Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging employs a bi-exponential diffusion model to estimate capillary contributions to the diffusion-weighted signal. Major challenges of IVIM are long acquisition time, long processing time, and image distortion associated with EPI acquisition. In this work, we proposed a novel framework for rapid and distortion-free IVIM imaging called IVIM-Fingerprinting. It employs a single-shot acquisition scheme and an advanced image reconstruction scheme in combination with the recently proposed concept of MR Fingerprinting. Its performance was demonstrated both for simulation and for in-vivo studies.
K-space trajectory: Golden-angle Multi-BLADE acquisition with parallel imaging acceleration. A multi-BLADE turbo spin echo sequence was used, where multiple blades can be acquired within one shot.10 The sequence handled non-CPMG problem with phase insensitive preparation. However, instead of acquiring a full k-space with multiple shots, similar to our previous work,11-12 we reduced to single shot with two perpendicular blades and rotated the blades along the b-value with golden angle (111.25°) (Figure 1).13 Parallel imaging (GRAPPA) was used with mutual calibration,14 in which each blade serves as the calibration data for its perpendicular pair.
Fingerprinting image reconstruction: Subspace and locally low-rank constrain (subspace-LLR). The sparsity of the IVIM images was exploited in two ways: first, the temporal signal curves were transformed to a low-dimensional subspace using representation basis learned from a dictionary of signal evolution generated with physically plausible values of f, D* and D following equation 1; Second, a LLR regularization was used to further enforce local sparsity in the subspace domain as previously described.8 The reconstruction produced a series of DWIs, from which IVIM parameters were generated on a pixel-by-pixel basis by searching the maximally correlated entity in the dictionary as in the magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) method,9 as shown in Figure 2.
Si=S0 [fe-bD*+(1-f)e-bD] equation 1
Simulation with human brain data: We simulated realistic DWIs data using a digital phantom with known f, D and D*. Realistic coil sensitivity maps were used, and noise was added to each channel at an aggressive noise level of SNR=5. We retrospectively undersampled k-b (b-value) space with a two-BLADE trajectory as in Figure 1. For comparison, data was reconstructed using both subspace-LLR and compressed sensing with PCA constraint (CS) that does not compensate for signal decay.
In vivo acquisition: The single-shot multi-BLADE sequence was performed on a healthy volunteer on a 3.0T Siemens Prisma scanner with a 20-channel head and neck coil. Fifty b-values ranging from 0 to 800 s/mm2 were sampled, resulting a total of 50 shots. Each shot covered an undersampled k-space with two perpendicular blades with a blade size of 22×192 (echo train length=11 and GRAPPA R=2). Other parameters included 1.2×1.2mm2 in-plane resolution, TE=44ms, TR=4000ms, 24 slices with 4mm thickness, total acquisition time=3:20. For comparison, single-shot EPI was acquired at the same resolution with an acquisition time of 3:25.
Simulation results at SNR=5 were shown in Figure 3. The golden-angle two-BLADE trajectory produced incoherence aliasing in zero padded DWIs. CS removed some of the aliasing, but was not sufficient. On the other hand, subspace-LLR restored sharp contrast for both b-values, yielding similar quality to that of the fully sampled images. The “denoise” effect can be appreciated from the comparable image quality to the noise-free DWIs at higher b-value.
The in vivo experiments (Figure 4) demonstrated consistent results to the simulations (Figure 3). Subspace-LLR outperformed CS in removing aliasing and restoring image quality/resolution and diffusion contrast. SS-EPI with similar acquisition time showed severe geometric distortions, which were not seen in the single-shot multi-BLADE acquisition.
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