Chemical exchange spin-lock (CESL) is sensitive to fast exchange metabolites. CESL is performed across a range of resonance frequency offsets. At any frequency offset, either
Conventionally, the pulse clusters of CESL consist of a hard pulse to flip magnetization along the effective spin-lock field, followed by a constant amplitude spin-lock RF pulse, and then a hard pulse to flip magnetization back to longitudinal direction. The hard excitation pulse flips the magnetization to the following orientation with the presence of frequency offset (FO) △ω(r):θ(r)={arctan(ωsl(r)△ω(r)),△ω(r)≥0,parallelarctan(ωsl(r)△ω(r))−π,△ω(r)≥0,anti−parallelarctan(ωsl(r)△ω(r))+π,△ω(r)<0,parallelarctan(ωsl(r)△ω(r)),△ω(r)<0,anti−parallelwhere ωsl(r) is the frequency of spin-lock (FSL). Figure 1 illustrates the orientation of spins and the effective spin-lock field during the spin-lock for parallel and anti-parallel scenarios. It has been observed that the spin-lock direction can affect T1rho quantification in in vivo experiments.3 In this work, we used simulation and experimental studies to understand the effect of spin-lock direction on quantification of chemical exchange using CESL. Simulations were performed using cartilage parameters. The magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) asymmetry (MTRasym) was calculated and displayed after being enlarged 40 times. Imaging data were acquired from a Philips Achieva TX 3.0T system. Phantom scan was performed to compare the image quality and artifact level of images acquired using anti-parallel and parallel spin-lock alignment at -300 Hz frequency offset. A 32-channel cardiac coil was used as the receiver for phantom scan. In vivo knee data sets were acquired using an eight-channel T/R knee coil (Invivo Corp, Gainesville, USA). 2D Fast Spin Echo is used for imaging data acquisition. The acquisition parameters include: resolution 1mm x 1mm, slice thickness 5mm, TR/TE 2000/16ms, and spin-lock frequency 200Hz. CESL was performed at resonance offsets same as the simulation. For negative frequency offsets, parallel (P) and anti-parallel (A) spin-lock were performed, respectively. For positive frequency offsets, only parallel spin-lock was performed. The region of interest (ROI) was drawn on patella cartilage and muscle. For both simulation and in vivo data, an order of 12 polynomial fitting was used to fit the z-spectrum and the MTRasym corresponds to the chemical shift of –OH group of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) was calculated, and displayed after being enlarged 10 times.
1. Jin T, Autio J, Obata T, Kim S-G. Spin-locking versus chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI for investigating chemical exchange process between water and labile metabolite protons. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2010;65(5):1448-1460. doi:10.1002/mrm.22721.
2. Jin T, Kim S-G. Advantages of chemical exchange-sensitive spin-lock (CESL) over chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) for hydroxyl- and amine-water proton exchange studies. NMR in Biomedicine. 2014;27(11):1313-1324. doi:10.1002/nbm.3191.
3. Yee S, Gao J-H. Effects of spin-lock field direction on the quantitative measurement of spin-lattice relaxation time constant in the rotating frame (T1ρ) in a clinical MRI system. Medical Physics. 2014;41(12):122301. doi:10.1118/1.4900607.