A large-field-of-view 16-channel circular loop receive array with a volume transmit coil for the human forearm, wrist and hand imaging at 7 Tesla was constructed. While the volume transmit coil yields homogeneous transmit field distribution along the 350-mm in length , the 16-channel receiver array enables two times faster imaging with a similar MR image quality. In conclusion, the use of this large field-of-view RF coil configuration for a total MR protocol of 15 minutes is feasible, and it enables visualization of different anatomical structures on the human forearm and hand at 7 Tesla.
A 12-microstrips shielded (350-mm long, 200-mm diameter) TEM volume transmit coil with an inner diameter of 150 mm and a length of 350 mm was constructed (Fig.1). Each microstrip (350-mm long, 25mm-wide) was interspersed with two capacitors of 5.6 pF each, to reduce to a maximum of 116 mm conductor length, each. 3.9 pF and 4.7 pF capacitors connected each microstrip to the shield. TEM volume coil matched to 50Ω at 297 MHz was driven using quadrature hybrid. Four PIN diodes were added on the ports and two microstrips centered on two loop coil array rows. Safety parameters were simulated as in the experimental setup on the posable Duke model7 (Virtual Family) with FDTD simulations (Sim4Life, ZMT, Switzerland). The average SAR observed was 1.03 W/kg per 10g of tissue.
16-element circular loop receivers of diameter of 80 mm were distributed over a 3D-printed cylinder of diameter 135 mm and length 350 mm along the volume coil, in four rows of four elements each (Fig.2). Neighboring elements were overlapped to minimize coupling between them. The elements were actively decoupled during transmission and were passively decoupled along with fuses incorporated as a safety measure (Fig.2). The preamplifiers were placed in a separate housing. As the electrical length between the elements and the preamplifiers was high (λ7T,air/3), multiple cable traps were placed in the RF lines to reduce additional coupling between them. Scattering parameters were assessed with a network analyzer (Agilent E5071C, Santa Clara, CA) in the loaded condition with the bottle phantom. A cylindrical bottle water phantom (80-mm diameter, 300 mm in length) was scanned on a 7T head-only MRI scanner (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen) to determine B1+8, SNR and g-factor maps. G-factor maps were generated by acquiring 2D gradient-echo images (TR/TE=300/7.8ms, BW= 120 Hz/Px, flip angle=30 ̊, FOV=250x250mm2, matrix=256x256) in sagittal orientations. An additional full k-space scan was obtained with no RF excitation for determination of noise statistics. Accelerated data sets were generated by omitting phase-encoding lines using GRAPPA9 with effective acceleration factors of R= 1.8, 2.4 and 2.8 (using 32 reference lines). Finally g-factor maps10 were calculated pixelwise by g-factor=SNRfull/(SNRaccel*√R). Accelerated 3D-GRE images were acquired (TR/TE=60/3ms, BW=400 Hz/Px, flip angle=30 ̊, FOV=230x230mm2, matrix=128x128) with Reff ranging from 1.7 to 3.8.
The subjects were scanned in the prone position with the wrist extended in front of them (“superman” position). Proton density 3D turbo spin echo (TSE) images were acquired at 0.5x0.5x2.0 mm3, with TR/TE/TA = 3000ms/40ms/4min. 3D T1-weigted TSE were acquired at a resolution of 0.4x0.3x1.0 mm3, with TR/TE/TA=903ms/10ms/5min.
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