Signal hyper-intensities within brain regions have been attributed to the deposition of gadolinium following repeat administrations of MR contrast agents. These have been mainly investigated retrospectively, but acquisition parameters may have varied. We investigated the impact of altering imaging parameters when measuring phantom signal intensity ratios (SIR). By changing parameters from a baseline, it was established that the application of filters, number of coil receiver channels, and changes to TR and TE resulted in percentage signal fluctuations of similar magnitude to hyper-intensities. It is recommended that imaging parameters are standardised where possible when interpreting SIR data in longitudinal brain studies.
Phantom: A Eurospin gel ‘TO5’ phantom (Diagnostic Sonar Ltd, Livingston, UK - Fig 1.a) was centrally loaded with 4 gel-filled tubes of closely-matching intrinsic T1 values to the DN, P, GP and Th. The phantom was placed into the centre of an 18-channel head/neck phased array coil, and scanned on a 3.0T PrismaFIT machine (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). Signal T1 measurements of the gels were established using an inversion recovery sequence.
Scanning: For phantom SIR measurements, the baseline protocol was a T1-weighted 2D spin echo sequence (TR, 700ms; TE, 12ms; FA, 90°; slice thickness, 5mm; field-of-view (FoV) 250mm; bandwidth, 130Hz/pixel; no. of slices, 1; no. of averages, 1; 18-channel head/neck phased array coil; no image filters or partial Fourier techniques). The baseline protocol was systematically varied by one parameter at a time. Alterations included TR, TE, filters and number of RF receiver channels (table 1). Baseline images were acquired periodically throughout each experiment. This was repeated on ten occasions, and the protocol was then transferred and repeated three times on a 1.5T MRI scanner (GE Signa HDxt, GE Healthcare, Milwaukee (WI), USA).
Quantification: The SIR and percentage change from baseline were calculated, and changes of greater than ±2% were highlighted.
This study demonstrates that percentage changes similar to those previously quoted as brain hyper-intensities can be replicated in a phantom by changing common MR imaging parameters. The application of filters assists with signal intensity standardisation across the FoV, while coil element selection affects signal collection across the FoV. However, these can both affect the quantitative measurement of SIRs. These sequence parameters are difficult to identify from image meta-data describing longitudinal patient studies, and are rarely, if ever, quoted in published studies. A limitation of this study however, is that in practice these sequence parameters are often altered in a combination such that SIR changes cannot be attributable to one specific variable.
In conclusion, this work has demonstrated that commonly used MR imaging parameters can have a large effect on phantom SIR measurements. It is therefore recommended that for future brain MR studies involving GdCA’s the effects of different MR sequence parameters are carefully considered when drawing conclusions about the significance of signal hyper-intensities.
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