Acceptance of 1H-MRS for clinical use is hindered by variability in methodology across platforms. Cross-vendor standardization is thus desirable for large-scale studies to be conducted. Here, we standardize a semi-LASER scheme (TE=30 ms) with identical pulses, inter-pulse durations and acquisition protocol in phantom and healthy volunteers on Philips and Siemens 3 T systems. The implemented method resulted in high quality spectra with matched SNR, linewidth and spectral patterns in phantom and similar estimated metabolite concentrations in vivo: between-subject CVs for NAA were (2.6-11.0)% and (3.3-10.2)% for Philips and Siemens, respectively. This method highlights the potential for pooling data across multiple sites.
To standardize a semi-LASER MRS acquisition strategy across vendors and compare implementations in phantom and healthy volunteers.Introduction
Wide clinical acceptance of MRS is dependent on reliable acquisition across sites and vendors. A recent consensus effort established the need for standardized protocols,1 which would allow multi-site, cross-platform studies on large patient cohorts. Previous studies have indicated variability in measured metabolite concentrations 2,3 and sites and vendors vary in their implementation of MRS methods.4 Deelchand et al. have shown that a standardized acquisition within vendor resulted in good agreement (coefficients of variation, CVs = 6-12%).5 However, differences in hardware performance, sequence parameters and methodology pose a challenge for cross-vendor standardization. Localization with semi-LASER 6,7 provides robust MRS measurement, with reduced chemical shift displacement and insensitivity to B1 inhomogeneity,8 and matched adiabatic refocusing has previously been demonstrated across vendors.9 In this study, we implement the same semi-LASER schemes at 3 T on Siemens and Philips platforms, with identical sequence parameters and protocol, to assess the potential for reliable cross-vendor MRS acquisition.Methods
Standardization was carried out on Philips Achieva and Siemens Prisma 3 T MR systems equipped with 32-channel head coils. Identical implementations of semi-LASER were achieved (Fig. 1) with P10 excitation pulses (duration = 2.6 ms) and refocusing using GOIA-WURST pulses 10 (duration = 4.5ms, BW = 10 kHz, HS16), which have clean inversion profiles at a peak B1 of 15 μT.9 A short-TE scheme, with matched inter-pulse durations (TE = 30 ms; TE1/TE2/TE3 = 8/12/10 ms), was implemented on each vendor and water suppression was performed with VAPOR.11 Spectra were acquired on both vendors from a standard ‘Braino’ phantom (General Electric, Milwaukee, WI) with NT = 64, TR = 3 s, SW = 6 kHz and samples = 2048. First and second order shimming was performed using a system shim. Raw spectra were coil-combined and post-processed using similar analysis pipelines. Voxel placement was guided with template images. Spectra were obtained from 5 healthy age-matched volunteers on each system (Philips: age = 37±14, 2 F; Siemens: age = 34±12, 1 F) from pons (16x16x16 mm3), cerebellar white matter (CBWM) (17x17x17 mm3) and putamen (10x25x11 mm312) with NT = 64 and TR = 5 s. The ‘LCModel’ program 12 was used to fit the spectra using an identical basis set of 21 simulated metabolites including measured macromolecular spectrum. SNR was measured as ratio of tCho amplitude to RMS noise in unfiltered spectra and water suppression was determined by the ratio of residual to unsuppressed water. Metabolite differences were assessed using an unpaired two-tailed t-test with Bonferroni correction (significance threshold: α=0.05/21).The authors would like to acknowledge the following funding sources: P41 EB015894, P30 NS076408, and R01 NS080816.
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