Xia Zhao1, Hee Kwon Song1, and Felix W. Wehrli1
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States
In MRI-based bone mineral assessment, pixel
intensity of the bone is compared against that of the sample to estimate the 31P
density after correcting for their relaxation properties. Knowledge of bone 31P
relaxation times is therefore crucial. Using saturation-recovery spectroscopy
and ZTE-PETRA, T1, T2* and density of bone 31P
in healthy subjects (26 to 76 y/o) were measured yielding 36.8±1.4s, 196.9±10.1μs and 6.10±0.62 mol/L. Measured T1
and T2* errors are expected to be within 6% and 15%, resulting in an
error of quantified [31P] of ≤ 6.3%. The small inter-subject variations
may therefore obviate the need for individual T1 measurements.
mineral phosphorus has been shown to be quantifiable by solid-state 31P
MRI [1]. While proper quantification requires accurate knowledge of the
relaxation times, the T1 of bone 31P is particularly difficult
to measure since T2*/T1<<1 [1-4]. Therefore, assumed T1 values have previously
been used [5]. Here we measured T1 of bone 31P
in a cohort of healthy subjects with wide age range at 3 T, and the possible implications
of errors in T1 on 31P quantification. The accuracy of the
technique was analyzed by simulation and the measured T1 and T2*
were subsequently used to estimate bone mineral density from 31P zero
echo time (ZTE) images. Repeatability was also evaluated in three subjects.Methods
tibial mid-shafts of ten healthy subjects (26 to 76 y/o) were scanned
on a Siemens 3 T Trio system with a 1H/31P dual frequency
birdcage calf coil. T1
of bone 31P was measured with the saturation recovery (SR) sequence in
Figure 1. Since both the phosphate
metabolites in muscle and bone mineral phosphate contribute to the spectroscopic
signal, bone signal was isolated by creating two spectra: one directly from the
acquired FID (Total_Spec) and a second one from the same FID after deleting the
first 150 points (dominated by the fast-decaying bone signal; Metabolite_Spec).
After phase correction, subtraction of the two spectra yielded the bone 31P
spectrum (Figure
2), which was fitted to a Lorentzian. The integral of this resonance line was
fit to a mono-exponential model to extract T1. Errors in T1
estimation due to interference from metabolite signals was evaluated via
simulation using literature value of relaxation times [6], taking into account B1 inhomogeneity
of the coil measured with the Bloch-Siegert method [7]. 31P images were acquired with a custom-made
ZTE-PETRA sequence [8, 9] and [31P] was quantified relative to
a calibration sample [5]. Three subjects underwent three scans each for
test-retest repeatability evaluation. Results
Figure 3a plots percent error in quantified [31P]
as a function of the error in relaxation times. Effects of relative
contributions from metabolites to total signal on the relaxation times measured
are shown in Figure 3b. Spectra
generated from an in vivo dataset are
shown in Figures 4a-b. Figure 4c displays bone 31P SR
spectra after removal of the metabolite signals. The result of mono-exponential
fitting is given in Figure 4d. Table 1 summarizes the relaxation times
measured for all ten subjects as well as bone [31P] quantified from
ZTE images using the measured relaxation values. Repeatability experiments
yielded average coefficients of variation of 1.53% for T1, 2.64% for
T2* and 4.77% for [31P]. Neither the relaxation times nor
[31P] was found to be significantly correlated with age.Discussion and Conclusions
to Figure 3b, T1 is
progressively underestimated with increasing fraction of metabolite 31P
in the total signal (since metabolite T1s are shorter by about one
order of magnitude). T1 is underestimated by ~10% while T2*
is overestimated by ~24% when 15% of the total signal arises from the
metabolites, which would result in [31P] being underestimated by 9.7%
according to Figure 3a. However, using
typical muscle metabolite concentrations [10], bone [31P] measured ex vivo [1] and muscle volume measured from gradient echo
images, a rough estimate done on a few subjects indicated that over 90% of in vivo 31P total signal actually
originates from bone, limiting the measurement error for T1 and T2*
to within -6% and 15%, respectively. According to the simulation in Figure 3a, this magnitude of relaxation
time error translates into an error in estimated [31P] of less than 6.3%
if relaxation is the only error source, suggesting the reliability of the
proposed method for measuring bone 31P relaxation. However, the
variation in T1 across subjects observed in this study is very small
(36.8±1.4 s), which parallels the relatively small variation
in T1 (96.7±10.8
s measured at 7 T) for a group of 16 tibia specimens from donors aged 27 to 97
years at death [1], and no correlation with age was observed in
that study as well. In addition, mean [31P] quantified using
measured relaxation times in the present study (6.10±0.62 mol/L) is close to measurements
ex vivo (6.74±1.22 mol/L) [1], where the experiment was free from
interference of metabolites signal. In conclusion, the finding of the current
study might obviate the need to measure individual bone 31P T1
altogether, using instead estimated values, thereby shortening the scan protocol.Acknowledgements
NIH R01-AR50068References
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