Morphological interrelationships in mid-line white-matter structures are altered in individuals carrying rare neuropsychiatric copy number variants.
Mark Drakesmith1,2, Greg D Parker1, Jacqueline Smith 2, Elliot Rees2, Michael Owen2, Derek K Jones1,2, and David E Linden2

1CUBRIC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom


Neuropsychiatric copy number variants (CNVs) provide unique insights into the genetic basis of neuropsychiatric disorders. This study utilised a novel approach for characterising morphology of white-matter fibres and combines them with more traditional volumetric and microstructural indices of white-matter to study their relation to penetrance for psychopathology in a CNV cohort. Results show cingulum morphology is significantly affected by the presence of CNVs with high-penetrance for schizophrenia and developmental disorders. Additionally, volumetric interrelationships across several white-matter structures are also altered. In particular, the ratios of tract volumes across segments of the corpus callosum are altered. It is likely that both these effects stem from a single neurodevelopmental trajectory characteristic of neuropsychiatric CNVs.


Rare copy number variants (CNVs) with high penetrance for psychopathology provide unique insights into understanding the genetic aetiology of these disorders [1]. Morphology of white matter pathways has previously been shown to be affected in mental illness [2] but not in relation to genetic vulnerability. Here we characterise the morphological and microstructural properties of white-matter fibres in carriers of CNVs which confer high penetrance for schizophrenia and developmental disorders and identify principal components of these features that are associated with high penetrance scores.


A selection of CNVs were targeted for their high penetrance for schizophrenia (PSz) and developmental disorders (PDD) [3]. 22 CNV patients (table 1) and 15 non-CNV controls (CNV/control status confirmed via post-hoc CNV calling) were scanned in a 3T GE HDx system with an EPI HARDI acquisition: TE=106ms, 60 gradient orientations, 6 b=0smm-2 images, 60 b=2000 smm-2, FOV=96×96mm, 60 slices, voxel-size=1.6×1.6×2.4mm. Data were corrected for motion, eddy current distortions and field inhomogeneities in ExploreDTI [4]. Whole-brain tractography was performed with the damped Lucy-Richardson algorithm [5] with RESDORE correction [6] (3×3×3mm grid of seed points in white matter, 0.5mm step size, 45° threshold). Streamlines were automatically segmented into 17 main fibre populations: Shape analysis was performed using principal components analysis (PCA) applied to the spline points of the segmented streamlines to identify mutually orthogonal descriptors that explain the most variance in shape [2]. Descriptors explaining >95% of variance in each model were retained, yielding a total of 194 descriptors across the 17 models. Various other microstructural and macrostructural metrics of WM and GM were derived using DTI, NODDI [7] and Freesurfer. All macro- and micro-structural measurement across the 17 fibre populations were analysed with PCA to derive principle components (PCs) across all measurements. Effects of PSz and PDD on each measurement and PC was assessed using a general linear model, controlling for effects of age, gender and intra-scan head motion. Multiple comparisons were corrected for with permutation tests (5000 iterations).


PSz and PDD were significantly related to 2 analogous descriptors in the left and right cingulum bundles (Figure 1a), (all pcorr<0.05, except for PSz in the right cingulum). Both descriptors relate to the curvature of the cingulum along the AP axis, with high-penetrance participants showing greater cingulum curvature (Figure 1b and 1c). No significant effects were found for any other shape descriptors. There were corresponding microstructural effects with reductions in fractional anisotropy (FA) , increases in axial diffusivity and a marginal decrease in intra-cellular volume fraction (ICVF). No direct effects of volume were identified. However, of the components derived using PCA, the 8th component (PC8) showed a very strong effect of both PSz and PDD (figure 2). This component is heavily weighted towards volumes of white-matter fibre bundles, in particular subdevisions of the corpus callosum (splenium, body and genu). There is also weighting towards volumes of the cingulum bundles and some association fibre bundles. Figure 3 visualises the relative volumetric changes associated with PC8. Interestingly, the volumes of the body and splenium are weighted in opposite directions. A post-hoc test on the ratio of volumes between the body and splenium of the corpus callosum shows a negative correlation with both penetrance scores (PSz: t=-2.193, p=0.036; PDD; t=-2.931, p=0.006).


Results indicate cingulum morphology and volumetric interrelationship in mid-line white-matter structures are associated with penetrance for schizophrenia and developmental disorders. Given that the dorsal cingulum bundles wrap around the corpus callosum, it likely that the increased curvature of the cingulum and the altered volumetric interrelationships between segments of the corpus calosum stem from the same altered neurodevelopmental trajectory. Although altered morphology of the cingulum does not imply dysconnectivity of the cingulum, the same cohort shows evidence of reduced axon density in the cingulum (evidenced by recuded FA and increased ICVF) of high-penetrance CNV carriers, suggesting that macroscopic morphology of white-matter is related to its microstructure, and therefore its functional connectivity. This may be due to abnmoral forces acting on the cingulum during development altering its morpology and axonal density. The implication of both Sz and DD suggesting that this effect is not specific to a particular domain of illness, but more likely reflective of general neurodevelopmental alterations common in carriers of neuropsychiatric CNVs [8].


This work was funded by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award and a Wellcome Trust New Investigator Award.


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Table 1. Demographics for CNV cohort and controls with penetrance scores PSz and PDD associated with each CNV.

Figure 1. (a) Scatter plots of cingulum shape descriptor in the left and right cingulum bundles againsnt PSz and PDD. Statistical results: Left: Sz: t=4.26, p=1.9×10-4, pcorr = 0.024; PDD: t=4.01, p=3.7×10-5, pcorr = 0.048. Right: PSz: t=-3.56, p=0.0013, pcorr =0.14; PDD: t=-5.63, p=3.96×10-6, pcorr =6.0×10-4. (b) Visualisation of the modes of variation associated with significant shape descriptior in the cingulum bundle. (c) Examples of cingulum bundles in subjects with high and low shape descriptor coefficients.

Figure 3. (a) Visualisation of the white-matter volumetric changes most represented in PC8 rendered on the JHU atlas. Colour code indicates the weighting of each WM volume within PC8 (b) The volumes of the three segments of the corpus calousm corresponding to the largest and smallest value of PC8. (c) Relative volumetric changes associated with high and low penetrance scores in the most reprsented white-matter volumes. Regions of the JHU atlas were inflated or erroded relatve to the size of ther volumetric weighting in PC8.

Figure 2. (a) Scatter plots of PC8 against PSz and PDD. Statistical results: PSz: t=-3.263, p=0.003 pcorr=0.047; PDD: t=-3.552, p=0.001, pcorr=0.025. (b) Weighting of the the 20 largest features in PC8. Red indicates positive weighting, blue indicates negative weighting.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)