Martin Schwartz1,2, Günter Steidle1, Petros Martirosian1, Michael Erb3, Bin Yang2, Klaus Scheffler3,4, and Fritz Schick1
1Section on Experimental Radiology, University Hospital of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, 2Institute of Signal Processing and System Theory, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 3Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University Hospital of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, 4High-Field Magnetic Resonance Center, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany
assessment and analysis of spontaneous mechanical activities in musculature
(SMAM) visible in repetitive DWI is a relatively new technique for non-invasive
characterization of skeletal musculature. To correct for data corrupted by
intentional contractions, a surface electromyography-based contraction state
analysis was investigated to reject undesired DWI data. It is demonstrated that
the presented method enables a more reliable quantification of SMAMs and
improved spontaneous activity maps.
Spontaneous mechanical
activities in musculature (SMAM) visible in DWI have shown a strong correlation
to myoelectric signals acquired by simultaneous electromyography (sEMG).1,2
Besides spontaneous activities, other muscular contractions are also leading to
signal voids in DWI, which are not distinguishable from SMAMs. However, contraction
patterns are visible and well recognizable in sEMG (Figure 1). In order to
investigate significant correlation and differences regarding SMAMs between
healthy and non-healthy subjects and to enable cohort studies, reliable
assessment and quantification of SMAMs is required. Due to this,
non-spontaneous muscle contractions visible in DWI have to be excluded before
data analysis. Therefore, contraction patterns have to be identified in sEMG
data to reject DWI, which were affected by these non-spontaneous muscle
contractions. A retrospective method based on automatic sEMG classification and
DWI rejection to achieve reliable activity assessment is proposed.Methods
healthy volunteers (age: 41±17, BMI: 28.5±4.2) were examined on a 3 T MR
scanner (MAGNETOM Prismafit, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany)
with a 15-channel Tx/Rx-coil and concurrent recording of sEMG. DWI of the right
calf was conducted under three different muscular contraction states: resting, active
isometric contraction and active movement. Measurement parameters of DWI:
prototype stimulated-echo echo-planar imaging sequence (Siemens Healthcare
GmbH), matrix-size: 80 x 80, FOV: 192 x 192 mm², TE: 26 ms,
TR: 500 ms, GRAPPA: 2, BW: 2015 Hz/px;
slice-thickness: 6 mm, diffusion-sensitizing time Δ: 157 ms, b-value:
100 s/mm². sEMG measurements were concurrently recorded with a
MR-compatible system (BrainAmp ExG MR, Brain Products GmbH, Gilching, Germany)
at the DWI slice location with 5 kHz sampling rate and four channels. Each
muscular contraction state was recorded over 250 s (500 repetitions
in DWI). Data of four subjects, which were previously measured concurrently to
DWI, were additionally taken to provide sufficient amount of training data
regarding spontaneous events. sEMG
classification: Framework for retrospective muscle contraction
classification and data rejection is depicted in Figure 2 showing the sEMG
classification pipeline and connection to DWI. First, simultaneous sEMG
datasets were artifact-corrected and filtered.2-6 All sEMG signals
higher than 10 µV were split into patches and subsequently processed by a
two-class Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) to detect muscular contraction.
Afterwards, all patches containing sEMG activities were processed by a
four-class SVM for classification with features from multiple patch-sizes. Two
different groups of feature sets were employed on each patch-size step: 40
time-domain7-11 and 31 time-frequency-domain features7,12-13.
Time-domain features were also calculated from raw sEMG signal patches to
address the issue of MR residuals from MR gradients. Feature reduction was
performed by classical principal component analysis. Classification was based
on one-vs-one soft-margin multi-class SVM with radial-basis function utilizing
LIBSVM14. Four classes were investigated: active isometric contraction (1), active
movement (2), spontaneous activity (3) and MR residual artifact (4). 4680
signal patches (basic-size: 30 ms) (class: 1/2/3/4; 1825/1097/617/1141)
were manually labeled by a human observer. Hyperparameters of SVM (γ,C) were optimized via cross-validation. Evaluation: F1-measure of sEMG
classification was determined as a function of the number of principal components
by 7-fold CV (each subject was taken once as test data). To investigate the
impact of different contraction patterns onto spontaneous activity maps
(event count maps – ECM), three composed datasets (one for each volunteer) were
evaluated. Each dataset contained 500 DWI with following muscle contraction
states: 70 % resting, 20 % isometric contraction and 10 % active movement.
Thus, each dataset represents a clinical feasible acquisition. DWI were
processed by self-written code in MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA,
USA).15 DWI classified as "movement" or "isometric
contraction" were discarded from ECM calculation to compare activity
maps with and without rejection of contraction-corrupted images.Results & Discussion
In Figure 3, result of sEMG classification is shown.
F1-measure of 95.49 % was achieved with 27 principle components and four
hierarchical features patches (size: 30/60/120/240 ms). Thus a reliable
identification of contraction-corrupted DWI is ensured. Comparing ECM with and
without data rejection reveals clear differences (Figure 4). As shown in Figure
4/5, few images containing active movement lead to overestimation of
spontaneous activity. Number of DWI with signal voids were reduced from 75, 44
to 29 in average by rejection of contraction-corrupted DWI.Conclusion
classification of sEMG contraction patterns was shown. Moreover, reliable
assessment of overall spontaneous activity and improved activity maps were
investigated by sEMG-based signal classification and contraction pattern
analysis. Rejection of DWI with these muscle contractions, which are not from spontaneous
nature, is highly recommended before data analysis to yield trustworthy data in
healthy and non-healthy subjects.Acknowledgements
We thank Stemmer, A., Siemens Healthcare GmbH,
and Ramos-Murguialday, A., Institute for Medical Psychology
and Behavioural Neurobiology, University of Tübingen, for their valuable
technical support on this project.References
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