Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) measures the viscoelastic mechanical properties of tissues, which vary extensively between normal and disease states. In this study, we hypothesized that the mechanical integrity of brain tissue is reduced in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Through MRE, we found the stiffness of the cerebrum in children with CP ages 5-12 is significantly lower than in typically developing (TD) children. This finding indicates that there is a difference in brain tissue health in children with CP that is quantifiable through stiffness measured with MRE.
Participants: Eight children with CP were recruited through the orthopedic surgery clinic at Nemours/A.I. duPont Hospital for Children, along with three typically-developing children as control participants (N=11 total; 5-12 years old). All CP subjects had a Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) disability score of 1, representing the lowest level of impairment in CP.
Imaging: MRI scans were completed using a Siemens 3T Prisma scanner and 20-channel head RF-receive coil. MRE data were collected using a single-shot EPI sequence with the following imaging parameters: FOV = 240x240 mm2; matrix = 96x96; 48 slices; TR/TE = 6720/69 ms; GRAPPA R = 3; final resolution = 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 mm3. A driver system (Resoundant, Inc.; Rochester, MN) delivered vibrations to the head at 50 Hz. Viscoelastic shear stiffness property maps were generated from MRE displacement images using nonlinear inversion (NLI)9. Figure 1 shows an overview of MRE analyses using a representative TD subject.
Analysis: We quantified the stiffness in the cerebrum for each subject. First, we registered an MNI standard image to MRE space using FLIRT in FSL10,11 followed by an atlas mask of the cerebrum from the WFU PickAtlas12. A one-way ANOVA was used to determine differences between the two groups.
We found that overall stiffness of the cerebrum is significantly lower in CP patients than in TD children representative of a decrease in brain tissue mechanical integrity in children with CP. All CP subjects had a GMFCS disability rating of 1, representing the lowest level of functional motor impairment from the disease. However, we still found a significant difference in shear stiffness between the CP group and the TD group. This preliminary analysis also used a global measure of cerebral stiffness that suggests brain tissue softness from CP is a diffuse phenomenon.
of the eight CP subjects exhibited PVL (Figure 2C), a type of brain damage in
which neuronal cell death occurs in the periventricular white matter and
results in enlarged lateral ventricles, often resulting in spasticity and
intellectual impairment13. Brain tissue softness was not specifically localized to
this region of damage in our participants, but may be in other subjects.
Further analysis will examine stiffness in regions of localized damage, as well
as in white matter and gray matter structures expected to differentially affect
motor and cognitive performance.
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