Recently, an alternative proton lung MRI Fourier Decomposition (FD) method for phase resolved functional lung imaging (PREFUL) was proposed. Using a sine model, respiratory and cardiac cycles with increased temporal resolution are obtained, enabling the assessment of dynamic parameters. Similar to flow-volume loops in spirometry, the regional ventilation can be quantified in terms of fractional ventilation (FV) loops. In this study the FV loops of six healthy volunteers and 16 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients are evaluated. As a metric the cross-correlation to a healthy reference is used. The results suggest potential benefits for early detection or treatment monitoring.
The study was approved by the institutional ethical review board and all subjects gave written informed consent. Six healthy volunteers (age 25-51, three females) and 16 patients with COPD (age 47-76, five females, median FEV1%pred 52%) underwent 1.5T MRI. For FD MRI three coronal slices were acquired in free breathing using a spoiled gradient sequence with TE 0.82 ms, TR 3 ms, FA 5°, matrix 128 x 128, field of view 50 x 50 cm, slice thickness 15 mm, 1500 bandwidth / pixel, GRAPPA with an acceleration factor of 2 and a temporal resolution of 220 ms. After a non-rigid registration7, the acquisitions were sorted according to their phase to create one respiration cycle St as previously described5. The static FV and FVt time series were calculated using the following equations8:
$$$FV_t=\frac{S_{Exp}-S_{t}}{S_{Exp}} \textrm{ ; } FV=\frac{S_{Exp}-S_{Insp}}{S_{Exp}}$$$
The FVt slope was calculated for each voxel in the lung parenchyma by symmetric difference quotient (1st derivative). Regions with high FV values (80-90% quantile) were used to define an averaged healthy reference FVt slope. The similarity of slopes to each other and the reference slope was assessed by cross-correlation (CC) analysis. For statistical analysis the mean parenchymal FV and reference slope CC were derived. Additionally, all patients underwent a lung function test including the measurement of the following predicted % parameters: forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1%pred), ratio of FEV1 to the forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC%pred) and forced expiratory flow from 25% to 75% of vital capacity (FEV25-75%pred). The parameter correlation was assessed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Differences between healthy volunteers and patients were tested with Mann-Whitney U-test.
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