPi (top, average across all registered individual masks), but also STN/SN (bottom, more easily distinguished on the EPI scans).

Figure 2: First sensorimotor network and contrast between HC, HD and PD. Top, the resting-state network (in pink, Z>3) is centred around the face area in the primary motor cortex. Bottom, both HD (in green) and PD (in blue) show lower functional connectivity in the same region of M1 (0.001<p<0.05, two tailed, uncorrected). This is in contrast we what we find using ROI of the STN (Figure 4).

Figure 3: Second sensorimotor network and contrast between HC, HD and PD. Top, the resting-state network (in pink, Z>3) encompasses S1, M1 and premotor cortex (dorsal aspects). Bottom, HD and PD show clear and specific differences in M1 and S1, particularly in the left hemisphere (in dark red, 0.001<p<0.05, two tailed, uncorrected). This is due to HD showing lower connectivity in these regions compared with HC (in green, 0.001<p<0.05, two tailed, uncorrected), when PD actually show higher connectivity than HC (in red-yellow, 0.001<p<0.05, two tailed, uncorrected).

Figure 4: Mean connectivity values in GPe/GPi, STN/SN for the first sensorimotor network in HD and PD. While the voxelwise maps show in the motor cortex a comparable pattern between the two groups, values in the STN suggest higher functional connectivity between motor cortex (as shown in pink in Figure 2) and STN in HD, and lower in PD.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)