Recent approval by the FDA for treating essential tremors has created increased interest in targeting other critical regions within the brain. Relatively low frequency 220kHz tMRgFUS system has the potential to reach off-center targets compared to the 670kHz system used for essential tremor treatment. In this work, we assess the feasibility of the 220kHz reaching targets such as the central lateral thalamus (CL) due to its role in neuropathic pain and the more laterally located temporal lope for the role it plays in temporal lobe epilepsy. Results suggest that temporal lobe interventions are possible but may require a careful optimization.
The treatment location of essential tremor at VIM is shown in Fig. 1(a). The simulated acoustic focal zones in coronal view for 670kHz and 220kHz are shown in Fig. 1(b). The focal area of 220kHz is bigger and blunter compared to that of 670kHz. However, it should be noted that for the same temperature rise at the target, 670kHz creates more skull heating than 220kHz due to low absorption of 220kHz at the skull. Fig. 1(c) shows medial-lateral acoustic intensity distribution (left), inferior-posterior acoustic intensity distribution (right) for both frequencies. To obtain an appreciation for temperature rise, we simulated conditions where the sonication duration was maintained for 13s, Fig. 2 shows the simulated acoustic field and temperature field of 220kHz when targeting the VIM is shown in (Fig. 2a and b) with the temperature rise being shown in reference to the Morel atlas in Fig 2b. Simulated acoustic field and temperature field when targeting the CL is shown in Fig. 2(c) and (d). Given that the CL and VIM are not too far from each other it is not surprising that that temperature and thermal maps are similar for these two targets.
The simulated temperature while targeting the regions of the VIM and the temporal are present in Fig. 3. Fig 3(a) shows simulated temperature field at 13s while the focal target is at VIM. Fig. 3(b) shows simulated temperature field at 13s while the focal target is at temporal lobe with the same power. Fig. 3(c) shows simulated temperature field at 30s while the focal target is at temporal lobe in order to achieve similar maximum temperature rise as VIM. However this maximum temperature at the target generates a significant amount of heat at the skull surface. This suggests that if ablative temperatures are required near to the temporal lobe, then sufficient steps must be taken to dissipate the heat at the skull. The peak temperature simulation results from across different locations of the whole brain as shown in Fig. 4 reveals the possibility for various levels of interventions and is based on peak temperature on the skull over peak temperature on skull over peak temperature attainable at the target.
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