In order to detect and characterize metastases in preclinical studies, 3D T1 maps can be obtained with the MP2RAGE sequence. As high spatial resolution is required, the acquisition duration becomes prohibitive for the monitoring of metastases. Thus, acceleration via Compressed Sensing technique was achieved, necessitating a new undersampling scheme. T1 maps of the mouse whole brain were obtained in <1min. The T1 of brain metastases was not affected by CS acceleration. Then, ultra-high spatially resolved maps (130x125x141μm) were acquired without lengthening scan time, to detect early-growing metastases and accurately measure their volumes.
The encoding scheme of the standard Cartesian MP2RAGE sequence has been modified to include a variable density Poisson (VDPoisson) disk under-sampling distribution along the ky-kz axis. Briefly, instead of the standard MP2RAGE sequence, where each echo train is acquired with the same kz value during an MP2RAGETR, in the proposed implementation, the CS-MP2RAGE echo trains are spread in the ky-kz plan as shown in Figure 1. Consequently, one of the effects of the VDPoisson disk under-sampling is the accumulation of a broader range of effective Tinv at the centre of the ky axis independently of the acceleration factor (CS).
To evaluate the accuracy of the T1 measurements using the CS-MP2RAGE sequences, tubes containing increasing Gd-DTPA concentrations were used to generate T1 values from 792ms to 1979ms.
Five nu/nu mice were injected into the left ventricle of the beating heart with 100 μL suspension of 150 000 breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231Br cells). They were scanned at different time points on a 7T Bruker BioSpec system (Ettlingen, Germany).
The MP2RAGE parameters were: Ti1/Ti2/MP2RAGETR= 800ms/2200ms/6250ms; FOV= 25x20x18; flip angle= 7°. Two spatial resolutions were acquired: Low (noted LR thereafter) with matrix=128x128x64 and High (noted HR thereafter) with matrix=192x160x128. Consequently, seven sequences were acquired:
LR : TE/TR = 3.253/7ms; BW = 29761Hz; 6min52s
LR CS2 : TE/TR = 3.253/7ms; BW = 29761Hz; 3min25s
LR CS4 : TE/TR = 3.253/7ms; BW = 29761Hz; 1min42s
LR CS6 : TE/TR = 3.253/7ms; BW = 29761Hz; 51s
HR : TE/TR = 3.072/8.056ms; BW = 50000HZ; 16 min 42 s
HR + CS2 : TE/TR = 3.072/8.056ms; BW = 50000Hz; 8 min 07 s
HR + CS4 : TE/TR = 3.072/8.056ms; BW = 50000Hz; 4 min 16 s
The 3D T1 maps were reconstructed using the Matlab software (MathWorks, USA). The Compressed-Sensing encoding scheme was used to performed a l1-ESPIRIT reconstruction with l1 wavelet regularization and total variation. This ESPIRIT-based parallel imaging and Compressed Sensing reconstruction was performed using the Berkeley Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox3.
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[3] BART Toolbox for Computational Magnetic Resonance Imaging, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.592960