DIADEM (Distortion-free Imaging: A Double Encoding Method) is a hybrid, multi-shot approach using a spin-warp and echo-planar phase-encoding strategy. It is inspired by the point-spread-function mapping method to enable distortion-free high-resolution diffusion imaging, which has a great potential for clinical practice. However, its prolonged scan time poses an obstacle for its adoption. We demonstrate that DIADEM achieves high-resolution (1.4 mm3 isotropic or 0.86 mm2 in-plane), distortion-free, and whole-brain, diffusion tensor images under 9 minutes scan time with: i) sequence optimization and ii) the high-performance gradients (80 mT/m, 700 T/m/s) on a compact 3T MRI.
The standard application of reduced field of view (rFOV) is to reduce the number of phase-encoding steps in the spin-warp phase-encoding (SW-PE) dimension, which is also used to accelerate the DIADEM scan3. To obtain a distortion-free image without wraparound (i.e., aliasing) artifacts from the DIADEM data, however, the maximum rFOV factor is limited by the extent of distortion in the EPI-PE dimension1,2. Assuming a maximum off-resonance frequency Δf(s)max, the maximum available rFOV factor can be determined by the effective echo-spacing Δtesp in the EPI-PE dimension of the DIADEM data1:
rFOVmax=1/(∆tesp×|∆f(s)max|×2) (1)
In addition to parallel imaging in the EPI-PE dimension, gradient hardware performance can be exploited to improve DWI image quality. High gradient slew-rate is a key factor to shorten the echo-spacing4, which decreases the geometric distortion and enables further DIADEM acceleration with a higher rFOV factor. In addition, high gradient amplitude can reduce TE and increase signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The diffusion DIADEM sequence1 was implemented on the C3T2 (Fig. 1). The gradient coil has a 42 cm inner diameter, and employs an asymmetry design for the two transverse axes. Artifacts due to linear and spatially independent concomitant fields are eliminated by gradient pre-emphasis5 and frequency tracking6, respectively. To further minimize the scan time without sacrificing the correction fidelity of the motion-induced ghost artifacts, a four-fold reduction of the navigator data acquisition window covering the center of k-space was applied, as suggested in a previous study7. To explore the highest in-plane and isotropic resolution obtainable in under 10-minutes of acquisition time, phantom experiments were first performed to optimize the protocol. Under an IRB- approved protocol, two healthy volunteers were scanned using either an 8-channel (Invivo, Gainesville, FL) or a 32-channel coil (Nova Medical, Wilmington, MA) (Table 1). After off-line reconstruction and post-processing described previously1, these images were compared with anatomical images including T2-weighted fast-spin-echo (FSE) and fluid-attenuated-inversion-recovery (FLAIR).
1. In MH, Posnansky O, Speck O. High-resolution distortion-free diffusion imaging using hybrid spin-warp and echo-planar PSF-encoding approach. Neuroimage. 2017 Mar 1;148:20-30. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.01.008.
2. Lee S-K, Mathieu J-B, Graziani D, et al. Peripheral nerve stimulation characteristics of an asymmetric head-only gradient coil compatible with a high-channel-count receiver array. Magn Reson Med 2016;76:1939–1950. doi: 10.1002/mrm.26044.
3. Zaitsev M, Hennig J, Speck O. Point spread function mapping with parallel imaging techniques and high acceleration factors: fast, robust, and flexible method for echo-planar imaging distortion correction. Magn Reson Med. 2004 Nov;52(5):1156-66.
4. High slew-rate head-only gradient for improving distortion in echo planar imaging: Preliminary experience. Tan ET, Lee SK, Weavers PT, Graziani D, Piel JE, Shu Y, Huston J 3rd, Bernstein MA, Foo TK. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2016 Sep;44(3):653-64. doi: 10.1002/jmri.25210.
5. Tao S, Weavers PT, Trzasko JD, Shu Y, Huston J 3rd, Lee SK, Frigo LM, Bernstein MA. Gradient pre-emphasis to counteract first-order concomitant fields on asymmetric MRI gradient systems. Magn Reson Med. 2017 Jun;77(6):2250-2262. doi: 10.1002/mrm.26315.
6. Weavers PT, Tao S, Trzasko JD, Frigo LM, Shu Y, Frick MA, Lee SK, Foo TKF, Bernstein MA. B0 concomitant field compensation for MRI systems employing asymmetric transverse gradient coils. Magn Reson in Med 2017. doi:10.1002/mrm.26790
7. Skare S, Holdsworth S, Newbould RD, Bammer R. On the battle between Rician noise and phase-interferences in DWI. ISMRM 2009, p. 1409
Figure 1. A diffusion DIADEM sequence diagram with a navigator-echo (NE). The NE acquisition window was reduced four times compared to the signal acquisition window. Note that spin-warp phase-encoded and corresponding rewinder gradients (see Δks) are applied before and after the spin-warp phase-encoded signal acquisition.
Figure 2. Distortion-free diffusion (A) and conventional anatomical images (B) with a high in-plane resolution. A slice from non-DWI (A-a), isoDWI (A-b), color-coded FA map (A-c), and mean diffusivity map (A-d) are displayed. Note that isoDWI is obtained by summation of all 6 DWIs. The corresponding slices from the anatomical 2D-FSE (B-a) and FLAIR data (B-b) are shown for comparison. The intrinsic image resolution is 0.86×0.86×4 mm3 for both diffusion and anatomical data.
Table 1. Experimental imaging protocols. *Note that TENE is the echo time for navigator echo (NE) in the DIADEM acquisition. Two different total scan times measured before and after the reduction of the navigator echo acquisition window are shown in the last two rows.