To know how much the intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) parameters deduced by a bi-exponential model are affected by neglecting non-Gaussian diffusion restriction effects, we performed Monte-Carlo simulations: fitting the bi-exponential model to simulated data containing the diffusion restriction effects. The results showed that non-Gaussian diffusion restriction effects may considerably affect estimation of IVIM parameters even when data acquired with low b-values (b≤1000 s/mm2) are used. This should be taken into account when interpreting the results of IVIM analyses based on the bi-exponential model.
Non-Gaussian diffusion restriction effects are not clearly visible when low b-values (b≤1000 s/mm2) are used in clinical MRI. Therefore, the restriction effects are usually neglected for intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging with b-values less than 1000 s/mm2 and a simple bi-exponential signal decay model is used1:S(b)=S(0){fe−bD∗+(1−f)e−bD},(Equation1) where S denotes the signal intensity; b, the b-value; f, the flowing blood (perfusion) fraction; D*, the pseudo-diffusion coefficient of vascular compartment; D, the apparent diffusion coefficient of non-vascular compartment. However, the accuracy of parameters (f, D, D*) estimated by fitting the bi-exponential model to IVIM data that contain non-Gaussian diffusion restriction effects has not been investigated systematically. The purpose of this study is to know how much the estimated parameters are affected by the non-Gaussian diffusion restriction effects.
We numerically simulated IVIM data containing non-Gaussian diffusion restriction effects. We adopted the diffusion kurtosis as an indicator of the restriction effects. Theoretical IVIM signals were generated using the diffusion kurtosis model2:S(b)=S(0){fe−bD∗+(1−f)e(−bD+Kb2D2/6)},(Equation2) where K denotes the diffusion kurtosis. The signal intensities were calculated for 10 b-values (b≤500-1000 s/mm2, Table 1) with ranges of parameters: K = 0-1.5, f = 0.03-0.1, D* = 6-20 µm2/ms, and D = 0.8-1.5 µm2/ms. S(b)'s were calculated 1024 times for each set of parameters with adding Rician noise randomly so that the signal-to-noise ratio was 100 for the signal at b = 0.
D was estimated by non-linear least squares using the simulated data of b≥400 s/mm2 where the first term in Equation 1 is assumed to be negligibly small. Then f and D* were calculated using the data of b≤80 s/mm2 and the estimated D above. f and D* were constrained as 0 < f < 0.5, and 3<D*<50 µm2/ms. We also calculated the apparent diffusion coefficient for a single-exponential decay model (ADC) asADC=log[S(0)/S(bmax)]/b,(Equation3) where bmax is the maximum b in the set of 10 b-values.
The estimated parameters were compared with ground-truth values using box and whisker plots.
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