Mohammed Salman Shazeeb1,2, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer2, and Bashar Issa1
1UAE University, Al-Ain, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2Radiology, MGH & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Brain vasculature is conventionally
represented as straight cylinders when simulating BOLD contrast effects in
fMRI. In reality, the vasculature is more complicated with branching and
coiling especially in tumors. We applied a cylinder fork model to reflect the
bifurcation, rotations, and size of vessels and performed simulations to study
the effect of the rotation angle (ϕ) on R2 at different bifurcation angles,
vessel diameters, diffusion rates, and susceptibility values. This model
clearly showed an R2 dependence on ϕ, which could potentially be used, in
addition to R2*, as a tool to differentiate between normal and tumor vessels.
A cylinder fork model
(CFM) was proposed to reflect cortical vasculature in the brain to simulate blood oxygenation level
dependent (BOLD) contrast effects in functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI).1 Instead of infinite cylinders2 representing
human cortical vasculature,3,4 the CFM reflects
a more realistic model by incorporating bifurcations, rotations, and vessel
sizes, which can reflect tortuosity of vessels to help characterize normal and
tumorous tissue. Diffusion effects were also investigated using the CFM with
respect to the bifurcation angle (β–Fig. 1ab), where a clear dependence was
observed between the relaxation times (R2* and R2) and β.5 Another
study further improved the CFM by incorporating a rotation angle (ϕ–Fig. 1ad)
and explored diffusion effects of R2* vs. ϕ depicting behavior due to magnetic
field inhomogeneities.6 However, the extent of effect will also
depend upon the correlation time (τD) compared to the Larmor
frequency variation at the vessel perturber surface.7 Since the
state of water exchange differs between normal and tumor tissue,8 understanding
diffusion effects on vessel rotation could further help characterize BOLD
contrast effects. In this study, we investigate the effect of diffusion rate on
R2 vs. ϕ using the CFM at different β, vessel diameters, diffusion rates, and
susceptibility values within a range of physiological parameters.Methods
Carlo methods were used to quantify R2 for cylindrical fork perturbers at
different rotation and bifurcation angles (Fig. 1abd). The magnetic field B0 was oriented in three different directions (Fig. 1c).
The vasculature was modeled using a CFM composed of a straight trunk of half
cube length and the bifurcating segments. The cube of 64 µm sides incorporated
cylinder fork segments (Fig. 1e) with varying angles (ϕ=0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°,
75°, 90° and β=0°, 45°) that were arranged close to symmetry without any
overlapping vessels. The cylinder trunks were set in a parallel orientation for
all the orientations with multiple forks in the same cube. The angle θ (Fig.
1a) between the trunk and the magnetic field was 90°
for orientations 1 and 3 with the vessel lying in the xy-plane (Fig. 1c), while
θ=0° for orientation 2. This model was
converted into a cubic 128×128×128 matrix. Magnetic field perturbations were
calculated using a forward 3D Fourier transform of the susceptibility
distribution of the CFM.9 The simulations were performed with a
random walk of 40,000 protons using the same technique as described before using
the following parameters6: true vessel diameters of 2.8, 5.6 and 8.6
µm; diffusion rates (D) values of 1×10-9, 1×10-10 and
1×10-11 m2/s; susceptibility (χ) values of 3×10-8,
1×10-7, and 4×10-7 in cgs units. R2 was calculated by
linear least-square fitting of log signal intensity versus volume fraction. R2
per volume fraction unit was used to remove the dependence on vessel lengths
and emphasize the role of ϕ. Two-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was performed to check for significant effects of ϕ on
R2 at different D values.Results and Discussion
Unlike R2*,6 ϕ showed a significant effect on R2 in Orientations
2 (Fig. 3) and 3 (Fig. 4) at the lower diameters for all χ values while no
significant effects were observed in Orientation 1 (Fig. 2). Thus, when combined with the information from
the R2* experiments, the larger vessels could be distinguished from the lower
ones based on the rotation angle signature given by the R2* and R2 values. Diffusion
rates showed a significant effect on R2 for all orientations, diameters, and χ
values. An interesting point to note is
that at the smallest vessel size and the two lower χ values, the R2 values increased with the
diffusion rate and then decreased again (Figs. 2-4), while the R2* values for
the respective scenario just decreased with increasing diffusion rates.6
This behavior is indicative of a shift of R2 from the motional averaged regime
(MAR) towards the echo-limited regime (ELR),10 which is depicted in the
CFM correlation time (τD) plots (Fig. 5) where
R2* and R2 showed an increase with the vessel size (or τD)
within the MAR up to τD = 0.01 s. R2* reached a plateau only
for the two higher χ values while R2 showed a
decrease with vessel size after τD
= 0.01 s: this is indicative of the fact that R2 lies within the ELR.Conclusion
The angular dependence of R2 and R2* using the CFM can
potentially be exploited as a tool to differentiate between normal and tumor
vessels. The CFM can also serve as the elementary building block to simulate a
capillary network reflecting realistic topological features in the human cortex.11Acknowledgements
This work was funded by the Emirates National Research Fund
(Emirates NRF - 31S087), UAE University (UPAR 31S157 and 31S246), and NIH/NCI grant (U01 CA154601).References
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