Justine DEBATISSE1,2, Nikolaos MAKRIS3, Nicolas COSTES4, Michael VERSET5, Océane WATEAU5, Karine PORTIER1, Mohamed AGGOUR1, Jean-Baptiste LANGLOIS4, Christian TOURVIEILLE4, Didier LE BARS4, Thomas TROALEN2, Hugues CONTAMIN5, Tae-Hee CHO3,6, and Emmanuelle CANET-SOULAS1
1Univ Lyon, CarMeN Laboratory, INSERM, INRA, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France, 2Siemens Healthcare SAS, Saint-Denis, France, 3CREATIS, CNRS UMR 5220, INSERM U1206, Université Lyon 1, INSA Lyon, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, Lyon, France, 4CERMEP - Imagerie du vivant, Lyon, France, 5Cynbiose SAS, Marcy-L'Etoile, France, 6Department of Neurology, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France
Reliable estimation of cerebral blood flow (CBF) is
crucial for a precise diagnosis of acute ischemia. PET using [15O]H2O
remains the reference method to assess CBF but it can also be assessed using
MRI. Several post-processing algorithms of perfusion MRI can be used to derive
MRI-CBF values. CBF was simultaneously assessed with PET and MRI in a Macaca fascicularis model of stroke
using a Siemens PET-MRI hybrid scanner. Four MRI post processing algorithms
(sSVD, cSVD, oSVD and Bayesian) were compared against PET estimation of CBF.
Bayesian algorithm seems to derive the most reliable estimation of CBF.
Restauration of blood flow to an ischemic organ
is essential to prevent irreversible tissue injury. To this end, reliable
estimation of cerebral blood flow is crucial for a precise diagnosis and
patient therapy. Recent introduction of PET-MRI hybrid technology allows the
simultaneous acquisition of PET and MRI data. Multi-parametric PET-MRI can be
used to quantitatively evaluate physiological parameters, and to identify
different areas within the ischemic territory. PET with [15O]H2O
is the reference method to quantitatively assess cerebral perfusion. MRI
cerebral perfusion can also be evaluated using DSC-MRI (dynamic susceptibility
contrast MRI) with an injection of a paramagnetic contrast agent. Methods
Longitudinal cerebral perfusion assessment using a
hybrid PET-MRI scanner Biograph mMR (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) was performed in a minimally
invasive endovascular non-human primate (NHP – Macaca fascicularis) model of stroke under continuous veterinarian
monitoring. The study was approved by the ethic committee of the institution (APAFIS#8901-2016032116237108) and strictly followed the European guidelines for animal experiment. In
this model, a transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) was
performed. Imaging data were acquired before ischemia (“baseline” imaging
session) and after recanalization of the ischemic area (“post-reperfusion”
imaging session). In this pilot phase, two animals were scanned at baseline
session (NHP#1 and NHP#2) and one animal at post reperfusion session (NHP#1). PET
data were corrected from attenuation using CT images. Kinetic modeling of the [15O]H2O
PET was performed to compute CBF parametric maps. An image derived input
function (IDIF) using a region of interest (ROI) placed in the aortic arch was
used for the kinetic modeling. DSC-MRI data were processed using the software
Olea Sphere® (Olea Medical, La Ciotat, France) and 4 post-processing
algorithms were compared. DSC-MRI requires the measurement of the arterial
input function (AIF) and the deconvolution of the tissue concentration time
curve. One of the most accepted deconvolution methods is the use of singular
value decomposition (SVD) and three variants of SVD were used (sSVD, cSVD,
oSVD). A recently developed method, based on a probabilistic approach, the
Bayesian algorithm were also used to compute MRI based parametric maps of blood
flow, MRI-CBF. An automatic (based on clustering of arterial voxels) or manual
selection of the AIF was also used to derive the MRI-CBF maps. Brain regions of
interests (ROIs) consisting in 6-mm circles were manually placed over the
cortex, basal ganglia, and white matter areas in both the affected and
unaffected hemispheres, using the T1-weighted scans (72 ROIs for NHP#1 and 83
ROIs for NHP#2).
For each ROI, PET- and MRI-CBF values were obtained. The
regional CBF values MRI-CBF obtained with the DSC-MRI and the four
post-processing algorithms, were compared by linear correlation with the PET-CBF,
and Bland-Altman plots to characterize similarities and differences between
methods. NHP#1 and NHP#2 ROIs data were pooled together. To reduce intersubject
variability, PET- and MRI-CBF data were normalized, each ROI data was expressed
as percentage of the mean of all ROIs for each NHP.Results
NHP#1 lesions observed on the diffusion-weighted
imaging (DWI) at the post-reperfusion imaging session, and corresponding PET-
and MRI-CBF maps are represented on Figure 1. Coefficient of correlation R2
obtained in the regression plots are represented in Table 1. The two MRI post
processing methods that give the best correlation with PET-CBF data are outlined
in red. A good correlation between MRI methods is obtained. By comparison to
the reference methods PET-CBF, automatic and manual AIF with the Bayesian
algorithm showed the best correlation. The plots of these two regressions shown
in Figure 2. Presence of low and high values of CBF at the post reperfusion
imaging session improves linear link between PET and MRI-CBF values, and reduce
dispersion. The slopes of the correlations show either an overestimation or
underestimation of the MRI-CBF against the reference method PET-CBF. These
observations are confirmed by the Bland-Altman plots shown in Figure 3. In this
case, automatic selection of the AIF gives higher bias in both baseline and
post reperfusion imaging sessions, compared to manual selection of the AIF that
gives a bias inferior to 10%. Discussion
Correlation with the automatic AIF and Bayesian method
versus PET-CBF is close to the one obtained with manual AIF (R2=0,50
versus R2=0,47) but when looking at absolute values, manual AIF
gives the closest estimation of MRI-CBF compared to PET-CBF. A larger sample is
needed to confirm the value of the Bayesian algorithm for longitudinal studies
of CBF and CBV.Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Siemens Healthcare for providing the prototype sequence used in this work.References
No reference found.