Diffusion fMRI (dfMRI) has been suggested as an alternative means for mapping activity more directly than its BOLD fMRI counterpart. However, it remains unclear whether dfMRI can deliver information not revealed by BOLD. Here, isotropic diffusion encoding dfMRI was used for mapping activity elicited by electrical forepaw stimulation. Data-driven analysis revealed that active voxels are localized within functionally distinct cortical units in dfMRI, while BOLD maps only evidenced widespread signals in the primary somatosensory cortex. Furthermore, dfMRI extracted the expected thalamocortical brain circuitry whereas BOLD fMRI did not, suggesting a potential role for dfMRI in direct detection of activity.
Animal preparation and setup: All experiments were preapproved by the local animal ethics committee operating under local and EU laws. Long Evan rats, 8-10 weeks old (n=5), were induced into deep anesthesia with 5% isoflurane and maintained under 2.5% isoflurane while two needles were inserted into the left forepaw’s digits 1-2 and 4-5 (Figure 1A). Animals were then switched to medetomidine sedation (bolus: 0.05mg/ml/kg, constant infusion: 0.1mg/ml/kg). The animal’s temperature, respiration rate and pCO2 were continuously monitored and remained constant during the imaging session.
Stimulation paradigm: Following 45 seconds of rest, electrical pulses were delivered to the forepaw with a square waveform comprising 1.5mA, 10Hz and 3ms stimulus duration, for 15 seconds followed by 45 seconds of rest (Figure 1B) for a total of 10 stimulation periods.
Functional Imaging: All experiments were performed using a 9.4T Bruker BioSpec scanner equipped with a gradient system producing up to 66 G/cm isotropically. An 86 mm quadrature resonator was used for transmittance, while a 4-element cryoprobe was used for reception. Four coronal slices of interest were placed between +1.68 and -4.36 mm from bregma. A spin-echo echo-planar imaging sequence (SE-EPI) (TR/TE=1500/40 ms, FOV=16.1 x 16.1 mm, matrix size of 70x70, partial Fourier 1.75, interpolation in read direction 1.1, slice thickness 1.5 mm, in-plane resolution 230µmx230µm), was used to impart BOLD contrast (Figure 1C); the same sequence, but now overlaid with isotropic diffusion encoding gradients5 was used for diffusion-weighted contrasts (Figure 1D) with b=1500 s/mm2 (Δ/δ = 19.5/14.2 ms, b tensor {zeta,theta,phi} = {54.73,0,0} deg, respectively.
Data analysis: Images were first spatially realigned using SPM in Matlab (The Mathworks, Nattick, USA). Then, regions of interest (ROIs) were drawn and their mean±standard error of the mean signals were extracted and drift-corrected. The average cycle was calculated by averaging all stimulation epochs from all animals. The spectral and coherence analyses were implemented as previously described7. All anatomical information was inferred from the Paxinos&Watson rat brain atlas8.
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