Using GPUs to accelerate computational diffusion MRI: From microstructure estimation to tractography and connectomes
Moises Hernandez-Fernandez1,2, Istvan Reguly3,4, Saad Jbabdi1, Mike Giles3, Stephen Smith1, and Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos1,5

1Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain (FMRIB), University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Section for Biomedical Image Analysis (SBIA), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary, 5Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom


The great potential of computational diffusion MRI (dMRI) relies on indirect inference of tissue microstructure and brain connections, as modelling and tractography frameworks map diffusion measurements to neuroanatomical features. This mapping however can be computationally expensive, particularly given the trend of increasing dataset sizes and/or the increased complexity in biophysical modelling. We present here a number of frameworks for accelerating dMRI computations using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), for both microstructure estimation and tractography/connectome generation. We show that despite differences in challenges for parallelising these problems, GPU-based designs can offer accelerations of more than two orders of magnitude.


The great potential of computational diffusion MRI (dMRI) relies on indirect inference of tissue microstructure and brain connections from the data. Biophysical modelling and white matter tractography frameworks map water diffusion measurements to neuroanatomical features. However, this mapping can be computationally expensive, particularly given the trend of increasing dataset sizes (for instance increased spatial, angular resolution and denser q-space sampling)1,2, the increased complexity in biophysical modelling3,4 and the large-scale imaging databases that aim to characterise variability even at the population level5,6. We have designed and developed a number of frameworks that use Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to accelerate computations in dMRI applications. GPUs are massive parallel processors, however they are not inherently suited for all types of problems. Here, we show that, despite differences in parallelisability challenges, GPU-based designs can offer accelerations of more than two orders of magnitude, within the different contexts of tissue microstructure estimation and tractography/connectome generation.


GPUs for biophysical modelling: Tissue microstructure estimation from dMRI is typically performed on a voxel-by-voxel basis, where a biophysical model is fitted7,8,9. Given the large number of voxels and the relatively low memory requirements of these independent tasks, such an application is well-suited for implementation on GPUs, which follow a SIMD (Single-Instruction over Multiple-Data streams) parallel architecture10. To take advantage of the inherent parallelisability of the problem and yet cover all possible dMRI models, we have developed a generic toolbox for designing and fitting nonlinear models using GPUs and CUDA11. The toolbox (cuDIMOT12) offers a friendly and flexible front-end for the user to implement new models (Figure-1a). The user only needs to specify a model (parameters, constraints and predicted signal) using a C language header and the translation to CUDA is then automatically performed. Various model-fitting approaches are available, including deterministic (Grid Search, nonlinear Levenberg-Marquardt optimisation), stochastic (Bayesian inference using MCMC, including a choice of likelihood functions and prior distributions) and cascaded fitting (output of a model fit is used to initialise a subsequent fitting). On top of the obvious parallelisation across voxels assigned to different threads, we found that a second level of parallelisation increases massively GPU occupancy and therefore performance. Similar to13, cuDIMOT parallelises the computation of the most expensive voxel-wise tasks, such as the evaluation of the likelihood in MCMC or the partial derivatives in Levenberg-Marquardt across different data points (Figure-1b).

GPUs for tractography and connectome generation: Contrary to voxel-wise model fitting, white-matter tractography, and particularly whole-brain connectome generation, are not inherently suited for GPU parallelisation. Very high memory requirements, uncoalesced (non-adjacent) memory accesses and thread-divergences (irregular behaviour of threads in terms of accessed memory locations and life duration) are some of the major factors that make a GPU parallel design of such an application challenging. Nevertheless, we have developed a framework that parallelises the propagation of multiple streamlines for probabilistic tractography (Figure-2a) and overcomes the aforementioned issues using an overlapping pipelined-design (Figure-2b). This runs on a GPU by executing simultaneously multiple OpenMP threads on a CPU. Our framework can inherently handle from simple white matter tracking tasks to dense connectome generation and supports extra tractography functionality, including the ability to handle both volumes (NIFTI) and surfaces (GIFTI14), and options that allow large flexibility in imposing anatomical constraints15.


As an example for the model fitting, we used cuDIMOT to implement the NODDI3,8 model, which characterises orientation dispersion and is computationally expensive to fit to dMRI. Compared to the original NODDI Matlab toolbox8, cuDIMOT offers considerable accelerations in computation time (more than two orders of magnitude), while returning effectively identical results (Figure-3). Compared with AMICO16, a fast framework that reformulates the non-linear model fitting as a linearised system, cuDIMOT is more accurate, avoids estimation biases and is faster. The GPU tractography framework, compared with CPU implementations, achieves accelerations of over two orders of magnitude reconstructing white matter tracts or estimating a “dense” connectome (single CPU-core vs. single GPU) (Figure-4a). It also produces effectively identical results (Figure-4b-4c, correlation coefficients > 0.999). Figure-4d shows an example of the extra functionality, with the improvements obtained when using GIFTI surfaces to impose anatomical constrains in tract propagation.


We have presented GPU-based frameworks for accelerating computational diffusion MRI applications, spanning from voxel-wise biophysical model fitting to whole-brain connectome generation. Despite the difference in the inherent parallelisability of these applications, GPUs can offer considerable benefits when challenges are carefully considered. Speed-ups of over two orders of magnitude change the perspective of what is computationally feasible. The GPU toolboxes will be publically released as part of FMRIB’s Software Library (FSL).


We gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of a Titan X Pascal GPU, which was partially used for the development of the presented toolboxes.


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a) cuDIMOT offers interfaces for model-specification and for model-fitting. It provides CUDA-kernels that implement several fitting routines and are combined with the model specification at compilation-time for generating a GPU-executable application. b) Parallel design. In a first-level of parallelisation the fitting process of each of the V-voxels is assigned to a group of 32-threads (CUDA-warp). In a second-level of parallelisation, threads of the same warp collaborate for within-voxel computations. For getting the maximum GPU-performance and using all its available resources, groups of B voxels are assigned to the same Thread-Block (group of warps), which are processed on the same streaming-multiprocessor.

a) GPU parallel design of probabilistic tractography framework. For each of the D seeds and each of the F streamlines per seed, we create two CUDA-threads, fw/bw (each thread propagates a streamline towards opposite directions from the seed), which are distributed amongst Thread-Blocks of K-threads. b) The routines that implement the different tractography functionality are split into different CUDA-kernels (streamline-propagation, anatomical-constraint-checks, visitation-counts, results-update), all following the design in (a). Pipelined kernels compose a CUDA-stream and many CUDA-streams are overlapped using OpenMP-CPU threads. Results may be stored in CPU-memory (due to limited GPU-memory) and are updated by GPU-CPU memory transfers.

a) Comparison of three different approaches for fitting the NODDI-Watson model to a Biobank dataset. The results from each tool are presented in different rows. The first 3 columns show maps of parameter estimates: CSF-fraction (Fiso), intra-cellular fraction (Fintra) and orientation dispersion index (OD). The 4th column shows the employed computational resources and execution times. The last 3 columns show the differences, in percentage, of the estimated values between the Matlab toolbox and the other approaches. b) Correlations between the results from the Matlab toolbox and AMICO/cuDIMOT in white & grey matter.

a) Execution times and speedup reconstructing major WM tracts and a dense connectome: CPU framework on a single CPU-core vs. parallel framework on a single-GPU. b) Comparison of connectivity maps (CPU vs. GPU) from a seed point in a dense connectome c) Run-rerun variability (due to the stochastic algorithmic nature) for generating a converged (91282 WM/GM boundary seeds, 10,000 samples/seed) dense connectome of CPU/GPU-based frameworks, across 10 runs. d) Using GIFTI-surfaces for imposing anatomical constraints in tractography.The right inferior frontal gyrus is used for defining seed/target points. Without surface constraints, wrong paths that jump between neighbouring gyri can be generated.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)