Clustering of tractography datasets based on streamline point distribution
Alexis Sánchez1, Cecilia Hernández1, Cyril Poupon2, Jean-François Mangin2, and Pamela Guevara1

1Faculty of Engineering, University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile, 2Neurospin, I2BM, CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France


We propose a fiber clustering algorithm composed by several steps, with the objective of representing the whole dataset by a small set of cluster centroids. First, a clustering is performed separately for a subset of points within the streamlines. The obtained point clusters are then used to regroup the fibers having common point clusters. Next, fiber clusters are filtered out by size and finally regroup using a quick merge based on a maximum Euclidean distance. A reduced set of regular and thin clusters is finally obtained. In contrast to previous works, the proposed method is only based on streamline structure.


A big number of methods have been proposed for streamline clustering, along with anatomical information, for the extraction of known fiber bundles [1-4].

More "exploratory" approaches do not try to segment known bundles, but look for a subset of clusters that provide a good description of white matter (WM) structure [5-7]. This representation allows a dimension reduction of the data, to be used as input by other WM analyses. These works are oriented to process large and complex tractography datasets. In [6], several processing steps are applied to subsequently subdivide the fibers into groups, based on different criteria, like brain masks, voxel connectivity, fiber length and pointwise fiber distance. This algorithm leads to regular and thin clusters that represent the structure of the whole (WM) fiber dataset. However a big number of parameters and extra information are used. QuickBundles [7] performs a very fast streamline clustering, basing its speed on a direct assignment of a fiber to a cluster, without further reassignment. The clustering results of this method depend on the initial permutation of input fibers.

We propose a new method for the clustering of large tractography datasets based on fiber point distribution. The main goal is to develop a simple but efficient clustering to regroup fibers into small and regular clusters, representing the whole brain WM structure. A special interest is its use for the study of short association bundles [8], where fibers within a cluster need to be very similar.


We define a clustering process for tractography datasets to discover all disjoint clusters containing a significant number of similar streamlines. We assume a distance metric $$$d(a,b)$$$ to measure the similarity between streamlines $$$a$$$ and $$$b$$$, where streamlines can be stored in direct or reverse (flipped) order.

The clustering process consists of three phases (Fig.1):

I. Kmeans by point cluster in parallel. We apply Minibatch kmeans [9] over a subset of points on all streamlines. This allows us to group streamlines based on the cluster membership of their points. We apply kmeans in parallel for each point. To estimate the number of clusters in kmeans we use the elbow method [10] (Fig.2).

II. Merging point cluster labels. Since the membership of clusters in kmeans is given by the labels of each point cluster, we represent each streamline by the cluster labels of its points. We build a $$$dictionary$$$ where the $$$key$$$ is the cluster labels that represent each streamline, and the $$$value$$$ is the group of streamlines that share the same key in the dictionary. Fig. 1 shows an example using four streamlines, where after applying parallel Minibatched kmeans over five points in parallel, two Candidate Streamline Clusters are formed, by merging the membership kmeans point clusters. At the end of this phase, we discard groups containing one streamline.

III. Merging streamline cluster centers. This phase performs the merge of streamlines cluster centers by taking their middle point, creating as many groups as the number of clusters defined for the middle point in step I. Each group is formed by all streamline cluster centers that share the middle point cluster. Then, we compute the maximum distance for all streamlines in direct $$$d_{E}$$$ and flipped $$$d_{Eflip}$$$ order in each group, in order to determine de maximum Euclidean Distance between corresponding points $$$d_{ME}$$$ [2]:

$$d_{E}(a,b) = \parallel a_i-b_i\parallel = (\sum_{i=1}^K(a_i-b_i)^2)^{1/2}$$

$$d_{Eflip}(a,b) = d_{E}(a, b^F) = d_{E}(a^F, b)$$

$$d_{ME} = min(max(d_{E}(a, b)), max(d_{Eflip}(a,b)))$$

Finally, we merge all cluster centers with distance $$$d_{ME}(a,b) < d_{max}$$$.


We use a fiber dataset of the left hemisphere of a subject from ARCHI database [11], resampled with 21 equidistant points (258,382 fibers). Next, MiniBatch kmeans was applied to points: 1, 4, 11, 17 and 21, using 150 clusters for each point (step I) (Fig.2). Then, the fibers were grouped using point cluster labels (step II), leading to 41,764 streamline clusters. Clusters with only one fiber were discarded, obtaining 23,660 streamline clusters. Fig.5a shows the centroids of the obtained clusters. Finally, in step III, cluster centroids were merged using distance $$$d_{ME}$$$ and $$$d_{max}=10mm$$$, obtaining 16,497 clusters (Fig.5b). Fig. 4 shows some subsets of clusters obtained for steps II and III. The total execution time was 120s.

Discussion and conclusion

We propose a new method for the clustering of WM fiber tractography datasets. Results show an important reduction of the set representation, keeping stringent clusters. The choice of the distance in the final step is important, in particular for the analysis of short association bundles, were a good differentiation of bundles is needed. Future work will evaluate an improvement of this distance.


This work was supported by CONICYT Chile grants FONDECYT #1161427 and CONICYT-PIA-Anillo ACT1416.


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[2] P. Guevara, D. Duclap, C. Poupon, L. Marrakchi-Kacem, P. Fillard, D. Le Bihan, M. Leboyer, J. Houenou,, “Automatic fiber bundle segmentation in massive tractography datasets using a multi-subject bundle atlas,” Neuroimage, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1083–1099, 2012.

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[6] P. Guevara, C. Poupon, D. Rivière, Y. Cointepas, M. Descoteaux, B. Thirion, and J.-F. Mangin, “Robust clustering of massive tractography datasets,” Neuroimage, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1975–1993, 2011.

[7] E. Garyfallidis, M. Brett, M. Morgado, G. B. Williams, and I. Nimmo-Smith, “Quickbundles, a method for tractography simplification.,” Frontiers in neuroscience, vol. 6, pp. 175, 2012.

[8] M. Guevara, C. Román, J. Houenou, D. Duclap, C. Poupon, J.-F. Mangin, and P. Guevara, “Reproducibility of superficial white matter tracts using diffusion-weighted imaging tractography,” NeuroImage, vol. 147, pp. 703–725, 2017.

[9] D. Sculley, “Web-scale k-means clustering,” in Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web. ACM, 2010, pp. 1177–1178.

[10] C. M. Bishop, "Pattern recognition and machine learning", springer, 2006.[11] B. Schmitt, A. Lebois, D. Duclap, P. Guevara, F. Poupon, D. Rivière, Y. Cointepas, D. LeBihan, J-F. Mangin, and C. Poupon, “Connect/archi: an open database to infer atlases of the human brain connectivity,” in ESMRMB, 2012.


Fig. 1: Main steps in our clustering by point distribution. I. Kmeans by point in parallel: applies Minibatch kmeans in parallel on selected points of fibers. II. Merging by cluster labels: builds candidate streamline clusters of fibers sharing the same kmeans cluster labels obtained from kmeans. III. Merging cluster centers: merges cluster centers creating groups formed by all streamline cluster centers that share the middle point cluster. Streamlines within each group are then merged for cluster centers with distance $$$d_{ME}(a,b) < d_{max}$$$. Refined clusters are obtained as a result of this step.

Fig. 2: Elbow method [10] for estimating number of clusters for points 1, 11 and 21. To perform the elbow method, we executed kmeans with different number of clusters for extreme and middle points, and plot the $$$Inertia$$$ as the objective function. $$$Inertia$$$ is defined as the sum of squared distance for each point to its assigned cluster centroid: $$$ Inertia = \sum_i d(i,c)$$$, where $$$d(i,c)$$$ is the squared distance of each cluster point $$$i$$$ to the centroid $$$c$$$ of its assigned cluster.

Fig. 3: Point clusters resulting from MiniBatch kmeans for points 1 (a) and 17 (b), using 150 clusters for each point.

Fig. 4: (a-d) Subsets of clusters obtained after steps II and III. (a-b) Streamline Clusters resulting from merging point labels (step II). Selections of the 20 biggest clusters, for fibers with length superior or equal to 100mm(a) and inferior to 100mm (b) are shown. (c-d) Refined Streamline Clusters resulting from merging streamline cluster centers (step III). Selections of the 20 biggest clusters, for fibers with length superior or equal to 100mm(d) and inferior to 100mm (d) are shown. (f) Histogram of number of streamlines for the 20 biggest clusters after steps II and III.

Fig. 5: Centroids of streamline clusters resulting from merging point labels (step II) (a), and after merging cluster centroids (step III) (b). Only centroids for clusters with a minimum of 30 fibers are shown.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)