The architecture and function of the release version of a spectroscopic simulator NMRScopeB is described. It includes the jMRUI-related GUI and an open-source calculation server communicating with the kernel via sockets. While standard metabolite set simulations needed for quantitation by jMRUI or LCModel can be prepared in a few steps, more complex research task can be handled as well. The operation is described by control and data flow charts. After a period of beta-testing, the simulator is released as part of the recent jMRUI package.
The software is implemented as a plugin of jMRUI (Fig. 1), providing metabolite basis set directly applicable in quantitation by jMRUI’s QUEST 2 or AQSES 3, but also in other quantitation software (e.g. LCModel 4). The module expands jMRUI’s GUI (java) and employs an open-source NMRScopeB server (Python 2.7) executing the pulse-sequence specific operations for the definition of protocol GUI, pulse sequence parameter calculation based on protocol parameters, and quantum-mechanics based simulation. This server communicates via sockets and in principle may be run on a remote server. An auxiliary module (C++) serves the kernel’s need for extensive event list ordering, thanks to which overlapping RF and gradient modulations and arbitrary observations can be easily implemented. In the simplest scenario, the GUI gives the user a possibility to select metabolites for the basis, define the field strength and reference frequency, select a protocol, set its parameters, visually inspect the pulse sequence, run the simulation and save the results. The calculation lets the density operator evolve under the master equation
$$\frac{d}{dt}\hat{\sigma}=-i\left[\hat{H}(t),\hat{\sigma}(t)\right]-\hat{\hat{R}}\left(\hat{\sigma}(t)-\hat{\sigma}_{eq} \right)$$
discretized into a sequence of alternating steps
which besides Zeeman and spin-spin interactions (in the Hamiltonian) may involve relaxation (Redfield superoperator R). The resulting signals can be post-processed to include a prior knowledge of lineshapes and filter response. An advanced user may benefit from free construction of molecule definitions and from the support of defining arbitrarily arrayed parameters of the spin systems, the instrument, and the pulse sequence (Fig. 2). Besides the set of general-purpose shaped pulses, arbitrary shapes can be defined in text files and then applied. VERSE-remastering is supported. The excitation can be handled through a set of predefined protocols (incl. onepulse, (MEGA-)PRESS, (MEGA-)STEAM, SPECIAL, (MEGA-)(semi-)LASER), which can be used as patterns for own pulse sequence development. New sequences can be developed on a low-level basis and later equipped with the protocol envelope, or derived from existing protocols. Besides phase cycling, an efficient task-adjustable coherence-transfer-pathway selection mechanism is ensured by Fourier-based implementation of crushers. In case of multidimensional or dynamic simulations, e.g. for teaching purposes, export to Matlab and example visualization scripts are available. The data flows are mainly based on text data files in order to support transparency (Fig. 3). Windows and Linux versions are provided.
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