Turbo spin echo (TSE) imaging with variable flip angle (VFA) is commonly used for three-dimensional (3D) high resolution intracranial vessel wall imaging. However, different tissues may experience various blurring effects particularly for longer TSE factor. In this study, a deep convolutional neural network is trained to provide a solution for this special deblurring problem. Combined with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)-priority VFA design scheme, the developed technique can provide a better tradeoff across scan efficiency, point spread function and SNR for 3D TSE acquisitions. Preliminary results have demonstrated its improvement for sharper delineation of intracranial vessel wall and plaque boundaries at isotropic 0.5mm resolution.
Optimization for T1 weighted TSE sequence: To further improve the SNR, the echoes generated through the entire Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill echo train are acquired8 so that the echo time (TE) can be reduced to 5.4ms for isotropic 0.5mm resolution. The signal evolutions in the entire echo train are modulated by tuning the VFA design to achieve a desired PSF profile (e.g. Butterworth low-pass or all-pass filtering profile) for the vessel wall (T1/T2 = 844ms/39ms)9. The attenuation ratio of PSF gains between highest and lowest frequency component was 10, while the TSE factor of 40 was considered as a reasonable choice for scan efficiency (figure 1).
Deep CNN architecture for image super-resolution: A residual learning based deep CNN10, consisting of 20 convolutional layers with 64 channel of 3x3 filters in each layer (figure 2), is trained to synthesize the residuals or high frequency differences between different simulated low-pass filtered images and its original ones. The stochastic gradient descent with Nesterov momentum and the gradient clipping approach are used for training the parameters of this deep CNN. The training and testing of CNN were implemented with MatConvNet on a single GPU (NVIDIA, TITAN X).
MR experiments: All of the data acquisitions were performed on a Philips Ingenia 3.0T MR scanner with 32-channel head coil. An orange was scanned for 4 times with different VFA schemes by configuring various cutoff frequencies from 0.5 to 1.0 (1.0 means all-pass filtering). The trained deep CNN was applied to enhance the low-pass filtered images and the restored results were compared with the acquired all-pass filtered images. Two healthy volunteers were also recruited to evaluate the performance of the developed technique in comparison to one of the existing methods11 for intracranial VWI. In addition, one image dataset from a previously recruited patient with intracranial atherosclerosis was retrospectively enhanced with deep CNN to assess its performance for plaque delineation.
This study is supported by the grant from National Institutes of Health (5R01NS092207).
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