To estimate the physical features of intra-voxel axon bundles in the detection of axon damage it is important to compute bundle-wise apparent diffusivities. There is a first family of methods that factors-out the effects of the orientation-dispersion under a convolution model (e.g. Spherical Mean), and a second family that associates the diffusivity properties with specific orientations (e.g. Gaussian-Mixture-Models). Here we demonstrate that only the second family provides bundle-wise apparent diffusivities, and thus it provides the useful information for clinical applications. This is demonstrated on a broad synthetic validation as well as on ad-hoc rat ex-vivo phantom with a damaged bundle.
The results for the synthetic Experiments 1 and 2 are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. Figure 1 shows that even with dispersion MRDS is stable, while SMT shows larger errors even for the cases without dispersion. Figure 2 shows MRDS correctly estimates the different diffusion properties for both cases, with and without dispersion, SMT was not able to differentiate them and showed larger error w.r.t. the bundle's apparent diffusivities. Figure 3 shows the results for the ex-vivo data, for MRDS the estimated diffusivities are plotted for both optic-nerves and both optic-chiasm-bundles, the results show that the parameters estimated by MRDS allow to differentiate between the normal and damaged bundles for the ischemic rats, while in the control rats there were not significant changes between the diffusivities of the fiber bundles. For SMT, the diffusivities were plotted for both optic-nerves and the optic-chiasm, the results show that SMT tends to estimate sticks (\lambda_{\bot}^{APP}≈0) and does not allow for the identification of the normal and damaged bundles, the limitation above can be appreciated in the FA maps of both methods on Figure 5.
Our experiments indicate that the local microstructure diffusivity profiles computed by SMT are not suitable to detect axon-bundle damages at heterogeneous voxels, i.e., the bundle-wise apparent diffusivity profiles that may be computed using Gaussian-Mixture-Modeling. As demonstrated by the ex-vivo experiments the SMT diffusivity profiles (nearly sticks) do not contain information about the microstructure differences per bundle, where such information is vital for clinical applications because SMT cannot associate diffusivity profiles to bundles (compartments7). On the other hand, this association, which permits the differentiation of healthy and damaged bundles, may be successfully performed by the MRDS technique.
LC was partially funded by PAPIIT/DGAPA (IG200117). ARM and JLM were partially supported by SNI-CONACYT, Mexico, (Grants 169338 and 6243). GRV and RCL were supported by scholarships from CONACYT, Mexico. C-LR, R-MA, MJL, LC, R-VG and N-IR were supported by the Laboratorio Nacional INB-UNAM-CIMAT project from CONACyT.
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Figure 2. Relative errors of the diffusivities obtained by MRDS and SMT for Experiment 2 (two fiber bundles, one normal and the other damaged). (a)-(c) Results for data without dispertion and different diffusivities per bundle, MRDS was able to estimate the apparent diffusivities with smaller errors than SMT, the quality decreases as the differences between bundles increases. (d)-(f) Results for data with same diffusivities and different dispersions per bundle, although its results were degraded because of the dispersion, MRDS was able to estimate correctly the bundle-wise apparent diffusivities, while SMT reported the same diffusivities in all cases without detecting the damage.