Gilbert Hangel1,2, Bernhard Strasser3, Michal Povazan4,5, Eva Hečková1,2, Stephan Gruber1,2, Philipp Moser1,2, Lukas Hingerl1,2, Siegfried Trattnig1,2, and Wolfgang Bogner1,2
1High Feld MR Centre, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Christian Doppler Laboratory for Clinical Molecular MR Imaging, Vienna, Austria, 3Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 4Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 5F. M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States
Recently, ultra-high resolution (UHR-) MRSI of the
brain at 7 T was successfully demonstrated, allowing metabolic mapping at
near-anatomical resolution. With this work, we propose further optimised sequences,
one for shorter measurement times of under 5 min and one for even higher
in-plane resolutions down to 12 µL, which will allow a more flexible
application of UHR_MRSI, and show their possibilities and limitations. Furthermore, the effects of slice thickness for UHR-MRSI
were investigated with a second set of measurements.
The development of ultra-high resolution (UHR)-MRSI sequences
for ultra-high fields [1,2] made it possible to increase
the resolution for brain MRSI to 1.7×1.7 mm² in-plane for a 128×128 matrix.
Using parallel imaging [3,4], this is feasible at clinically applicable
measurement times. A matter of interest are the limits of performance of
UHR-MRSI. Therefore, we tested a protocol optimised for measurement time and another
protocol for a higher resolution of 1.3×1.3×7 mm³. Both make use of sequence
optimisations in order to achieve a TR of 150 ms. With such high in-plane
resolutions, the slice thickness is now the largest voxel dimension. This could
lead to through-plane partial volume effects that blur the boundaries of
smaller structures. Therefore, we further evaluated the effects of different
slice thicknesses for UHR-MRSI regarding spectral quality and anatomical
Three volunteers (two male, 27,26; one female, 26) were
measured with a Siemens 7 T Magnetom
scanner and a 32-channel head coil (Nova Medical). Written informed consent and
approval of the institutional review board were obtained.
MP2RAGE (4:39 min) and B1+-mapping
sequences were acquired. All MRSI scans shared FID acquisition (Fig. 1) with an
acquisition delay of 1.3 ms, FOV of 200×200 mm², 1024 readout points, CAIPIRINHA
[3] acceleration and elliptical encoding and integrated GRE prescans for MUSICAL
[5] coil combination. All MRSI sequences were placed transversally
above the ventricles.
The first session consisted of a reference, time-optimised,
and resolution-optimised scan, all with 7 mm slice thickness. The reference
scan with a 64×64 matrix and a voxel volume of 3.1×3.1×7 mm³, a TR of 200 ms, a
flip angle of 29°, 6000 Hz readout bandwidth, and 4×acceleration took 2.5 min. The
time-optimised scan with a 100×100 matrix and a voxel volume of 2×2×7 mm³, and
4×acceleration took 4.5 min. The resolution-optimised scan with a 160×160
matrix and a voxel volume of 1.3×1.3×7 mm³, and 2×acceleration took 25 min.
Both had a TR of 150 ms, a flip angle of 25°, and 9200 Hz readout bandwidth.
The second session consisted of four MRSI scans with voxel
sizes of 2×2×5/10/15/20 mm³. Further parameters were a 100×100 matrix, TR 200
ms, 6600 Hz receiver bandwidth, 29° flip angle and 4×acceleration resulting in 6:08 min per MRSI
Data processing used an in-house routine [6] with lipid
signal removal [7], and spatial Hamming filter. The spectra were fitted between
1.8-4.2 ppm using LCModel. The spectra were evaluated for SNR (pseudo-replica
method), FWHM and CRLBs for NAA. For the first session, the metabolite maps
were compared to the reference scan. For the second session, metabolic maps were
compared to T1-weighted images and between the different slice thicknesses as indicators
for local B0-homogeneity and partial volume effects.
While the reference
scan had an SNR of 14±4, both the time-optimised and resolution-optimised protocol had an SNR of 7±2. The
according CRLBs of NAA were 14±5 % for the reference, 20±6 % for the time-optimised
and 21±7 % for the resolution-optimised
protocols, with respective FWHMs of 19±5/23±5/23±4 Hz. Comparing the metabolite maps of all protocols in a
volunteer (Fig.2) shows that despite the lower SNR, the high resolution protocols
are able to display much more anatomical details, especially the tNAA-map of
the resolution-optimised protocol. The resolution-optimised maps (Fig 3.) show
more structural details, but are also more affected by low signal for
metabolites other than NAA. Individual spectra (Fig. 4) remain comparable
between the different protocols.
Regarding the slice thickness scans, the average NAA
SNR values were 7±2/12±3/16±4/20±6 for 5/10/15/20 mm and 1.33±0.40/1.18±0.30/1.07±0.29/0.98±0.29
per mm thickness. FWHMs were 19±4/17±4/18±5/18±5 Hz, showing no significant
differences. In the metabolite maps (Fig. 5), the 5 mm scan shows the closest
anatomical correspondence to the T1w-image. Discussion
Our results confirm that it is possible to enhance the
performance of UHR-MRSI with minimised TRs. The time-optimised protocol allows UHR-MRSI to be applied
to clinical questions like the measurement of MS lesions. The
resolution-optimised protocol, achieving the unprecedented resolution of
12 µL, can be applied to basic research of the brain. An alternative to these
techniques could be the use of modern interpolation strategies such as
patch-based superresolution [8] with lower-resolution MRSI sequences.
The slice thickness protocol showed a positive effect
on voxel homogeneity volume for the smallest thickness (highest relative SNR)
as well as the best correspondence to anatomical imaging. Therefore, smaller
slice thicknesses or approaches for 3D-coverage of the brain could lead to a
major improvement of 7 T brain MRSI applications compared to only increasing
in-plane resolutions.
study was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): KLI 646 and P 30701 as well
as the FFG Bridge Early Stage Grant #846505. References
[1] Hangel et al., NeuroImage
2016, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.10.043
[2] Nassirpour et al., NeuroImage
2016, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.12.065
[3] Hangel et al., NMR in
Biomed 2015; 28(11): 1413-25
[4] Strasser et al., MRM 2016; 78(2):429-440
[5] Strasser et
al.; NMR in Biomed 2013; 26(12): 1796-805
[6] Považan et al., Proc. Intl. Soc. MRM 23 (2015): 1973
[7] Bilgic et al., JMRI 2014; 40(1):181-191
[8] Jain et al., Front Neurosci 2017, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00013