Residual dipolar couplings have been suggested as the cause of the orientational dependence of relaxation times in anisotropic tissues, such as articular cartilage. We use molecular dynamics simulations to compute the residual dipolar couplings of water protons associated with a model collagen molecule. The results suggest that significant residual dipolar couplings appear without strong binding between the water and the collagen.
In this study we concentrate on dipole-dipole couplings between hydrogens due to
their large gyromagnetic ratio and abundancy as compared to any other
nuclei in collagenous tissues. The 1H-1H RDC "constant" (in frequency units) is the ensemble average
Here, r
is the length of the vector r connecting the
nuclei. θ is the angle between r
main magnetic field.
RDC, as in Eq.
1, are computed for water protons in
the first hydration layer of the collagen-like peptide (Figure 1). The first hydration layer is defined as the water molecules with any atom less than 3.5 Å from any peptide atom. The results are listed in Table 1. The main magnetic field is assumed to be parallel to
the long axis of the peptide. To take into account different orientations and/or anisotropy of the collagen, one should scale the results with P2(cosβ), where β is the angle between the peptide and and the main magnetic field. A 20 Å cutoff is used for the intermolecular couplings to mitigate inevitable finite size artefacts. We find that the intermolecular RDCs are much
stronger than the intramolecular couplings. In total, the water-protein RDCs partly cancel out the couplings between
protons in water molecules.
The intramolecular RDC are quite well described by our simple model, since only the immediate surroundings of the water molecule affect its rotational dynamics. The intermolecular RDCs simulated with an isolated peptide are not so readily transferable to tissue MRI because e.g. inside fibrils, the distance between adjacent collagen molecules is less than 10 Å. If we dilute our first hydration layer intramolecular coupling with bulk water coupling (zero) to mimic a 10-20 w-% concentration of collagen,9 we get in the range of 165-367 Hz. This agrees well with experimental estimates of RDC in articular cartilage.10
Anisotropic, decelerated motion of bound water has been suggested as the source of RDC in collagenous tissues.11 In our view, this seems unlikely, due to the smallness of the simulated intramolecular RDC as compared to the intermolecular contributions, and in light of short residence and correlation times of water molecules bound to the peptide.12 Furman et al. suggest anisotropically restricted diffusion as the source of RDC,13 but their model ignores the intermolecular dipolar couplings between water and collagen protons. In MR measurements of tissues, intermolecular couplings are affected by diffusional averaging. This could be modeled with simulations of water in a more restricted environment, such as inside a collagen fibril.14 Accumulated dipolar couplings can be significant over large distances,15 however, and pose a challenge to atomistic modeling.
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