In the presented study we've demonstrated that small changes in Glutamate concentration associated with performing simple motor task can be reliably detected with 3T system using functional 1H MR spectroscopy. Comparison between two differently timed paradigms for motor activation revealed a clear preference for longer-block designs. This suggests that motor activity-induced changes in Glutamate concentration are of minutes-long time-scale.
Functional task: 40 healthy volunteers participated in this study (17 male /23 female, mean age 30). Volunteers were asked to execute a rubber air-filled balloon (BIOPAC Clench Force Bulb transducer, BIOPAC Systems, CA, USA) squeezing task with right hand according to the displayed instructions (press\rest). We've compared 2 block-designed interleaved schemes, comprised of rapidly squeezing/releasing the ball and rest: a short-cycled design (20 subjects, 10 blocks of 64 sec. activation/32 sec rest, following 4.3 min initial rest period, total scan time 20 min), and a long-cycled design (20 subjects, 2 blocks of 5.3 min activation/5.3 min rest, following 4.3 min initial rest, total scan time 25.6 min). During the rest period, the subject was asked to keep the hand static in the same position.
MR Spectroscopy: All experiments were performed at Siemens 3T Tim Trio (Erlangen, Germany) scanner, using vendor provided 32-channel phased array receive-only head matrix coil for signal detection, and embedded body coil capable of peak B1+ of ~20mT for signal transmission. 1H MR Spectra were continuously acquired using the PR-STRESS6 sequence (TR/TE=2000/15ms, Volume of Interest (VOI)=2x2x1.5 cm3, 608 excitations in Short-cycled task and 768 in Long-cycled task, 2 kHz bandwidth, 2048 complex points) from a voxel placed in the left sensorimotor cortex (Fig. 1). We've employed PR-STRESS sequence for this task as it showed certain benefits as compared to other methods, most importantly lower min TE, while maintaining sufficient SNR to ensure accurate quantification 6. Unsuppressed water spectra were acquired prior to the beginning of the task to be used for phasing, eddy current correction and as reference for metabolites quantification. One noise scan with all RF pulses turned off was acquired for coil sensitivity calculation. Voxel placement was confirmed by short BOLD-fMRI motor acquisition (Fig. 1): subject was asked to pump the balloon for 30 sec followed by 30 sec rest for 5 cycles (5 min); data was acquired using multi-slice EPI sequence. Data processing: Average spectra were created by summing up the data of all volunteers after phasing, frequency drift correction and normalization with a moving window of 16 excitations. Metabolites were quantified with LCModel (Version 6.3-1L, Copyright: S.W.Provencher7) in institutional units (I.U.) relative to the unsuppressed water collected from the same VOI. BOLD activation maps were calculated from EPI data using General Linear Model in Matlab (R2017a, Mathworks, MA, USA). The distributions of metabolites’ concentrations during task and rest periods were compared using a two-sample t-test.
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