A novel approach for fMRI of rodents actively performing optogenetic self-stimulation
Hanbing H Lu1, Christopher G Cover1, Andrew Kesner2, Elliot A Stein1, Satoshi Satoshi Ikemoto 2, and Yihong Yang1

1Neuroimaging Research Branch, National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Behavioral Neuroscience Research Branch, National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, Baltimore, MD, United States


Linking the dynamics of neural circuits to behavior is arguably a central theme in neuroscience. fMRI in rodent animals offers the opportunity to combine systems-level brain readout with modern in-vivo cell biology tools, such as DREADDS and optogenetics, to dissect circuit dynamics. Despite efforts to image awake rodents to avoid confounds from anesthesia, there has been no report on fMRI of rodent animals being actively engaged in a goal-directed behavior. We report a method that permits fMRI of brain dynamics while a mouse is actively self-administering optogenetic stimulation, opening the door to real-time imaging of animal behavior using MRI.


Linking the dynamics of neural circuits to behavior is arguably a central theme in neuroscience 1. Functional MRI in rodents offers the opportunity to combine systems-level brain readout with modern in-vivo cell biology tools, such as DREADDS 2 and optogenetics 3, to dissect circuit dynamics. Despite efforts to image awake rodents to avoid confounds from anesthesia 4-7, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no report on fMRI of rodent animals being actively engaged in a goal-directed behavior -- all tasks were administered by the experimenter. We now report a method that permits dynamic fMRI of brain dynamics while a mouse actively self-administers optogenetic stimulation to the medial prefrontal cortex, opening the door to real-time whole brain imaging of animal behavior using MRI.


Under isoflurane anesthesia, 14 C57BL/6J mice weighing 25-35g received microinjection of pAAV1-hSyn-hChR2(H143R)-EYFP viral construct into the infralimbic cortex. Another group of mice (n=7) received microinjection of viral construct pAAV-hSyn-EYFP to serve as control. An optic fiber (200 µm core ID) was chronically implanted. A head fixing post (4.5mm in diameter and 20mm in length) was implanted on mouse skull. After 1 week of surgical recovery, each mouse received a set of 3-phase trainings: Phase I: mice were trained to walk/rest on a custom-made, MRI-compatible treadmill using a restricted water access schedule. The treadmill had no external motor, and was directly moved by the animal. Animals learned to lick for sucrose spout while remaining head-fixed, which broke a customized red-light beam, triggering the reward (10% sucrose) delivery. Phase II: mice were trained to learn the association between a light cue and the availability of the reward, and to lick a spout for optogenetic stimulation during Cue ON, but not Cue OFF. Phase III, animals were trained to accommodate to the MRI noise inside a customized mock scanner. The entire training took 3-4 weeks. The MRI-compatible treadmill, Cue control, reward delivery, animal behavior (self-stimulation) monitoring, MR coil holder, mock scanner etc were all developed in the lab. MRI scans were performed on a Bruker 9.4T scanner using a volume coil (86mm ID) for RF transmit and a 2cm surface coil for MR signal reception. fMRI data were acquired using a single-shot gradient-recalled EPI sequence (FOV = 25x15 mm, matrix size = 96x58, TR = 1 s, TE = 15 ms, 15 slices with a slice thickness of 0.6 mm, number of repetitions = 640). Reverse k-space trajectory was implemented on the scanner to correct for geometric distortion in EPI images. Each scan session last for no more than 45 min. Images from individual animals were co-registered into a common space. fMRI data were analyzed using an event-related design in AFNI. Excessive motion artifacts were removed with 3dDespike. Deconvolution was applied with the dynamic reward-seeking data (lick-induced light beam-break) as the input function, and the 6 rigid-body motion parameters from 3dvolreg as the nuisance signal. BOLD response across animals were subject to t-test against 0 to derive the group activation maps.


Figures 1 and 2 illustrate experimental setup and training paradigm. Figure 3 shows raw BOLD responses in the infralimbic cortex and the nucleus accumbens from one scan session. Unlike in conventional fMRI the number of stimulus was pre-determined by the experimenter, the number of self-stimulations across individual Cue ON period was uneven. For example, during the 1st and the 10th Cue ON period, the mouse chose not to self-stimulate. No significantly activated voxels in control mice. Figure 4 shows group activation map corrected for multiple comparison. Activated areas are consistent with known reward pathways 8.


We demonstrate the feasibility of fMRI of brain dynamics while a mouse actively self-administered optogenetic stimulation. Conceptually our method has its root in positive reinforcement training, associative learning and decision making in the field of optical imaging and electrophysiology 9, 10. Problems unique to fMRI include limited bore clearance, noisy imaging environment, motion artifacts, and susceptibility induced image distortion and signal loss from implants. The thrust of this work lies in 1) a new awake MRI method; 2) more importantly a shift in imaging paradigm: animals were actively performing the task, instead of passively receiving a task, allowing for causative imaging of brain –behavior mechanisms in real time, rather than post training correlation of previous training/interventions. Our method can be readily applied to brain imaging (including PET) of many rodent disease models; it can also be applied to multimodal neurovascular coupling investigation (e.g. fMRI, optical imaging, electrophysiology etc).


This research was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, NIDA.


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Figure 1. A mouse trained to stay on an MRI-compatible treadmill, remain head-fixed while self-administering optogenetic stimulation. The treadmill had no external motor. A mouse could walk on the treadmill at its own pace, and pause at any time.

Figure 2. Mice were trained to learn the association between a red LED light ON (the Cue) and reward availability (optogenetic stimulation to the infralimbic cortex). Licking the spout (beam break) led to optogenetic stimulation only when the Cue light was ON, but not when the Cue light was OFF.

Figure 3. The infralimbic cortex was transfected with Channelrhodopsin viral vector. The mouse learned to self-administer optogenetic stimulation during Cue ON period (1 min ON, 1min OFF. laser pulse: 12 mW, 25 Hz, 4 pulses per pulse train, 5 ms pulse duration). Note during the 1st and the 10th Cue ON period, the mice chose not to self-stimulate. Also apparent was the uneven number of self-stimulation across individual Cue ON period. Raw BOLD time courses in the stimulation site (infralimbic cortex) and its projection target, nucleus accumbens (NAc), are shown.

Figure 4. Group activation map (p<0.01 after correction for multiple comparisons). Activated areas include: infralimbic cortex (PrL), infralimbic cortex (IL), cingulate cortex (Cg), lateral septal nuclei (LSI), nucleus accumbens core and shell, nucleus of the vertical limb of the diagonal band (VDB), bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST), septofimbrial nucleus (SFi), habenula (Hb), centromedial thalamus (CM), subthalamic nuclei(Sub). Numbers below images are coordinates relative to the bregma.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)