Motor connectivity of the midbrain in healthy children defined using connectivity based parcellation
Sonja Soskic1, Hannah Cooper2, Alexandra Bonthrone3, and Chris A. Clark1

1Developmental Imaging and Biophysics Section, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2UCL Ear Institute, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychiatry Section, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom


Delineation of midbrain regions connected with the motor cortex may be useful in evaluating disruptions of motor pathways in paediatric patients. We used the established winner-takes-it-all method to parcellate the midbrain according to cortical connectivity in healthy children aged 6-12 years. The percentage of ipsilateral midbrain occupied by motor parcels was negatively associated with age on the right side only, producing an association between age and interhemispheric asymmetry. Our findings indicate that age and interhemispheric differences need to be taken into account if this method is to be utilised for quantitative comparisons of midbrain-motor connectivity in children.


The midbrain is a site of confluence of several pathways crucial for motor function that are not easily discernable on conventional MRI in children. Asymmetry measures of the anterior midbrain and brainstem are related to severity of motor impairment in children with congenital hemiplegia1, 2. In the more acute setting, diffusion weighted MRI signal changes in the cerebral peduncles are predictive of motor outcome in neonatal and paediatric stroke3-6. Defining midbrain regions that exhibit high connectivity with motor cortex could potentially enable more specific assessment of motor pathway disruption in relation to injury.

We aimed to investigate the feasibility of segmenting the whole midbrain in healthy children aged 6-12 years using the well-established winner-takes-it-all connectivity based parcellation7. Our second aim was to explore whether the size of resulting midbrain motor parcels was associated with age.


T1 MPRAGE (voxel size 1 × 1 × 1 mm3) and multi-shell diffusion (60 directions at b=1000 s/mm2, 60 directions at b=2200 s/mm2; voxel size 2 × 2 × 2 mm3, 0.2 mm slice gap) imaging data of 33 healthy children aged 6-12 years (17 male; 5 left handed; mean age = 9.0 years, SD = 1.7) acquired on the same 3T MRI Siemens Prisma system were analysed.

The midbrain and eight cortical masks per hemisphere were defined in T1-weighted images of each participant using Freesurfer8,9. Midbrain masks were manually edited and split into right and left halves. Cortical masks included prefrontal, motor, somatosensory, posterior parietal, temporal, occipital, cingulate and insula regions (Figure 1). The large motor area consisted of the precentral gyrus, paracentral lobule, Brodmann Area 6 (BA6) and caudal middle frontal cortex to encompass primary, pre- and supplementary motor cortices.

Diffusion datasets were distortion and motion corrected with FSL TOPUP and eddy10. Up to 3 fibres were fitted in each voxel with FSL BedpostX using the ­multi-shell model11. Probabilistic tractography was carried out in FSL ProbtrackX. 5000 samples were seeded from right and left midbrain, with eight ipsilateral cortical areas as targets and bilateral cortical ribbon and the corpus callosum as termination masks. All masks were supplied in native T1 space, together with a transform to diffusion space obtained using FSL FLIRT, resulting in ProbtrackX outputs being in native T1 space. Every midbrain voxel was subsequently labelled according to the ipsilateral cortical area receiving the highest proportion of samples from that voxel, thus parcellating the midbrain7.

Volumes of midbrain-motor area connectivity defined parcels (MA CDPs) were extracted, and the percentage of ipsilateral midbrain they occupy calculated (MA CDP%). An asymmetry index (AI) was calculated for each participant ((left MA CDP% / right MA CDP%) × 100). All MA CDPs were registered to a study specific T1 template to visually inspect inter-subject spatial consistency (Figure 2).


The midbrain was successfully parcellated in all participants. MA CDPs appear to consist of a lateral portion located in the cerebral peduncles, and a medial portion located in the tegmentum (Figure 1). The topography of CDPs in cerebral peduncles is consistent with similar parcellations in adults12,13. The tegmental portion of MA CDPs was present in all participants, although variable in size and shape. Group overlap maps show considerable inter-subject consistency (Figure 2).

Overall, MA CDP% values did not differ between the right (mean = 40.1%, SD = 7.72) and left (mean = 38.3%, SD = 7.93) hemispheres (t(32) = 1.48, p = 0.15). A significant negative correlation was found between age and right-sided MA CDP% (Pearson’s r = −.425, p = .014), while there was no linear association on the left side (Pearson’s r = −.066, p = .716). Consequently, age also correlated with the AI of MA CDP% (Pearson’s r = .381, p= .029).


Decreasing MA CDP% with age on the right side only may reflect interplay between different maturational rates of various white matter pathways, and their interhemispheric differences, that are detectable on diffusion imaging during childhood14. However, our study is limited by the relatively small sample size and cross sectional design. Validation is needed in a larger study population with longitudinal measures, which would allow assessment of more complex relationships with age and potential interactions with other factors.


Connectivity based winner-takes-it-all parcellation can be used to define midbrain segments with high connectivity to motor cortical areas in children aged 6-12 years. Our study indicates that any comparisons of resulting midbrain motor parcels should take into account age and interhemispheric differences, but a replication of our findings is required.


NIHR Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Centre

Action Medical Research

Child Health Research Appeal Trust

The Waterloo Foundation


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Figure 1 Example of connectivity-based parcellation of the midbrain: Eight target cortical areas of the right hemisphere are shown in the top left. Right and left midbrain parcellations are shown in axial cross section below the cortical masks, where voxels with the highest connectivity to ipsilateral motor cortical area are coloured blue.

Figure 2 Overlap of midbrain MA CDPs across the study population: Each participant’s MA CDPs were registered to a study-specific T1 template. The figure shows group maps in axial and coronal cross sections, where MA CDP voxels overlapping in at least 22 out of 33 participants are visible in blue.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)