gSlider is an SNR-efficient acquisition technique for high-resolution diffusion imaging (dMRI). However, subject motion is inevitable during long scans in high-resolution dMRI, leading to potential for artifacts and blurring. In this study, Motion Corrected gSlider (MC-gSlider) is proposed to obtain high-quality dMRI in the presence of large in-plane and through-plane motion, without use of a navigator. A motion-aware reconstruction with spatially-adaptive regularization is developed to achieve good reconstruction, even under difficult through-plane motions. MC-gSlider was demonstrated in-vivo to provide motion-robust, sub-millimeter isotropic dMRI with a motion correction rate of 2s, allowing for good reconstruction in the presence of large motions.
gSlider-SMS: gSlider is a slab-encoding method, similar to Hardamard encoding, but with slice-phase dithering encoding bases designed to provide high SNR per slab-volume for self-navigated phase correction[1]. With 5×gSlider, five RF-encoding volumes are acquired sequentially and combined to resolve slab to slices. 5×gSlider can also be combined with SMS at 2×MB, to obtain an SNR-efficient 10 slices/shot imaging.
MC-gSlider: Framework of MC-gSlider is illustrated in Fig.1a.
Motion estimation: The gSlider slab-encoding creates contrast modulations that cause a direct time-series motion registration across slab-encoded volumes with different RF-encodings to fail. Therefore, motion parameters for each RF-encoded volume are estimated relative to a corresponding b=0s/mm2 volume of the same RF-encoding (Fig.1b). Nonetheless, sub-voxel subject movements along the slice-encoding direction could still induce contrast differences between diffusion-weighted volume and b0 volume of the same RF encoding, leading to registration errors. Therefore, the proposed estimation method iteratively updates motion parameters by registering the diffusion-weighted volume to a newly encoded b0 volume of the same RF-encoding, updated by current motion estimates. With slice-interleaved acquisition, such motion estimation can be performed every TR/2(~2s).
Motion-aware reconstruction: Motion estimates are incorporated into the following gSlider model for motion-aware reconstruction:
where y is the slab-encoded data after correction of background phase and eddy-current; x is the high-resolution volume to be reconstructed; T is the estimated motion transformation matrix[2]; A is the gSlider encoding matrix, D is the sampling matrix.
To address the ill-posed problem caused by through-plane motions, two repetitions of a full RF-encoded gSlider data are acquired consecutively (double-basis) for each diffusion direction to provide more encoding information in the presence of motion. To account for spatially-varying motion in the reconstruction and to avoid over-regularizing well-conditioned regions in the imaging volume, spatially-varied regularization is employed by using a 3D λ map created as shown in Fig.1c, for each motion-corrupted volume.
Experiments: Three experiments were performed to assess MC-gSlider:
i) Theoretical trade-offs of gSlider and MC-gSlider were evaluated in terms of SNR vs. image point-spread-function (PSF, i.e. effective resolution), where the effect of through-plane motion and estimation errors were also incorporated.
ii) Phantom simulations were performed using 860um gSlider data, with added in-plane and through-plane motion and noise to validate the proposed method.
iii) Motion-corrupted in-vivo gSlider: 860um data with 44-direction at b=1000s/mm2 were acquired on a subject who was instructed to move throughout the 33-minutes scan, where up to 4 mm/degrees motions were detected. All data were acquired on MGH-UCLA 3T Connectom scanner with custom-built 64-channel coil using 2×MB and 5×gSlider, with double-basis. Motion registration and eddy-current estimation were performed using FSL[3-6].
i) In the present of large through-plane motion, conventional gSlider cannot achieve good slice-resolution (low PSF error) at any level of SNR trade-off, while the proposed MC reconstruction combined with double-basis can achieve similar PSF-SNR trade-off as in standard acquisition without motion (Fig.2). In the presence of moderate estimation errors, the MC-gSlider still performs similarly to gSlider in no-motion case, and performs much better when motion is present (Fig.3).
ii) Motion estimation errors of the proposed approach decreases to half that of conventional registration method (0th-iteration) after 3 iterations, and the reconstructed images by MC-gSlider have much lower errors and artifacts (Fig.4).
iii) MC-gSlider significantly reduced motion-related blurring in diffusion images and recovered detailed structures around the cortex (Fig.5).
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