Ultra-high-field (7T) instrumentation offers the possibility of acquiring FLAIR images at an improved resolution when challenges such as efficient B1 calibration and SAR reductions can be realized. Instead of acquiring a separate B1-map, we propose to predict B1-maps based on the implicit B1 inhomogeneity field present in an AutoAlign localizer using deep convolutional neural networks. We show that a 34% reduction in SAR can be achieved by adjusting the power of FLAIR's adiabatic inversion pulse on a slice-by-slice basis using the B1 information without degradation of image quality.
After approval by the local human ethics committee and written informed consent, 6 participants (2 males, 19-60 years of age) were scanned using a 7T whole-body research scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with a 32-channel head coil (Nova Medical, Wilmington, USA). The AutoAlign 3D localizer was acquired using a gradient echo sequence with the following parameters: TA=15.74s/TR=4ms/TE=1.53ms/α=16⁰/matrix=160x160x128/FOV=260x260x260mm3/GRAPPA=3. Individual B1-maps were acquired using the SA2RAGE sequence5 with the following parameters: TA=1min53s/TR=2.4s/TE=0.93ms/α=6⁰/TI1=108ms/TI2=1800ms/matrix=64x64x64/FOV=288x288x288mm3.
A CNN (MatConvNet, http://www.vlfeat.org/matconvnet/) implemented in Matlab 2016a (Mathworks) was trained on an NVIDIA Tesla K40c card. The network consisted of 3 convolutional layers followed by rectified linear unit layers and a final prediction layer. The network was trained on 1000 64x64 patches randomly extracted from the localizer and B1-map data, which were masked using BET6 to exclude non-brain tissue (Figure 1). 200 epochs were trained with a learning rate of 0.02, a batch size of 16 and 20 percent validation data in 2 hours.
The AutoAlign algorithm was used to plan and acquire standard whole-brain FLAIR images with the following image parameters: TA=3min18s, TR=9s, TE=100ms, TI=2.6s, α=150⁰, ETL=9, slices=40, thickness=3mm, matrix=320x256, FOV=223x179mm2, GRAPPA=3. The positioning information from the algorithm was used to re-slice the predicted and acquired B1-maps. A slice-by-slice scale factor, calculated from the lower bound of 95% confidence interval about the mean, ensured inversion across the whole slice. Subsequently, predicted scale factors were applied to FLAIR acquisitions. Percentage SAR and time delays from the spectrometer’s SAR look-ahead monitor was recorded for each scan.
To test the accuracy of the predicted B1 map, an AutoAlign 3D localizer data set was used to predict a B1-map and compare it to a measured SA2RAGE B1 map (Figure 2).
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